If we want to set up a research center under Dongping company, we need the support of the sun family. Therefore, Xu Hao has been talking about specific cooperation with the sun family these days.

The main core researchers in the sun family are regarded as treasures by sun Mingde. It's not so easy for Xu Hao to poach them! Don't talk about poaching, you can't even borrow! Things have been deadlocked over there.

It was another negotiation that ended without success, which gave Xu Hao a headache. Although the sun family is also willing to support Xu Hao's research, when it really involves the core interests of the sun family, no matter how close the cooperation between Xu Hao and the sun family is, it won't work!

When Xu haogang left the nursery base of the sun family and was ready to return to Jiangcheng, he suddenly received a call from Dong Yangfan.

Xu Hao was upset at the moment. He thought that Dong Yangfan had nothing to do with her, so he hung up the phone directly. However, Dong Yangfan had no sense of being despised at all, and kept calling Xu Hao.

In desperation, Xu Hao had to answer.

As soon as the phone was connected, Dong Yangfan's angry roar came from the other end of the phone: "Xu Hao, you dare to hang up my phone. Do you want to die?"

"No, absolutely not! How could I hang up on you? We have such a good relationship." Xu Hao didn't want to make trouble with Dong Yangfan's aunt and grandmother, so she quickly said.

Dong Yangfan didn't keep pestering about this matter, but instead said, "what about the store you promised to keep for Su Jing? I just called the management committee, and they said there was no such thing at all! Xu Hao, you said, did you cheat our feelings!"

"What?" Xu Hao was stunned. He seemed to have promised Su Jing at the beginning, but because the food street planned to open on the 11th, it is still several months away from the 11th, so Xu Hao didn't take it seriously!

"What a fart? I'll give you half an hour to come to my apartment to explain clearly, otherwise, I can't guarantee the life and death of your Sujing chick!" Dong Yangfan said deliberately and ruthlessly on the phone. Xu Hao vaguely heard Su Jing and Dong Yangfan fighting on the phone.

After hanging up, Xu Hao drove directly to Dong Yangfan's apartment next to Jiangcheng University.

When he opened the door and saw Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan snorted and said, "I really care about your Su Jing chick! I thought you would come at least an hour later!"

"I'll come back in an hour. Su Jing is still alive?" Xu Hao deliberately exaggerated, attracting a burst of coquettish anger from Su Jing who came later, and then took Xu Hao in.

As soon as Xu haogang sat down, Dong Yangfan asked Xu Hao about cheating her and Su Jing!

"Didn't you promise Su Jing to leave us a facade in the food street?" he looked at Xu Hao angrily, and Dong Yangfan asked. Although Su Jing sitting next to Dong Yangfan didn't speak, she also showed this meaning in her eyes.

Xu Hao was embarrassed for a while. He can't say that he forgot this thing because he was too busy? If he really dares to say so, didn't he offend two people at once? It's nothing to offend Dong Yangfan, but Su Jing's little vinegar jar must not be offended!

"You really are! In fact, I was going to give you a surprise! I have selected the facade, which is located in the golden position of the food street, and I want to give you a surprise at that time! You say that you do so, and the surprise becomes frightened!" Xu Hao said falsely wrongly, as if he had really prepared a big surprise for you.

Su Jing feels a little embarrassed to hear Xu Hao say so. She shouldn't distrust Xu Hao.

"I didn't say anything, just ask!" Dong Yangfan knew he was wrong and muttered.

Xu Hao is very proud to see Dong Yangfan's chick eat flat! Leaning on the sofa, Xu Hao said, "Hey, no one has poured a glass of water for so long!"

"I'll come, I'll come!" Dong Yangfan, who knew he was wrong, said quickly, and then stood up to pour water for Xu Hao.

When Dong Yangfan bent down to pour water, Xu Hao looked into Dong Yangfan's sexy sling. Shit, you're a small steamed bread and wearing a bra! Aren't you wasting resources?

Thinking of a joke he saw on the Internet, Xu Hao decided to tease Dong Yangfan. Looking at Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao smiled and asked, "Yangfan, can I ask you a question?"

"Ask!" Dong Yangfan's crisp answer.

With a smile, Xu Hao asked, "if you don't have feet, will you still wear shoes?"

Dong Yangfan was stunned. He didn't know what Xu Hao meant. After thinking about it, he said, "nonsense, I don't even have feet. I'm still wearing fart shoes! Do you want to wear one for me to see?"

Hearing Dong Yangfan's answer, Xu Hao laughed, looked at the bra lace exposed in Dong Yangfan's small sling and asked, "then why do you wear a bra?"

"I......" Dong Yangfan was stunned and immediately understood Xu Hao's meaning. Xu Hao is satirizing her small chest! This is Dong Yangfan's inverse scale. Whoever touches it will die! The heavenly king Lao Tzu is no exception!

"Xu Hao, I'll fight with you. Today is either you die or I live!" Dong Yangfan jumped up. Fortunately, Su Jing sitting next to Dong Yangfan reacted quickly and hugged Dong Yangfan. Otherwise, Xu Hao might have to be killed.

Xu Hao didn't expect that Dong Yangfan's response would be so great. He hurriedly said, "look at you, I'm just kidding. Why are you serious? Well, well, I take back what I just said, okay?"

"Hum! I'm so angry..." Dong Yangfan glanced at Su Jing, grabbed her in front of Su Jing's chest and said, "your Su Jing chick is not much older than me!"

Dong Yangfan's words directly made Su Jing blush. Blushing and embarrassed, she pushed Su Jing. Su Jing said, "what are you doing with me?"

"Who let Xu Hao bully me! Hey, I'm not afraid to tell you. When your Xu Hao leaves, I'll see how I deal with you!" this frivolous remark is naturally for Xu Hao.

Listening to Dong Yangfan's words, Xu Hao doubts whether Dong Yangfan's chick doesn't like men and women like sun Xiaowen! Thinking of this, Xu Hao couldn't help getting goose bumps and wondered if he would persuade Su Jing to move out of the apartment!

Su Jing and Dong Yangfan naturally don't know what Xu Hao is thinking at the moment.

Seeing Xu Hao's frowning, Su Jing sat next to Xu Hao, hugged his arm and whispered, "Xu Hao, what's the matter with you? Is something wrong?"

"Yes, what's the matter with you? Tell me and I'll help you!" Dong Yangfan also answered and said to Xu Hao very forthright.

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