Holding the cluster of strawberry like plants brought out from the mysterious space, Xu Hao went straight to Bai Yan's house.

Almost the second after the doorbell rang, Bai Yan opened the door. Like a thief, she wanted to pull Xu Hao in, as if she was afraid of being seen!

Seeing Xu haohuai holding a clump of plants that are not flowers or grass, he couldn't help asking curiously, "why? This is the flower sent to his aunt?" he said, showing a trace of joy in his eyebrows.

"Aunt Bai, this is a good thing!" Xu Hao took the clump of plants into Bai Yan's house, put it in the corner, and then turned around and hugged Bai Yan.

Bai Yan is also emotional. During the period of waiting for Xu Hao to come, Bai Yan's heart is more restless than ever.

Xu Hao held Bai Yan in his arms, followed Bai Yan's plump and soft waist, and soon occupied Bai Yan's hip wrapped in jeans!

Feeling that Xu Hao's hands seemed to break his hips, Bai Yan gently bit Xu Hao on his shoulder and said, "it hurts me!"

Without waiting for Bai Yan to speak, Xu Hao kissed her little mouth. Soon, Bai Yan was confused by Xu Hao's kiss and touch, and the whole person was completely hung on Xu Hao, leaving Xu Hao light.

Xu Hao directly pushed Bai Yan and asked Bai Yan to kneel on the sofa, holding the back of the sofa with his hand and raising his hips. At the moment, Bai Yan has been completely lost in Xu Hao's love and has unconditionally agreed to Xu Hao's requirements.

Gently take off Bai Yan's jeans, and Xu Hao sees Bai Yan's white and tender buttocks. Stimulated by Bai Yan's rich buttocks, Xu Hao couldn't help it anymore and directly invested in the war with Bai Yan.

After the two tossed, Bai Yan had no strength at all. She simply didn't bother to lift her jeans and sat so limply on the sofa. Seeing the smile on Xu Hao's mouth, Bai Yan reached out to pinch Xu Hao, smiled and scolded, "little bastard, you know how to bully me!"

"That's not aunt Bai. You're willing to bully me..." Xu Hao said, holding Bai Yan in his arms. Hearing Xu Hao's words, Bai Yan felt satisfied all her life

After a while, the white swallow regained some strength. Seeing Xu Hao's restless eyes, Bai Yan pretended to be angry and turned Xu Hao's head, then got up quickly, put on her pants and walked towards the bathroom.

After taking a bath, Bai Yan still had a flush on her face. Walk to Xu Hao and bring a gust of fragrance.

After sitting down, Bai Yan asked, "by the way, you haven't said what you brought?"

After hearing Bai Yan's inquiry, Xu Hao hurried to pick up a small wild fruit and handed it to Bai Yan. Bai Yan hesitated, opened her mouth and bit down.

At the entrance, Bai Yan hurriedly asked, "what kind of fruit is this? It's delicious!" then she stretched out her hand and picked another one.

Bai Yan ate, while Xu Hao talked about this small fruit. Hearing that Xu Hao planned to plant in batches, Bai Yan nodded and said, "absolutely. This small fruit is so delicious!"

"You have to take charge of this matter, aunt Bai. I don't trust others to do it." looking at Bai Yan, Xu Hao said: "the most important thing is that we must not let the seeds of this small wild fruit flow out!"

First she was stunned, and then Bai Yan understood what Xu Hao meant. However, it is almost impossible to completely prevent the outflow of seeds of this wild fruit!

Looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said, "unless our fruits are not sold to the market, we can't do it at all! In addition, if someone is willing to pay a high price, aunt can't guarantee that the workers can withstand the temptation at that time!"

With a smile, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, do you know seedless watermelon?"

Nodding, Bai Yan said, "I know! Do you......" then Bai Yan looked at Xu Hao in shock.

Xu Hao said with a smile, "the sun family is an expert in plant cultivation. It's easy to ask them for help when the time comes. As long as they can do their hands and feet in the seeds and ensure that there are no seeds in the wild fruits!"

"Xiao Hao, you are a thief!" Bai Yan could not help but pinch Xu Hao gently and said. However, Xu Hao's method is really good! After all, only by completely monopolizing the cultivation of wild strawberries can we ensure absolute interests! At that time, even if competitors want to produce similar products, they can't do it!

With that, their stomachs growled at the same time. Bai Yan blushed, got up quickly and said, "my aunt is cooking for you. When she talks, she forgets her business!" then she walked towards the kitchen embarrassed.

Xu Hao also followed him, leaned against the door, looked at Bai Yan busy in the kitchen and said, "aunt Bai, there's another thing I have to tell you. The boss of brother Bai Niu plans to entrust all the company's affairs to brother Bai Niu after the project is completed, but you also know brother Bai Niu's temperament, so please come forward and advise brother Bai Niu..."

Looking back at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said, "don't you know my brother's temper? If he decides something, who can persuade him? Besides, the boss of their company will really rest assured if he gives the company to my brother?"

"What's wrong? Brother Bai Niu is not an outsider!" Xu Hao said quickly. Speaking of this, Xu Hao realized that he slipped his tongue. Isn't this equivalent to telling Bai Yan that he has a close relationship with song Yuwei?

Fortunately, Bai Yan focused on cooking, but didn't pay much attention to Xu Hao's words.

"Aunt Bai, when do you think we'll have dinner with brother Bai Niu? By the way," Xu Hao asked Bai Yan.

"You'll be fine then. If my brother knew you invited him to dinner, he would be very happy." the white swallow didn't reply, "it's just that it's not easy to persuade my brother!"

"It's because it's not easy, so I have to ask aunt Bai to come out!" Xu Hao quickly flattered. Only Bai Yan can thoroughly persuade Bai Niu. It's hard for others!

"OK, I'll try then, but if it doesn't work, you can't blame your aunt." Bai Yan is not sure whether she can persuade Bai Niu, so she gave Xu Hao a preventive injection in advance.

"Aunt Bai, even if it really doesn't work out, I won't blame you!" Xu Hao said hurriedly. Although song Yuwei explained this matter, even if it was not completed, he could not blame Bai Yan!

"OK, aunt knows. You can sit down and watch TV first, and the meal will be ready soon." seeing Xu Hao leaning against the door like a greedy cat, Bai Yan smiled at him and said.

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