With the banner of he Mingwei, it is much easier for Xu Hao to prepare for the research center. Not only did Jiangcheng university give great help, but Jiangcheng also attached great importance to it and actively cooperated with the preparation of the research center.

After hearing that he Mingwei was involved in the research center of Xu Hao, the sun family, who had always been tough, immediately made a 180 degree turn. Sun Mingde personally went to Xu Hao to discuss the sun family's participation in the research center.

Xu Hao knew that the sun family had a deep technical accumulation in plant cultivation, so after discussing with he Mingwei, he agreed to join the sun family.

Apart from the sun family, Tang Jing didn't know where she learned the news and wanted to participate. The Tang family originally had a small research center in the industrial park. After he Mingwei's investigation, Xu Hao also agreed with Tang Jing to integrate her small research center into the upcoming research center.

After nearly 20 days of preparation, the research center was finally established.

"Professor He, this research center will be fully entrusted to you in the future." Xu Hao said to he Mingwei half jokingly in he Mingwei's office.

He Mingwei also attaches great importance to this research center. If he Mingwei didn't go to the relevant departments in person, the approval procedures of the research center would not be approved so quickly.

"Mr. Xu, you can rest assured that the research center will give priority to the company's scientific research projects." he Mingwei said meticulously: "however, there are still some equipment that need to be purchased as soon as possible!"

Hearing that he Mingwei urged for some other new equipment, Xu Hao had a headache. He Mingwei wants at least tens of millions of new equipment! Even if the sun family will give some money, Xu Hao has to find a way to save the rest!

"Professor He, don't worry, I will speed up here." Xu Hao can only vaguely deal with it. After briefly explaining the affairs of the research center, he fled. No way. Every time he Mingwei sees him, he urges him for the equipment. Xu Hao doesn't know how to deal with he Mingwei.

Back to the company, Xu Hao called the main management personnel of the company and held a meeting.

"Everyone must have eaten this kind of wild strawberries, and you can all talk about your views." Xu Hao asked to the management of the company.

As soon as Xu Hao's words were finished, Shen Rong smiled and said, "president Xu, you must have another big plan."

As soon as Shen Rong said this, everyone present couldn't help laughing. Because Xu Hao only has such an expression when he has a big plan.

As soon as Shen Rong said this, Xu Hao stopped selling off and said directly, "since you don't say it, I'll say it! It's almost a month since Chuncheng production base was put into operation. Shen Rong, tell me about the performance growth of the company!"

Shen Rong was stunned. He opened his small book and said, "Chuncheng production base can provide the company with enough products, so the sales department and market center are also trying to expand market share. From the sales data, our sales volume this month will be the sum of the first half of the year, and more..."

Shen Rong's words just finished, the people present couldn't help shouting. They know that after the Chuncheng production base is put into operation, the company's performance will increase on a large scale, but they didn't expect such a large increase!

"This is just the beginning!" looking at the people present, Xu Hao shouted, "I plan to follow the spring city model in Jinma town and invest in a production base to make this strawberry juice drink!"

"What? Invest in a production base?" not only the managers attending the meeting, but also Huang Xin and Bai Yan were shocked! Although the company's performance has improved rapidly, it still owes tens of millions of loans to the bank! In addition, the money burning in the research center is a bottomless pit. Xu Hao proposed to build another production base at this time. Is this a big step?

"Mr. Xu, I think the production base of Jinma town can be suspended?" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said in a more euphemistic tone.

Although Bai Yan didn't speak, her eyes at Xu Hao also showed this meaning.

Apart from Huang Xin and Bai Yan, most of the people who came to the meeting also meant that. The development speed of the company in the past year has been fast enough. If Xu Hao goes on major projects one after another, the company's funds can't keep up!

"Let me talk about the necessity of establishing a production base in Jinma town." looking at Huang Xin and them, Xu Hao explained: "at present, the company's product line is single, which means that we naturally exclude some consumers. Enriching the product line is a thing we must do! However, can we compete with guotianle beverage group by making conventional fruit juice drinks?"

Hearing Xu Hao's question, everyone was silent. As the leader in the industry, the strength of Tianle beverage group can not be underestimated! Their accumulation over the years can not be shaken by a newly established company like Dongping! Therefore, if you want to surpass Tianle beverage group, you must overtake at the corner and win by surprise!

The success of cucumber juice and tomato juice drinks has greatly proved the feasibility of this approach! Now, what Dongping company has to do is to enlarge this advantage infinitely!

"President Xu, I see what you mean!" Shen Rong nodded first and said, "but now we are preparing to build Jinma town production base, the company will have a lot of capital pressure!"

"Director Cao, I'll give you a headache about the problem of funds. I don't care what you think, you must ensure the funds needed to prepare for the construction of the production base!" turning to financial director Cao Yu, Xu Hao said in an indisputable tone.

After looking at Xu Hao, Cao Yu opened her mouth and didn't say anything at last. Although the company's funds are difficult, it should not be a problem to squeeze out the funds for preparing the production base as long as we think of ways. After all, these funds do not need to be put in place in one step. They only need to raise the money in a few months!

Dongping company now has a considerable cash flow every day. From this money, Cao Yu is confident to squeeze out the money for preparing the production base.

"Mr. Xu, I see. But you must give me a buffer period of at least three months before I can guarantee to free up the money!" looking at Xu Hao, Cao Yu nodded and said.

Cao Yu nodded here, and everyone here was relieved. As long as there is no financial problem, the rest is not a problem at all! It is even no exaggeration to say that if the problem of capital is solved, the production base will be more than half successful!

"Vice President Bai, you are fully responsible for the preparation of Jinma town production base." turning to Bai Yan, Xu Hao said again. Bai Yan has experience in preparing for the establishment of the production base in Chuncheng. Naturally, it is Bai Yan who is preparing for the production base in Jinma town.

Seeing Bai Yan nodding, Xu Hao looked at Shen Rong again: "Vice President Shen, you are under the greatest pressure. All sales centers must start planning new product recommendation and ensure that the first batch of products are produced and become famous!"

"Mr. Xu, don't worry!" Shen Rong said confidently.

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