"Mr. Xu, Ms. Zhang of Tianle drinks came." that day, Xu Hao was calling Wu Peisheng of Jinma town in his office to discuss the specific details of building a production base in Jinma town. Liu Yuling knocked on the door and said to him.

Hung up Wu Peisheng in a hurry. Xu Hao looked at Liu Yuling and asked, "which Ms. Zhang?"

"Mr. Xu is really a noble man who forgets things." the voice fell. Zhang Yalin, vice president of Tianle beverage Jiangcheng company, came out from behind Liu Yuling and walked straight towards Xu Hao's desk.

Seeing Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao couldn't help thinking of the scene when he was interviewed at the Administration for Industry and commerce last time. Thinking of Zhang Yalin putting her huge chest on her desk, Xu Hao couldn't help looking at Zhang Yalin.

Seeing Xu Hao's burning eyes, Zhang Yalin frowned slightly, then smiled and said to Xu Hao, "president Xu, I'm here uninvited today. Won't I bother you?"

"Don't bother, Miss Zhang. Aren't you all here?" Xu Hao smiled at Zhang Yalin and said, "Miss Zhang, please sit down!"

"Thank you!" said a word of thanks, and Zhang Yalin sat on the chair in front of Xu Hao's desk.

After Zhang Yalin sat down, Xu Hao asked, "I don't know why Miss Zhang came again and again. What can I do for you?"

"I heard that President Xu was going to build a new production base in Jinma Town, so I hurried to inquire about the news?" Zhang Yalin said with a smile, without treating herself as an outsider.

Zhang Yalin's directness was beyond Xu Hao's expectation. Looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao said, "Miss Zhang is really refreshing. Tell me what Miss Zhang wants to ask. As long as I can say, I'll tell you!"

"Really?" Zhang Yalin didn't expect Xu Hao to be more cheerful than her, but she felt a little shocked.

With a slight smile, Xu Hao stood up, looked down at Zhang Yalin and said, "Miss Zhang doesn't know. I like beauty tricks best!"

"You..." for a moment, Zhang Yalin realized that Xu Hao was just condescending. She just looked in from the collar of her coat. She quickly covered her chest with her hand. Zhang Yalin looked at Xu Hao with a red face and said, "president Xu, you are also a person with status. Don't you feel embarrassed to do such a thing?"

"Everyone has a love of beauty. What's so embarrassing!" Xu Haochong and Zhang Yalin shrugged and sat down again.

Seeing Xu Hao sitting down, Zhang Yalin finally put her heart down, but her hand covering her chest hasn't been put down. Looking at Xu Hao, Zhang Yalin asked, "Mr. Xu, you built a new production base in Chuncheng in order to expand production capacity. This time you built a new production base in Jinma Town, is it to increase production capacity? I'm afraid you don't need such a large production capacity according to your current market sales situation?"

"Of course, we don't need such a large capacity! However, we must launch new products!" Xu Hao looked at Zhang Yalin and said faintly.

The three words "new product" immediately attracted Zhang Yalin's attention. Looking at Xu Hao, Zhang Yalin asked almost conditionally: "what new product?"

"Orange..." Xu Hao deliberately pretended to slip his tongue, hurriedly stopped and said, "Miss Zhang, it's inappropriate for you to inquire into the business secrets of our company?"

"Mr. Xu, you just told me everything!" Zhang Yalin also deliberately winked at Xu Hao. Don't say, Zhang Yalin is a little charming! If the woman lets go a little more, Xu Hao doesn't mind being tricked by her.

"Cough... I can't say that. I almost slipped my tongue just now." Xu Hao said deliberately pretending to be worried about the disclosure of trade secrets.

Although Xu Hao just said the word "orange", Zhang Yalin was not a baby in this line. She immediately guessed that Xu Hao's new product might be orange juice. Thinking of this, Zhang Yalin had a headache. In the market of vegetable drinks, Tianle drinks was beaten by Dongping company without fighting back. If Xu Hao's company produces orange juice products on a large scale and obtains an advantage, where will the face of Tianle drinks go that day?

"In that case, I won't disturb president Xu." Zhang Yalin said, and stood up. Afraid that Xu Hao would continue to play hooligans, she quickly turned and walked out of the office.

As soon as Zhang Yalin left, Huang Xin came.

Looking at Xu Hao still staring at the door, Huang Xin snorted angrily and said, "don't look, people are gone!"

"Sister Xin, look what you said, I'm looking at you!" Xu Hao said awkwardly, then stood up and walked towards Huang Xin.

Huang Xin won't eat Xu Hao. She knows who the little bastard is. Looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin asked directly, "what's Zhang Yalin doing here?"

"What else can I do? Inquire about our production base." Xu Hao shrugged and said, "this little girl is willing to go out. She doesn't hesitate to use a beauty trick in order to inquire about the news. Fortunately, my willpower is firm..."

"Fart!" Huang Xin looked back at Xu Hao discontentedly and said, "you have a shit willpower. I think you're under Zhang Yalin's beauty trick. Did you even say what color of underwear you wear?"

"Sister Xin, if you come to play a trick on me, don't ask me the color of my underwear, it's no problem for me to strip off! But this Zhang Yalin is not good enough. I can see her?" she looked at Huang Xin and Xu Hao flattered.

With a white look at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "I don't even believe the punctuation marks you said!"

After fighting for a while, Xu Hao said what Zhang Yalin had just said, "I deliberately pretended to slip the tongue and mentioned orange juice. I don't know if this woman will be fooled! In order to make this woman believe that we build a new production base to produce orange juice, I have to work hard these days, sister Xin. You'd better go to the orchard in Wangzhuang village and make it bigger..."

After a little thought, Huang Xin understood Xu Hao's intention. "Your move is called hiding?"

"Sure enough, sister Xin knows me!" Xu Hao said with a smile. "When Tianle drinks is on full alert for our orange juice drinks to be introduced to the market, our strawberry juice drinks have been sold on a large scale. If they want to stop us again, it will be completely late!"

"I don't know how your brain grows!" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said with a smile. Xu Hao's move will definitely kill Tianle beverage group. At that time, all their preparations were to block the orange juice drink of Dongping company. As a result, the new product launched by Dongping company was strawberry juice. In this way, I don't know how many executives of Tianle beverage Jiangcheng company can be left?

"Sister Xin, if you really want to know how my brain grows, why don't I go to your room today and let you study it?" Xu Hao said humbly when he came to Huang Xin.

"Roll, the dog can't spit out Ivory!" Huang Xin glared at Xu Hao and walked out of Xu Hao's office quickly.

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