Although he Mingwei and the sun family have not finally promised Xu Hao to participate in Xu Hao's research center, Xu Hao has been looking for the office location of the research center in advance.

In Xu Hao's plan, this research center should be the core of the whole Dongping company. It should operate independently of Dongping company, rather than be interfered by Dongping company! Therefore, the research center needs a separate office.

"Sister Yuwei, do you think it is feasible for me to put this research center in the industrial park?" sitting opposite song Yuwei's desk, Xu Hao put his feet directly on Song Yuwei's desk, leaned against his chair and said lazily to song Yuwei.

Song Yuwei smiled at Xu Hao, but she didn't have any dissatisfaction with Xu Hao's action. Anyway, there are only two of them in the office. There's no need to be so restrained.

"I don't think there's any problem. You're a high-tech, and you should still enjoy a discount when you settle in the industrial park." nodding, song Yuwei said with a smile, "but have you settled with the sun family? The sun family shouldn't agree so easily! You've touched the sun family's foundation, and sun Mingde is not a fool!"

"The sun family hasn't agreed yet, but I walk on two legs. Maybe it's not bright in the East and bright in the West!" Xu Hao said with a smile. Now he put more expectations on he Mingwei. Of course, no one knows what will happen in the end. We can only take one step at a time! However, in any case, Xu Hao must establish this research center.

After talking about business, song Yuwei asked Xu Hao about persuading Bai Niu, "why don't you talk to Bai Niu today?"

"Sister Yu Wei, I won't take part in this!" Xu Hao said quickly: "you don't know brother Bai Niu's temper. It's really stubborn like a cow! I can't persuade..."

"Xu Hao, do you believe me..." Song Yuwei looked at Xu Hao angrily and wanted to beat him.

Xu Hao quickly put his feet away, sat down and said, "sister Yuwei, don't worry. Although I can't persuade brother Bai Niu, I've found someone who can persuade him! As long as this person goes out, I'll ensure brother Bai Niu's obedience!"

"Who?" Song Yuwei asked curiously. Is there anyone in the world who can make Bainiu obey?

With a smile, Xu Hao said, "keep it a secret. You'll know when you see it." then Xu Hao stood up, went to the window and dialed Bai Yan. After a simple chat with Bai Yan, Xu Hao came back and said to song Yuwei, "come on, I've made an appointment for you!"

"Go now?" when she heard that she was going now, song Yuwei was a little nervous. She didn't know who she wanted to see in a while!

"Yes, didn't you just urge me?" Xu Hao said, walked over and took song Yuwei's hand and was about to go out.

Song Yuwei blushed, shook off Xu Hao's hand and said, "this is the company. Don't move your hands!" then she picked up her small bag and walked out of the company with Xu Hao.

Along the way, song Yuwei kept asking Xu Hao who he wanted to see for a while, but Xu Hao refused to say!

"Well, well, don't worry, I won't sell you!" seeing song Yuwei's nervous look, Xu Hao was funny. At least she is also the boss of a company. Is it the same when song Yuwei talks about business?

Hearing Xu Hao's joke, song Yuwei glanced at him discontentedly and stopped questioning.

"Where are you going?" Song Yuwei asked again. Xu Hao's parking place doesn't look like a place to eat!

"Go to her house!" Xu Hao said with a smile.

Hearing that she was going to someone's house, song Yuwei couldn't help holding out her hand and pinching Xu Hao, said, "why didn't you say earlier, how can we go so empty handed? Do you want to buy something?"

"No, no, it's all a family. What do you want to buy? Let's go!" he said, pushing song Yuwei to the community behind him.

Song Yuwei was dazed all the way and was taken to Bai Yan's house by Xu Hao.

When the doorbell rang, Bai Yan came to open the door soon.

Seeing Bai Yan, Xu Hao called Bai Yi, and then said to song Yuwei, "this is my Bai Yi, Bai Niu..."

Hearing Xu Hao's address to Bai Yan, song Yuwei was confused, as if her new daughter-in-law met her parents for the first time, and she was at a loss! Confused, he shouted aunt Bai directly!

"Boss song, don't shout like that. I'm about your age..." Bai Yan wiped her hand on the apron at her waist, quickly smiled and said to song Yuwei, and then took song Yuwei into the house.

At the moment, song Yuwei wants to find a ground crack to drill in. She looks back and stares at Xu Hao with a bad smile on her face. She wants to strangle Xu Hao, a little bastard! If she knew that Xu Hao brought her to see her family, she said she had to dress up. Although the relationship with Xu Hao could not be made public, it was the first time she came to see her parents. Song Yuwei attached great importance to this meeting in her heart.

Seeing song Yuwei sitting there, Bai Yan sat over and chatted with song Yuwei at will.

Song Yuwei was like a child. She sat there and answered all the questions Bai Yan said, which made Xu Hao even more happy. If she didn't care about song Yuwei's face, Xu Hao would directly laugh!

"Well... You sit down and I'll see if the meal is ready?" Bai Yan also saw song Yuwei's nervousness, so she casually found an excuse to leave. However, Bai Yan is a little strange. In the past, her brother Bai Niu said that song Yuwei is an iron lady and a strong woman in the mall! Today's performance is not like that of a strong woman!

As soon as Bai Yan left, song Yuwei felt a lot less pressure around her. He glared at Xu Hao with hatred. Song Yuwei whispered, "you little bastard, did you mean it? You told me early on the road. I'm ready. I really lost my life just now!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's good. Anyway, the ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her father-in-law, and you're not ugly..." before Xu Hao finished his shameless words, song Yuwei tried to pick up the water cup on the tea table and hit it. Xu Hao hurriedly made a move of begging for mercy, and then pointed to the kitchen.

Thinking that Bai Yan is in the kitchen, and the living room is not far from the kitchen, song Yuwei quickly sits upright, but her eyes at Xu Hao are not good! If you change the environment, Xu Hao believes that song Yuwei will definitely give him a few blows!

Seeing song Yuwei's angry appearance, Xu Hao was also embarrassed and had a headache. It's also strange that he didn't consider the problem from the perspective of song Yuwei. In particular, Xu Hao has always called Bai Yan Bai aunt. In Song Yuwei's heart, isn't Bai Yan a parent? Xu Hao brought her to see Bai Yan. That's to see her parents in disguise. Song Yuwei is not nervous. That's a strange thing!

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