Because Xu Hao called in advance, Bai Yan had already made preparations. After several dishes came out of the pot, Bai Yan asked Xu Hao and song Yuwei to have dinner.

Seeing Bai Yan, song Yuwei dodged in her eyes and didn't know how to communicate with Bai Yan. The look in Xu Hao's eyes was full of murderous spirit, which made Xu Hao afraid.

"Boss song, you're welcome. It's all homemade dishes..." Bai Yan politely said to song Yuwei and greeted her for dinner.

Song Yuwei took up her job, responded to Bai Yan, and stretched out her chopsticks to pick up vegetables.

"Xu Hao told me about my brother. But I still want to talk about it with boss song..." Bai Yan said to song Yuwei while eating.

Song Yuwei was so confused that she could only nod her head, "Bai Yan, don't call me boss song. It seems that she has a point. Just call me Yuwei!"

"What's the line? Why don't I call you sister song? You should be two years older than me." look at Song Yuwei and Bai Yan for song Yuwei's advice.

Song Yuwei smiled at Bai Yan, stepped on Xu Hao's foot under the dinner table, and then said: "OK, no problem. In addition, the main reason for letting Bainiu take full charge of the company is that my focus will shift to raising children in the future, so I can't spare more time to manage the company. The most important thing is that Bainiu's ability has been proved, and I believe he can manage the company well..."

Listening to the two women chatting, Xu Hao found that he seemed to be redundant.

After chatting with Bai Yan for a long time, song Yuwei is not so nervous and speaks naturally. In addition, song Yuwei has a good impression of Bai Yan and Bai Yan is Xu Hao's elder. Song Yuwei naturally flatters Bai Yan without trace, and the relationship between the two women heats up rapidly!

He shook his head. Xu Hao couldn't understand the relationship between women! Bai Yan and song Yuwei had never seen each other before. How long did they talk? It's like a close sister!

"Sister song, your words are all about this. I'll help you with this!" Bai Yan looked at Song Yuwei and said, "if my brother doesn't agree, I'll clean him up!"

"That's nice!" Song Yuwei nodded quickly and said, "you don't know Bai Niu's temper. I'm getting a headache! I've talked to him several times and let me hit a nail every time. I really can't help it! Give the company to others, and I'm not at ease!"

"I think my brother doesn't deserve to be beaten. He's so rude to your boss." Bai Yan said with a smile.

After a meal, Bai Yan's relationship with song Yuwei warmed up a lot, and the two also reached an agreement on the management company of Bai Niu.

After dinner, song Yuwei helped Bai Yan wash the dishes. The two women whispered in the kitchen for a long time before they came out! After coming out, song Yuwei looked at Xu Hao with a lot of softness.

Bai Yan stayed here for almost four or five hours. In the afternoon, Xu Hao and song Yuwei left.

As soon as she walked out of the community, song Yuwei punched Xu Hao heavily and said, "little bastard, do you mean to see me make a fool of yourself? It's embarrassing. I don't know if Bai Yan can see anything!"

"Sister Yuwei, isn't it just to have dinner with aunt Bai? You're so guilty?" Xu Hao joked when he looked at Song Yuwei's face with lingering fear.

"You know a fart, I've never been so nervous in my life!" with a white look at Xu Hao, song Yuwei said: "next time if you dare to play this means with me again, see how I beat you!"


As Xu Hao expected, in the past two days, he Mingwei took the initiative to contact Xu Hao and proposed to meet Xu Hao.

The meeting place is he Mingwei's office.

Seeing Xu Hao coming in, he Mingwei quickly got up to meet him, "I'm really sorry to let president Xu run this trip!"

"Professor He, you're too polite. As long as professor he needs you, don't say one trip, I'm willing to run ten or twenty times!" Xu Hao said with a smile to he Mingwei.

After sitting down, he Mingwei was not polite and went straight to the subject.

"I've eaten all the fruits and vegetables you gave me, and they taste very good!" he Mingwei smiled at Xu Hao and said, "to tell you the truth, I'm also a picky person. I've been eating my own vegetables these years. However, the quality of the vegetables you gave me is better than that I cultivated!"

Xu Hao was not too happy to get the appreciation of he Mingwei, the top domestic expert. Looking at he Mingwei, Xu Hao said modestly: "professor he praised me. These are some immature products, which can be compared with Professor He's latest scientific research products..."

Smiling and waving his hand, he Mingwei said, "president Xu, you don't have to be polite to me. I know what my products are like! I called you this time to ask about the research center."

After he Mingwei took the initiative to mention it, Xu Hao did not hide it. He directly told him the general idea of the research center, "it would be great if professor he could join my research center in person!"

"To tell you the truth, at first I didn't want to join any research center with a business background. I've been doing scientific research all my life and don't like things with a strong business atmosphere." looking at Xu Hao, he Mingwei said bluntly: "however, president Xu, your research center really aroused my interest and I had to make an exception!" he said, He Mingwei couldn't help laughing.

"Professor He, are you serious?" Xu Hao asked, looking at he Mingwei in shock. He did not expect that he Mingwei so easily agreed to his invitation to join the research center that had not yet been established.

Nodding, he Mingwei said: "however, I also have several conditions. First, the research center does not involve trade secrets and should unconditionally disclose the results to Jiangcheng University; second, I will take some students to participate in the daily research of the research center, which can be regarded as training them in advance!"

"OK, no problem!" Xu Hao agreed. He Mingwei's two conditions are not excessive. Especially the second condition, which virtually increases the strength of the research center. How can Xu Hao object!

Xu Hao's promise was expected by he Mingwei. He Mingwei nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Xu Hao and continued: "in addition, I have another requirement that in addition to a small number of managers, the company of president Xu shall not send too many people to interfere with the normal operation of the research center, and the research center must have a certain degree of independence!"

"No problem, I agree!" Xu Hao nodded again and again. Xu Hao didn't want the company to intervene too deeply in this research center. The research center should be more pure. As for the commercialization of the research results of the research center, that's what will happen later!

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