On the way back to the company, Huang Xin asked Liu Yuling to drive, while she and Xu Hao sat in the back row, discussing the appointment with the Administration for Industry and commerce.

The whole thing revealed something unusual! The first was the interview with the Administration for Industry and commerce, which was very unexpected because there were no violations in their competition with Tianle drinks; Secondly, Huang Danian's attitude today is obviously to play 50 big boards. Moreover, according to Huang Danian, the Administration for Industry and Commerce has no idea of further punishment. It seems that this is the end of the matter!

"What do you mean by the Administration for Industry and Commerce?" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin asked. If the Administration for Industry and commerce wants to pull off the shelf and help Tianle drink recover its decline, the Administration for Industry and commerce should suppress Dongping company! However, in the interview just now, the Administration for Industry and commerce did not show this intention!

Shaking his head, Xu Hao said, "I don't understand what the Administration for Industry and Commerce means! However, this is not a good sign! Since the Administration for Industry and commerce is involved, we have to be careful not to be caught. At that time, the Administration for Industry and Commerce will give us a fine or a small thing. If we ban our sales, we will be miserable!"

Nodding, Huang Xin was also worried about this situation. Therefore, as soon as he returned to the company, Huang Xin convened a meeting of relevant management personnel of the company, especially the sales department, which is the top priority, and there must be no mistakes.


There is nothing going on in Jiangcheng for the time being. In addition, the production base in Chuncheng is about to be completed and can be put into production in a few days. Therefore, Xu Hao plans to go to Chuncheng!

Coming out of the airport, Xu Hao saw Bai Yan, Wei Ping and others who had been waiting for a long time. Not seen for many days, Bai Yan is haggard, and Xu Hao looks distressed. However, in front of so many people, Xu Hao was not too close to Bai Yan, but he was still concerned and asked about Bai Yan's recent situation.

"Let's go directly to the production base?" Bai Yan said after simply reporting the things in Chuncheng.

Although Xu Hao wants Bai Yan to go back and have a good rest, Xu Hao can't bear to refuse to see Bai Yan in high spirits. After all, this is Bai Yan's display of labor achievements in Chuncheng for more than a month!

The production base has been basically repaired, and the relevant production equipment is being debugged. It can be officially put into production in another week at most!

Bai Yan led Xu Hao around the factory and introduced some production bases.

"Well, your work is also very busy. Let's get busy with your business. I'll ask vice president Bai to show me around later." Xu Hao is not used to being accompanied by a group of people, so he asked everyone to be busy.

As soon as Wei Ping and them left, Xu Hao stood up and hugged Bai Yan in his arms. "Aunt Bai, it's been a hard time for you!"

"What's hard? My aunt is happy!" Bai Yan smiled, then pushed Xu Hao away and said, "this is the office. Don't fool around!"

"Aunt Bai, I miss you!" said Xu Hao, and he was going to hold Bai Yan again.

Bai Yan ran away with a smile and said, "OK, OK, stop fooling around! You're hungry. Let's go. My aunt will take you to dinner!"

Walking out of the factory with Bai Yan, they found a local restaurant in yaowan town. They talked while eating.

Although Bai Yan people have been in Chuncheng, they are no stranger to what happened in Jiangcheng! She communicates with Huang Xin more frequently, so she knows the things that the company competes with Tianle drinks!

"When Chuncheng is put into production, our production capacity can be expanded several times!" while eating, Xu Hao said: "at that time, we can continue to seize a large number of markets! Tianle drinks can't pose a threat to us!"

"Aunt knew that Xiaohao was the best!" Bai Yan said quickly.

After dinner, Xu Hao said he would go back to the hotel to rest and asked Bai Yan to accompany him back to rest.

"Aunt Bai, you look haggard. You must go back and have a good rest." looking at Bai Yan, Xu Hao said in a tone of great concern for Bai Yan's physical condition.

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Bai Yan couldn't help laughing and said, "if you cheat a little girl, you can't cheat your aunt. If you really go back to the hotel, can you let your aunt have a good rest?"

"Cough..." Xu Hao didn't expect that Bai Yan mercilessly exposed the idea in his heart. However, in this regard, Xu Hao's face is still very thick. He directly stretched out his hand to pull Bai Yan's little hand and urged her to go back to rest.

"Well, well, I'll take you back to the hotel to rest!" Bai Yan looked at Xu Hao helplessly and said.

Yaowan town's economy is not very developed. Naturally, there is no taxi. Xu Hao didn't want to use the cars of the factory. Everyone knew that he went back with Bai Yan, so they had to take a bus.

There are few buses from yaowan town to the urban area, and there are many people on each trip. After Xu Hao and Bai Yan got on the bus, they had no seats at all. They found a side position and stood close together.

The space in the car is limited. Xu Hao puts his hands around Bai Yan's waist, puts his head directly on Bai Yan's shoulder, sticks to Bai Yan's clean neck, and whispers to Bai Yan.

The heat from Xu Hao's words made Bai Yan feel a little itchy. The body turned slightly, and suddenly the fleshy buttocks slipped close to Xu Hao's trousers, which made Xu Hao's lower abdomen hot!

Wenxiang nephrite in his arms and holding Bai Yan, Xu Hao has some feelings that are difficult for himself! The hand that was originally placed next to Bai Yan's lower abdomen went down a little bit!

Worried about Xu Hao's damage in the car, Bai Yan quickly stretched out her hand, grabbed Xu Hao's hand, looked back at Xu Hao and warned Xu Hao not to mess around.

They wear less in summer, and now they are close together. Bai Yan wants to avoid, but the space in the car is limited, and she may go next to others, so she can only take advantage of Xu Hao!

The pretty face flushed and pinched the back of Xu Hao's hand. Bai Yan said, "in the car, can't you be honest?"

"Aunt Bai, how can you blame me?" Xu Hao was also very depressed. Holding Bai Yan in her arms, they are so close. In summer, both of them are wearing light trousers, only separated by two layers of cloth, Xu Hao can even feel the temperature from Bai Yan's plump buttocks! In this case, it would be strange if he didn't respond!

Bai Yan was embarrassed to ask Xu Hao to do so. She had to change the topic and ask about the situation in Jiangcheng.

Bai Yan changed the topic, and Xu Hao deliberately didn't think about these things. Instead, he asked the restless belly to stop. About half an hour later, the bus finally drove into the city. Xu Hao and Bai Yan couldn't wait to get off

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