After getting off the bus, Bai Yan said she would take a taxi back to their hotel, but Xu Hao thought it was too troublesome and took Bai Yan into a hotel not far away.

As soon as he entered the room, Xu Hao couldn't wait to hold Bai Yan. Just on the bus, the fire in Xu Hao's heart was completely stirred up by Bai Yan. Now he entered the hotel, how can he resist it!

Bai Yan didn't expect Xu Hao to be so anxious and shy. She turned her head and wanted to avoid Xu Hao's kiss. However, Xu Hao held her pretty face and told her there was nowhere to hide, so he had to cooperate with Xu Hao.

Holding Bai Yan's lips gently, Xu Hao wants to pursue Bai Yan's obsessed sweet tongue. Bai Yan seems to hide and seek with Xu Hao, which makes Xu Hao more anxious.

Holding Bai Yan, Xu Hao's hands were not idle, constantly exploring Bai Yan's delicate body. After a while, Bai Yan was confused and confused. She finally stopped dodging and let Xu Hao hold her lilac tongue

Xu Hao put one hand into Bai Yan's shirt and untied the button of Bai Yan's bra with the fastest speed, while the other hand went all the way down and climbed up Bai Yan's rich hip wrapped in thin trousers!

When Xu Hao's hand was ready to untie Bai Yan's belt, Bai Yan seemed to suddenly think of something. Suddenly, he dodged like a frightened rabbit and said, "I... I'll go to the bathroom!" then he hid directly into the bathroom.

Xu Hao doesn't know, so which song did Bai Yan sing?

Walking to the bathroom door, Xu Hao gently knocked on the bathroom door and said, "aunt Bai? What's the matter with you?"

After a while, Bai Yan came out of the bathroom with a red face. Some embarrassed looked at Xu Hao and whispered, "Xiao Hao, I'm sorry..."

Suddenly I heard Bai Yan say I'm sorry. Xu Hao didn't know why. He walked over, gently picked up Bai Yan's pretty face and asked, "aunt Bai, what's the matter?"

"I... I'm still there!" Bai Yan came to Xu Hao's ear and said weakly. Bai Yan had forgotten such a thing before, otherwise she wouldn't have promised to go back to the city with Xu Hao!

Hearing Bai Yan's words, Xu Hao could only smile helplessly and said, "aunt Bai, let's talk, OK?"

Meimu glanced at Xu Hao. Bai Yan asked, "really just talk?"

With an awkward smile, Xu Hao said, "what else can I do?" Xu Hao wanted to do something, but Bai Yan's body was inconvenient, and Xu Hao could only endure it!

She smiled and patted Xu Hao. Bai Yan said, "I'll take a bath first!" then she got into the bathroom again.

Bai Yan came out after taking a bath, but he was dressed neatly. In this way, at least don't worry about what impulse Xu Hao will have for a while.

Xu Hao also went to take a simple bath, and then came out wearing a bathrobe.

Holding Bai Yan, they were lying in bed talking.

Bai Yan shrank into Xu Hao's arms and asked Xu Hao to hold her better. After talking for a while, Xu Hao's hand dishonestly reached into Bai Yan's clothes.

Gently patted Xu Hao's hand. Bai Yan looked back at him and said, "what's your hand doing when you've agreed to talk?"

"If you cheat a child, you can believe it!" said Xu Hao. Instead of stopping the action in his hand, he intensified and pushed up the whole bra in Bai Yan's clothes

"Come on, we can't do anything today. It's still you who will suffer!" Bai Yan said with a trace of schadenfreude in her tone.

Hearing Bai Yan's words, Xu Hao pinched the two groups in front of Bai Yan's chest like a prank to give a warning. Bai Yan stretched out her hand discontentedly and pinched Xu Hao's waist.

After a while, Bai Yan felt a hard iron stick against her rich buttocks! Bai Yan is also a little emotional at the moment, but she can't do anything

After a while, Bai Yan seemed to have made a decision. Suddenly she turned around and the whole person was ready to get into the quilt.

Xu Hao was stunned and couldn't help asking, "aunt Bai, what are you doing?"

Meimu glared at Xu Hao. Bai Yan said, "what do you say? Don't you just want me to serve you like this?" then she was ready to get into bed again!

Xu Hao naturally knows the meaning of Bai Yan's sentence. Looking at Bai Yan's attractive little mouth, Xu Hao can't bear it, "aunt Bai, I don't want you to be wronged..."

"What's wrong with serving your man?" Bai Yan raised her head, looked at Xu Hao and said, "you are my aunt's first man and will be my aunt's only man in my life. My aunt is willing to do anything for you..." said, Bai Yan got into bed again


After washing again in the bathroom, Bai Yan came out. Seeing Xu Hao lying in bed with a satisfied face, Bai Yan's mouth showed a smile.

He gently hugged Bai Yan in his arms, and Xu Hao hugged Bai Yan and said love words. However, Bai Yan, who had just consumed a lot of physical strength, fell asleep while talking to Xu Hao.

Looking at the sleeping Bai Yan, Xu Hao kissed her gently on her forehead, and then hugged Bai Yan to sleep.

When they woke up again, it was dark outside. Bai Yan's mobile phone has several missed calls. These calls are from Wei Ping and them. On Xu Hao's mobile phone, in addition to several missed calls, there is also a short message of Jiangcheng number. There are only two short words in the heart of the SMS: Thank you. Although there was no signature, Xu Hao knew that the message was sent by Xu Ting. With a helpless smile, Xu Hao turned off his cell phone.

He gave Xu Hao a hard look. Bai Yan said, "it's all your fault. It's troublesome! Wei Ping, they know I disappeared with you. It's not enough..." when they saw the bad smile on Xu Hao's face, Bai Yan pinched Xu Hao hard.

"It doesn't matter. Just say we're talking about work and didn't hear the phone." Xu Hao doesn't worry about explaining to Wei Ping!

After staring at Xu Hao again, Bai Yan called Wei Ping back, simply asked what was going on, and said that she had done some private things with Xu Hao. She didn't hear the phone, so she fooled the matter.

Seeing Bai Yan lying, his pretty face was slightly red. Xu Hao couldn't help reaching out and gently touched Bai Yan's face. "Aunt Bai, can you stop blushing when you lie? If you say it face to face, it must be exposed!"

"You also said, if it weren't for you, would I need to lie?" Bai Yan looked at Xu Hao discontentedly and said. After all, she is not the material to be a thief. Even if she tells a few lies across the phone, she is red in the face and can be seen at a glance!

Holding Bai Yan, Xu Hao said with some laughter, "aunt Bai, you probably can't be a thief in your life. You're destined to be remembered by thieves!"

"That doesn't make you a thief!" pinched Xu Hao, and Bai Yan urged Xu Hao to come quickly. "I have to go back to the hotel and have dinner with Wei Ping in a while! As a boss, you can't comfort our employees!"

"I have to comfort aunt Bai first!" Xu Hao said, trying to put Bai Yan down again. Bai Yan was startled. She didn't care if she was not well dressed, so she jumped out of bed

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