Back in Jiangcheng, Xu Hao went to the mysterious space again. Since it is determined that this small wild fruit can be eaten, Xu Hao naturally has to prepare for large-scale planting! However, how can this wild small fruit be planted in a large area?

Leaning under the apple tree, Xu Hao ate the small wild fruit and thought about artificial planting. Although the fruit is small, it tastes absolutely good. There is a sour and sweet taste of strawberries, but it's not like strawberries! Xu Hao really can't describe what it tastes like.

After taking a general look at the space, Xu Hao found that this kind of wild bush can be seen everywhere. As long as the method of artificial planting is confirmed, Xu Hao can consider large-scale planting.

A bush of wild bushes was brought out from the mysterious space. Xu Hao was ready to ask the sun family for help! The sun family cultivates flowers. In the final analysis, they cultivate plants. Maybe they have a way.

Out of the mysterious space, Xu Hao called sun Xiaowen.

After receiving Xu Hao's call, sun Xiaowen seemed nervous and shy. However, I don't know why Xu Hao called, so sun Xiaowen didn't dare not answer the phone. As a last resort, sun Xiaowen had to answer.

"Mr. Sun, I have something to ask you for help." as soon as the phone was connected, Xu Hao went straight to the subject.

Although sun Xiaowen was a little strange, she still asked, "what's the matter?"

After roughly telling the story, Xu Hao asked, "it shouldn't be difficult for your technicians in the sun family to find the artificial planting method of this wild plant?"

Sun Xiaowen hesitated for a moment and said, "why don't we go to the nursery base together? I don't know about this. I don't know until grandpa has confirmed it!"

"OK, I'll go to your company to find you now!" Xu Hao said, hung up the phone and went straight to Shengshi flower chain company with the wild bushes brought out of the mysterious space.

As soon as Xu Hao's car arrived downstairs of Shengshi flower chain, he saw Shen man, sun Xiaowen's secretary, trot over and knocked on the window. After Xu Hao lowered the window, Shen man said to Xu Hao, "president Xu, President sun is in the car in front. Just follow president sun's car!"

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "OK. Do you take my car or your Sun Zong's car?"

After looking at Xu Hao, Shen man blushed and hurriedly said, "I'll take president sun's car!" then he ran away in a panic.

Looking at Shen man, Xu Hao is speechless. Is he really so terrible? Shook his head. Xu Hao didn't think about these things. He followed sun Xiaowen's car and went straight to the nursery base.

When Xu Hao and others arrived at the nursery base, sun Mingde waited at the door early.

Seeing Xu Hao coming, sun Mingde warmly welcomed him up! The great development of the nursery base of the sun family depends entirely on the special fertilizer provided by Xu Hao! Therefore, sun Mingde naturally dare not underestimate Xu Hao.

"Sun Lao, you are too polite." Xu Hao said politely to sun Mingde: "this time, I have to trouble sun Lao you again!"

"Xiaowen roughly told me on the phone, have you brought the plants?" looked at Xu Hao, and sun Mingxia asked.

Nodding, Xu Hao took out the bushes from the trunk and said, "I don't know what to do. I just uprooted them and brought them here!"

Smiling and nodding, sun Mingde took over the wild bush and looked at it for a while, then said, "I haven't seen this plant. It looks like strawberries in shape! I'll let the people in the cultivation center study it!"

Sun Mingde said, handed the bushes in his hand to the staff around him, and then warmly invited Xu Hao to the nursery base to have a rest.

Although sun Xiaowen has been following, she hides away from Xu Hao. It seems that she is close to Xu Hao and will be eaten by Xu Hao!

Xu Hao also knew that they were embarrassed about the last time, so he was very conscious and didn't take the initiative to provoke sun Xiaowen!

Sun Mingde doesn't understand why Xu Hao and sun Xiaowen don't speak a word. However, his granddaughter didn't like to talk to men when she was young. It's normal to ignore Xu Hao now, so she didn't think much.

In sun Mingde's office, Xu Hao chatted with sun Mingde at will!

After chatting for a while, Xu Hao asked about the sun family's impact on the international market.

After looking at Xu Hao, sun Mingde said with a smile: "everything is going well for the time being, that is, there is little fertilizer left in the nursery base. If you don't raise your hand, president Xu, we will be in big trouble!"

When sun Mingde said this, Xu Hao was embarrassed. "Old sun, you really hurt me. The company is undergoing industrial adjustment. Don't worry. When the company adjusts, I can increase the fertilizer supply to you!"

"Really?" Sun Mingde seemed a little surprised. Even sun Xiaowen, who had not paid attention to Xu Hao, couldn't help looking at Xu Hao.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "of course it's true! Why don't I make a note for sun Lao you?"

"No, no!" Sun Mingde quickly smiled and waved his hand. Although he still hoped that Xu Hao could make a written statement in his heart, saying such things would destroy the trust between each other.

Xu Hao and sun Mingde talked in the office for almost three hours, and good news came from the cultivation center, "Mr. Sun and Mr. Xu, this plant should belong to the same species as strawberry, so the planting method is similar. Just take mature fruit and get seeds!" said the technician, who said the method of taking seeds, It's similar to taking strawberry seeds!

"OK, OK, thank you so much!" Xu Hao quickly stood up and said.

Sun Mingde didn't expect that things would be solved so easily! However, anyway, I helped Xu Hao. When the sun family was in trouble, Xu Hao was embarrassed to stand by.

Originally, sun Mingde wanted to keep Xu Hao for dinner, but Xu Hao was eager to share the good news with Bai Yan and plant this strawberry like fruit as soon as possible, so he couldn't wait to go back to Jiangcheng.

On the way back to Jiangcheng, Xu Hao called Bai Yan, "aunt Bai, are you home? Let me find you now?"

Bai Yan was stunned, blushed, and then said, "OK, come here, aunt is at home!"

"OK, aunt Bai, I'll be right there. Wait for me!" Xu Hao hung up the phone and rushed to Bai Yan's house as soon as possible.

At the moment, Bai Yan's face is red. She obviously misunderstood Xu Hao's meaning. Thinking about Xu Hao's little bastard coming for a while, they had to do something shameful. Bai Yan's heart was full of desire, and her heart was restless

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