Xu Hao didn't want to talk about the company. After all, the key to this matter lies in the sun family. It's no use talking to Dong Yangfan or Su Jing. However, Dong Yangfan's attitude of breaking the casserole to the end, Xu Hao roughly told Su Jing and Dong Yangfan.

"Shit, it's easy. I'll tell my old man later and ask him to kidnap the old man named sun... Directly. At that time, it's not what you say!" after listening to Xu Hao's narration, Dong Yangfan said with a confident attitude, which immediately attracted a burst of white eyes from Xu Hao.

Looking at Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao said with a headache: "please, it's a society ruled by law. Don't mess with any moths! Besides, the sun family and I still have cooperation. Don't make each other unhappy because of this!"

Sitting beside Xu Hao, Su Jing, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "maybe I have a way!"

"You?" Xu Hao asked, turning to Su Jing.

Nodding, Su Jing said, "I... the research direction of my graduate project is plant cultivation. My mentor Professor He Mingwei is an authoritative expert in this field. If I can get his help, maybe... Maybe things can be solved!"

Hearing Su Jing finish, Xu Hao was completely stupid! He never thought that the research direction of undergraduate and graduate students of Sujing University was plant cultivation! However, think about it. If Su Jing's professional direction is not this, how can she open a flower shop before she graduated from college?

Looking at Su Jing, Xu Hao said, "can you help me make an appointment with Professor He Mingwei? I want to talk to him!" Xu Hao doesn't know whether such a small project can attract the attention of he Mingwei! However, he Mingwei is an authoritative expert in this direction. If he is willing to recommend some people or give some systematic guidance, it will be a great help to Xu Hao, the upcoming research center.

"OK, I'll make an appointment with Professor He tomorrow..." Su Jing nodded and said. He Mingwei is a famous person in Jiangcheng. Su Jing is not sure she can help Xu Hao ask him out! Of course, I can't, so I can only take Xu Hao to the laboratory to find he Mingwei.


I don't know how Su Jing told he Mingwei. Finally, he Mingwei promised to meet Xu Hao in the cafe next to the school.

When he saw Xu Hao in the cafe, he Mingwei looked a little surprised, because Xu Hao's youth was beyond his imagination! Although he has also heard that the boss of Dongping company is a young man, he Mingwei understands that the young man must be at least in his thirties. In front of Xu Hao, it seems that he is only in his early twenties at most!

"Hello, Professor He!" seeing he Mingwei, Xu Hao quickly stood up and greeted him warmly.

He Mingwei just nodded at Xu Hao, then came over and sat opposite Xu Hao and Su Jing.

After he Mingwei sat down, Xu Hao took the initiative to introduce himself, and then explained his intention!

He Mingwei was very interested when he heard that Xu Hao wanted to set up a small research center to focus on the cultivation of various characteristic fruits and agricultural and sideline products! Because this is also one of the main work that he Mingwei has been doing!

When Xu Hao finished, he Mingwei said, "what you said is very good and forward-looking! However, doing scientific research is not just a cavity of blood! Especially for enterprises, you are too eager for returns, which is detrimental to the in-depth research of scientific research technology..."

Although he Mingwei said it euphemistically, the meaning of the expression was expressed. First, it affirms the feasibility of Xu Hao's research direction, but it is not optimistic about Xu Hao's so-called Research Center! Businessmen are profit seeking. No businessman will calm down and concentrate on research! This is also a common problem of businessmen all over the world. Who is willing to spend so much manpower and material resources to do thankless things? The main purpose of businessmen is to make money!

Hearing that he Mingwei refuses Xu Hao, Su Jing is very worried, but she doesn't know how to help Xu Hao.

Seeing Su Jing's extremely anxious appearance, Xu Hao stretched out his hand, gently grabbed Su Jing's hand, motioned her not to worry, and then looked at he Mingwei and said, "Professor He, you may not know what kind of company our Dongping company is, but if you are willing to solve it, I'd like to introduce it to you!" then Xu Hao took out a small fruit basket, He handed it to he Mingwei and said, "many of the products here are planted by our company, which is definitely much better than the vegetables, melons and fruits on the market. It's a gift for Professor He. I hope professor he can accept it!"

He Mingwei also glanced around and found that they were all some worthless vegetables, melons and fruits. He nodded and said, "thank you, president Xu. Next, I have to discuss the next research direction with several students. Excuse me first!" after that, he Mingwei stood up and left.

Seeing that he Mingwei left like this, Su Jing was worried and said, "Xu Hao, what if professor he doesn't agree? Why don't I go to Professor He again?"

Smiling and touching Su Jing's head, Xu Hao said, "no, he Mingwei will come to me again!"

Su Jing is a little confused, but she still chooses to believe what Xu Hao said! Xu Hao seems omnipotent in her heart! Therefore, Su Jing's heart also has unconditional trust in Xu Hao!

Seeing Xu Hao and Su Jing back, Dong Yangfan quickly asked about the results of the meeting. After hearing Su Jing say that professor he just talked for a few words, he left. Dong Yangfan was like a discouraged ball, "I think my method works! It's really not good. Even he Mingwei, a stubborn old man, kidnapped him!"

"Sail, don't fool around!" Xu Hao worried that Dong Yangfan's impulse would destroy his plan and quickly opened his mouth to stop him.

The fruits and vegetables he gave to he Mingwei were specially planted in the vegetable base, especially the strawberries, which Xu Hao picked from the mysterious space!

Xu Hao is confident that as long as he Mingwei has tasted them, he will be interested in these fruits and vegetables, and then contact him. As long as he Mingwei is hooked, the next thing will come naturally!

"Cut, it's like Lao Tzu is willing to help you!" he was kind to help Xu Hao, but Xu Hao preached. Dong Yangfan angrily hugged the guarantee and sat on the sofa. His life was sullen.

"Well, I have other things to do. Don't worry about the store. I'll ask the management committee to call you later. You go to see the store and decide if it's appropriate!" Xu Hao said to Dong Yangfan and Su Jing. Although I don't know what these two people want to do in the shop, after all, they are their own people. Xu Hao naturally won't give it to them!

"OK, I see. Go ahead!" Su Jing stood up, hugged Xu Hao's arm, took Xu Hao to the door, smiled and said to him.

Glancing at the room, he found that Dong Yangfan was still sitting on the sofa sulking. Xu Hao gently hugged Su Jing's Willow waist and kissed her on the mouth, which immediately attracted a burst of coyness and shyness from Su Jing.

"All right, all right, let's go. It's necrotic!" Su Jing smiled and pushed Xu Hao away, saying shyly.

"Well, I'm leaving! Remember to call me if you have anything." Xu Hao said and looked at Su Jing again before he reluctantly left! How perfect it would be without Dong Yangfan's light bulb!

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