Lit a cigarette, he Dahai also opened the conversation.

"You said, I know the people in our village have no culture, but can't even be a security guard without culture?" looking at Xu Hao, he Dahai said angrily: "At that time, I asked their manager to recruit some people from our village, so that big guys don't need to work outside. Guess what they said? We farmers still want to work in their high-level club. It's just a toad wanting to eat swan meat! You say, if it's you, are you angry?"

When he Dahai said this, Xu Hao also understood the whole story! I'm afraid those in charge didn't report such a small matter to Tang Jing! Now, he Dahai is angry with Tang Jing. Tang Jing is also very wronged!

"Uncle he, it's the fault of president Tang! However, Tang Jing certainly didn't say this. I guess she probably didn't know it! It must have been done by the following people from Tang Jing!" Xu Hao quickly comforted he Dahai and said: "Later, I told Tang Jing to recruit more people from the village! Since the resort is opened on the territory of our Longwan village, we have to use the people of our Longwan village!"

"Can this work?" he Dahai felt guilty after hearing Xu Hao's words. Naturally, he hoped that the resort could recruit as many people as possible, but he also knew the level of the people in the village! He had prejudices about the resort before, and was just angry at those words!

"Why not?" looking at he Dahai, Xu Hao said, "if Tang Jing doesn't agree later, you'll criticize her!"

"How dare you? I'm a big boss. Even if the resort doesn't recruit people from the village, it can bring great development to the village. I was angry before... Now I want to understand. We have to support the resort!" he Dahai thinks wholeheartedly about the development of the village and naturally knows the benefits of building the resort in the village to Longwan village!

The reason why I opposed it before was that I was angry with the stewards of the resort. Secondly, there was no further communication between the two sides. Naturally, there was no turn for the better!

Xu Hao is relieved to hear that he Dahai has figured it out. If he Dahai doesn't let go, he, a lobbyist, really can't finish the task!

Xu Hao was amused to see that Tang Jing was discussing dumpling making with aunt he when he Dahai entered the house. I'm afraid Tang Jing has never made dumplings by herself!

Seeing Xu Hao and he Dahai coming in, Tang Jing hurried over and politely said to he Dahai, "village head he, about..."

Before Tang Jing finished speaking, he Dahai hurriedly said, "Mr. Tang, I'm sorry... I was wrong before. I'll talk to you about the overall relocation of the village and ensure that the village will be cleaned up before you start business!"

Tang Jing didn't expect that after Xu Hao talked with he Dahai for such a while, he Dahai's attitude took a 180 degree turn. She looked at Xu Hao suspiciously and he Dahai again. Tang Jing asked, "I don't know what conditions you have here, village head he. Just mention it. As long as I can meet, I promise!"

"We don't have any conditions. We just hope that the resort can recruit more people in the village! You know, our rural people have low culture and have no other way to work..." he Dahai said with some embarrassment when he looked at Tang Jing.

Listening to he Dahai's request is just to let her recruit people, and Tang Jing is a little confused. After the resort is repaired, it must recruit people from the local place! Ordinary staff such as security guards and cleaners can be recruited from the local place, which can save the most cost!

"Of course there's no problem with this. Do you have any other requirements?" Tang Jing asked, looking at he Dahai.

After looking at Tang Jing and Xu Hao, he Dahai tentatively asked, "well... It involves the villagers to be relocated. If only we could give some compensation! Although the houses in the village are worthless, they are built with great efforts..."

Tang Jing was even more surprised to hear what he Dahai said. They never said no compensation. Now, Tang Jing couldn't help but doubt that the staff below didn't do a good job. Do they still have a reason to refuse such two simple requests?

Looking at he Dahai, Tang Jing hurriedly said, "village head he, there is no need to say about compensation! In addition to due compensation, we will also build houses of the same area in the village, which will never let the villagers suffer losses!"

"Ah? Repair the house?" he Dahai looked at him in disbelief and asked numbly.

"Old man, you said Miss Tang had a black heart before. Now you know it's a misunderstanding?" aunt he couldn't help teasing he Dahai when she heard what Tang Jing just said.

He Dahai was a little embarrassed. When he thought of the flowers he said about Tang Jing, he felt a little bad!

All the words were said and the conditions were settled. Tang Jing will arrange special staff to talk to he Dahai about the next specific things!

After the work was done, Tang Jing wanted to leave with Xu Hao, but aunt he didn't agree with anything. She had to leave them to eat dumplings at home! She couldn't bear to refuse aunt he's kindness. Xu Hao looked at Tang Jing and agreed.

After eating dumplings, it was getting late. Xu Hao and Tang Jing had to go back to Jiangcheng, so they said goodbye!

On the way out of the village, Tang Jing looked at Xu Hao and finally couldn't help asking, "Xu Hao, i... am I really heavy?" Tang Jing was still brooding about Xu Hao's sentence "I didn't expect you to be so heavy"!

"Pooh!" Xu Hao couldn't help laughing. He looked up and down at Tang Jing and said, "just like you, you can blow away in a gust of wind. Why is it heavy? I was joking with you before. How can you take it seriously!"

"You... Are so angry with me!" Tang Jing looked at Xu Hao angrily and said angrily, "it's all your fault! I didn't dare to eat more delicious dumplings just now. I'm afraid I'll get fat. You'll compensate me for the dumplings!" then Tang Jing stretched out her hand and pinched Xu Hao.

Xu Hao didn't expect that Tang Jing, who has always been dignified, would do such a crazy thing. He was startled and quickly said, "it's almost out of the village. It doesn't seem appropriate to go back and ask aunt he to cook dumplings for you! Otherwise... Or go back to Jiangcheng, and I'll invite you to eat dumplings!" Xu Hao couldn't help thinking of the dumplings cooked by Aunt Yang.

"I don't!" Tang Jing suddenly became unreasonable, looked at Xu Hao and said, "if you carry me to the foot of the mountain, I'll forgive you!"

After looking at Tang Jing and the distance, Xu Hao said, "OK, come up!" and Xu Hao squatted and asked Tang Jing to lie down

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