Although Tang Jing is tall, her skeleton is thin, and she is thin, so she is not heavy. Xu Hao carried Tang Jing on his back and couldn't even feel much weight.

Tang Jing lies on Xu Hao's back. Xu Hao copies his hands behind his back and holds up Tang Jing's ass. I saw Tang Jing's buttocks stretched out in the office before. Xu Hao wants to feel it with his own hands now!

Tang Jing was naturally unaware of Xu Hao's sinister intentions. Lie on Xu Hao's back and worry that Xu Hao can't move her!

Feeling the amazing elasticity of Tang Jing's hips, Xu Hao couldn't help feeling Tang Jing's good figure. Where there should be meat, it is absolutely full of meat. Where there should not be meat, there will never be more fat!

It's summer now. Tang Jing wears a silk shirt on her upper body. When Tang Jing lies on Xu Hao's back, the thickness of the silk shirt is almost negligible! Through the thin cloth, Xu Hao can feel the soft touch and amazing elasticity on his back. The only thing that makes Xu Hao dissatisfied is Tang Jing's bra, which seems to be in the way at the moment.

Tang Jing was shy about their close physical contact. Just now she was just joking. She didn't think so much, so she said to let Xu Hao carry her! Now the whole person is lying on Xu Hao's back. Tang Jing regrets that Xu Hao took advantage of it in vain!

Tang Jing felt the heat emitted by Xu Hao's hand holding his hip. Tang Jing was even more embarrassed!

"Or forget it. I'll go by myself. I don't have a few steps anyway!" Tang Jing said and was about to come down! Tang Jing's delicate body was attractive enough. Now she is still moving on Xu Hao's back, which makes Xu Hao clearly feel the amazing touch!

"It's okay, my back moves, and you're not heavy!" Xu Hao said, holding Tang Jing in his hand, walking faster under his feet.

Holding Xu Hao's neck, several strands of Tang Jing's hair slipped down and touched Xu Hao's cheek, which made Xu Hao's face itch. Xu Hao shook his head involuntarily, and his body moved with him.

Tang Jing flashed a thin layer of anger on her face, beat Xu Hao on her shoulder, and said unhappily, "hooligan, put me down!"

"What's wrong with me?" Xu Hao put down Tang Jing and asked.

Looking at Tang Jing's little face that seems to be stained with rosy clouds, Xu Hao is a little surprised. It's rare for Tang Jing to be so shy.

When she found that Xu Hao was still looking at her, Tang Jing glared at Xu Hao with some dissatisfaction, and then walked forward.

Xu Hao hurried to catch up and found that Tang Jing ignored him. Xu Hao took the initiative to open the topic, "Tang Jing, there's a question I've always wanted to ask you!"

"What's the matter?" Tang Jing stopped and turned to look at Xu Hao.

After hesitation, Xu Hao asked, "you... Your hands seem to be cold all the time, and your feet seem to be the same!"

"Well, I've been like this since I was a child." nodding, Tang Jing said, "the doctor said I might not live to be 20."

"No?" he looked at Tang Jing in shock. Xu Hao wondered if Tang Jing was less than 20 years old.

Seeing Xu Hao's expression, Tang Jing knew Xu Hao's doubts and hurriedly said, "no, I'm 26 years old, so sometimes the doctor's words may not be credible! According to the doctor, I earn every day I live!"

"I said you couldn't be 20 years old." Xu Hao deliberately exaggerated patted his chest and said.

Seeing Xu Hao's action, Tang Jing immediately showed an unhappy expression on her face, looked at Xu Hao and asked angrily, "Xu Hao, what do you mean? Do you mean I'm old?"

"Cough... Look at you, how can you think so? You're not old. You're mature early!" Xu Hao said and hurried forward. He could even anticipate Tang Jing's anger.

"You are mature early, and your whole family is mature early!" Tang Jing said. She wanted to go up and kick Xu Hao. Unfortunately, Xu Hao ran away long ago.

Looking at Xu Hao blowing in front, Tang Jing was even more angry. He ran forward for two steps and wanted to catch up with Xu Hao. As a result, he was tired and panting, and some couldn't walk.

Looking at Tang Jing's pale face, Xu Hao worried about Tang Jing's accident. He quickly turned back, walked to Tang Jing and asked, "Tang Jing, are you okay?"

After waving her hand, Tang Jing said, "it's all right. I'm just tired! You help me have a rest!"

Xu Hao helped Tang Jing to sit down at the roadside, and then called Liang Hongyu. Soon, Liang Hongyu brought someone over.

Seeing Tang Jing's white face, Liang Hongyu quickly took out the medicine and handed it to Tang Jing.

Tang Jing's face improved a lot after taking the medicine, and Xu Hao dared not provoke Tang Jing again. After Tang Jing sat in the car for a while, her face finally recovered.

"Well, I'm fine. Let's go back to Jiangcheng!" Tang Jing looked at Liang Hongyu with a worried face and said.

Liang Hongyu was also worried that Tang Jing had nothing to do in Longwan village and had no time to send her to the hospital, so he quickly started the car.

On the way, Tang Jing simply explained the overall relocation of Longwan village and told Liang Hongyu to follow up the matter in person after returning.

With these words, Tang Jing yawned again and again. Her face was full of fatigue, so she sat down and fell asleep.

Seeing Tang Jing asleep, Xu Hao took the blanket and covered it for Tang Jing. Then he looked at Liang Hongyu driving in front and asked with his mouth, "is Tang Jing okay?"

Liang Hongyu smiled and shook his head, indicating that Xu Hao was at ease!

Xu Hao didn't expect that Tang Jing would have such a big problem. Especially when Tang Jing said that she might not live to be 20, Xu Hao sighed! Although Tang Jing is 26 years old, maybe death will find her one day. Thinking of this, Xu Hao couldn't help but sympathize with Tang Jing. Combined with Tang Jing's illness, Tang Jing's character and childish behavior are not difficult to understand!

For a girl who can't live to be 20 years old, most of the people around her will look at her with different eyes, and most of her is not willing to contact the people around her. As time goes by, she naturally becomes more and more lonely

Before the car reached Jiangcheng, Tang Jing woke up, but she still looked very tired! Looking at the blanket covered on her body, Tang Jing smiled at Xu Hao and said, "thank you!"

"Why are you so polite?" Xu Hao smiled and said.

"Why? I'm scared by my illness? I don't worry myself. What are you afraid of?" Tang Jing smiled and said, "I've been used to it for so many years! I hope I can do more things before I die!"

"Where do you want to go in the future? Tell me I'll accompany you!" looking at Tang Jing, Xu Hao said, "who makes me your only friend!"

With a solemn nod, Tang Jing said, "OK! It's a deal. Don't go back!"

"Don't go back, let's pull the hook!" Xu Hao held out his hand to pull the hook with Tang Jing.

After looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jingjiao said angrily, "childish ghost!" then she stretched out her hand and hooked with Xu Hao

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