After breakfast, Xu Hao left. Su Jing yells to take Xu Hao's car on the grounds that there are still things at school. Although Huang Mei was dissatisfied, she didn't say anything.

On the way to school, Su Jing mentioned again that she wanted a food street. Looking pitifully at Xu Hao, Su Jing said, "Xu Hao, just tell my father to leave me a small shop. Can't I pay the rent?"

"Why do you want to shop? Open another flower shop?" turned to Su Jing and asked Xu Hao. Su Jing is now the busiest time for her studies. She is still thinking about doing business.

After spitting out her tongue at Xu Hao, Su Jing said, "it's a secret for the time being. Anyway, can you help me talk to my father? Please!"

"OK, you have spoken. Can I refuse?" Xu Hao said with a smile. I wonder what Su Jing wants from this shop?

Xu Hao had planned to send Su Jing to the gate of the school, but Su Jing said she didn't agree with anything. Xu Hao stopped at a distance from the school.

Seeing Su Jing getting off, Xu Hao asked with a smile, "just get off?"

"What else do you want?" Su Jing asked, blushing. The squinting smile on Xu Hao's face has explained everything.

"Close your eyes." although it's not the first time they kissed, Su Jing is still a little shy. Don't want Xu Hao to see her, just let Xu Hao close his eyes.

Xu Hao closed his eyes very cooperatively. When Su Jing came to kiss him, Xu Hao suddenly opened his eyes and hugged Su Jing. A restless hand is impatient to hold up Su Jing's little hip wrapped in jeans!

"You... You cheat!" seeing Xu Hao suddenly open her eyes, Su Jing was at a loss. If she wasn't afraid of hurting Xu Hao, Su Jing might have bitten Xu Hao's lips.

Hei hei smiled. Xu Hao moved the car seat back and wanted to sit on his lap with Su Jing in his arms. Su Jing was ashamed. She hit Xu Hao on the chest with her small fist and said, "you're dead. I know you're not kind!" although she was shy, Su Jing still sat on Xu Hao's thigh.

Holding Su Jing and kissing for a while, Xu Hao's hand restlessly stretched into Su Jing's T-shirt, pushed the troublesome lovely bra up, and grabbed the well-developed baby pigeon.

"No..." lying in Xu Hao's arms, Su Jing is also a little emotional, but she knows better that now they are in the car and can't do anything special!

Gently patted Su Jing's little hip. Xu Hao said, "well, I'll let you go this time. Go to school!"

"Hooligan!" Xu Hao gave a white look, and Su Jing slipped out at the fastest speed, with a blushing face full of shyness.

Seeing Su Jing walking away, Xu Haocai started the car and went towards the juice company.

As soon as she sat down in the office, Huang Xin hurried over, "I just wanted to call you, but you came first!"

"What's the matter? So anxious?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Huang Xin. Worried about the competition with Tianle drinks?

"Look at this." then he handed a document to Xu Hao and said, "the Administration for Industry and commerce just sent someone to send it this morning. It said that the competition between us and Tianle beverage constituted unfair competition. The Administration for Industry and Commerce came forward to interview us and the people on the other side of Tianle beverage Jiangcheng subsidiary!"

"What does the Administration for Industry and Commerce do?" Xu Hao was a little confused. The competition between Dongping company and Tianle beverage should be legal. When is it the turn of the Administration for Industry and commerce to make an appointment? However, since the Administration for Industry and Commerce has sent a document, Xu Hao and others must pay attention to it. Who makes others the competent department?

"Will you go with me then?" Xu Hao asked tentatively, looking at Huang Xin.

Nodding, Huang Xin said, "the other party asked our main managers to be present. I must go!"

The time set by the Administration for Industry and commerce was 2 p.m. after lunch, Xu Hao and Huang Xin took Liu Yuling to the Administration for Industry and Commerce for an interview.

In the conference room prepared by the Administration for Industry and commerce, Xu Hao met the relevant managers of Tianle beverage Jiangcheng subsidiary. In addition to Yang Zonglin and Fu Yuming, there was also a young woman of about twenty-five or six years old.

She was wearing a light green short sleeved shirt and high waist brown trousers. The tight clothes and trousers set off her Miaoman's figure very well. She sat casually on the chair in the conference room. Her upper body was close to the edge of the table. She was looking at some documents with her head down. Her round chest was gently squeezed by the table. It was as if she had been held up by the table. It was particularly attractive.

Seeing Xu Hao looking at them, Yang Zonglin smiled and nodded at Xu Hao, even if he had said hello. Fu Yuming obviously has no good feelings for Dongping company. All the troubles they encountered during this period were caused by Dongping company.

It was the young woman who stood up when she heard the news, smiled at Xu Hao, came over and said, "Hello, I'm Zhang Yalin. I've just joined Tianle beverage Jiangcheng company these two days. I've long wanted to see you. I didn't expect to meet you here today!"

"Hello, I'm Xu Hao." he took his eyes back from Zhang Yalin. Xu Hao stretched out his hand and said to Zhang Yalin.

After a while, Huang Danian, deputy director of the Administration for Industry and commerce, came in, "today I'll find the heads of your two families to talk about your recent market competition. We agree with market competition, but competition can't disturb the market order..."

Huang Danian said, looking at Xu Hao and them! Xu Hao and others could only nod their heads and wait for Huang Danian's further instructions.

After Huang Danian finished, Huang Xin first made a statement on behalf of Dongping company, saying that Dongping company is a normal business behavior and there is no unfair competition. Zhang Yalin, the representative of Tianle beverage, made a statement!

It seems that Huang Danian did not really want to punish Dongping company or Tianle beverage. After the enterprises on both sides made statements, Huang Danian emphasized the maintenance of normal market order, and then asked the heads of the two companies to go back.

Xu Hao and Huang Xin just packed up their things and were ready to leave, Zhang Yalin ran over, "president Xu and president Huang, take the liberty to disturb. Although our two families are competitive, I still hope our two families can enhance communication. I don't know if I can have the honor to visit your factory, or let us know where we lost!"

"Mr. Zhang is willing to visit a small company like us. Naturally, we are warmly welcome!" before Xu Hao could speak, Huang Xin said with a smile, and then turned and walked out of the conference room

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