Bai Yan is fully responsible for the preparation of Jinma town production base. During this time, Bai Yan is very busy!

"Now the preparatory work has been basically completed, and the next step is to talk about some specific matters with Jinma town." Bai Yan introduced the situation to Xu Hao in the temporary Preparatory Office of Jinma town. "Jinma town can't compare with spring city, and there's no way to provide us with a large amount of low interest loans, so we have to find our own way to fund it."

Of course, Xu Hao knows the situation of Jinma town. If Jinma town can take out tens of millions of funds at once, they can do something bad. Why should they support Xu Hao to build a factory here?

"Here in Jinma Town, I think so! Because we want to plant strawberries, if local farmers plant them themselves, there will be some situations beyond our control. Therefore, here we still take the practice of the previous vegetable base and contract the villagers' land!" looking at Bai Yan, Xu Hao said his idea.

The situation of Jinma town is different from that of Chuncheng. Naturally, we can't take the same approach! Xu Hao must control all this unique strawberry in his own hands. If the villagers in Jinma town plant it by themselves, it will inevitably cause some unnecessary trouble.

Nodding, Bai Yan also supported Xu Hao's decision: "it will be much more convenient! However, we need to invest a lot of funds. Now the company's working capital is not enough, once..."

"Aunt Bai, don't worry, I have a way!" Xu Hao said with a smile.

Zhou Jiaqiang of Chuncheng needs political achievements. Doesn't mayor Qin of Jiangcheng need political achievements? The most important thing is, it's really not good. Xu Hao can move out the Giant Buddha Wang Yumin. At that time, mayor Qin will find a way to get a low interest loan for Xu Hao without looking at the monk's face and the Buddha's face?

Just wait for Xu Hao to slow down and use the company's profits to repay the bank's loans!

Dongping company's finance is very benign, and its profitability is very strong. If you want to come, the bank will not give Dongping company a loan.

"Since you think about money, the project of building a production base is ready to start in the next few days. Jinma town promised to allocate us 200 mu of land free of charge to build a production base. That's enough!" Bai Yan said, looking at Xu Hao. Dongping company has a relationship in the city. In addition, the development of enterprises in Jinma town can also drive the development of Jinma town. Therefore, Wu Peisheng simply did a favor and directly allocated 200 mu of industrial land to Dongping company free of charge!

"I have to thank mayor Wu," said Xu Hao with a smile. "Aunt Bai, if there's nothing wrong with the preparatory office, let's go back to Jiangcheng in the evening?"

Seeing Xu Hao's eyes, Bai Yan knew that Xu Hao didn't think of a good thing. He gave him a white look and said, "if you don't go back, there are a lot of things in the preparatory office!"

"Just one night, what can you delay?" Xu Hao said, walked over and grabbed Bai Yan's plump waist, and kissed her on the face while Bai Yan didn't pay attention.

"Don't fool around. I'll be seen later." Bai Yan's face was hot and quickly opened the distance with Xu Hao.

Bai Yan didn't want to go back to Jiangcheng. Xu Hao had no choice but to go back alone.


Back in Jiangcheng, Xu Hao found mayor Qin and told him that he wanted to build a production base in Jinma town.

"This is a good thing. The city absolutely supports it!" Mayor Qin quickly said after hearing Xu Hao's report: "it has not only driven the development of Jinma Town, but also created a lot of jobs. This year, the city has held several research meetings for employment, which can be regarded as helping the city solve a big problem!"

"I'm relieved to have mayor Qin's words," Xu Hao said quickly, and then said the difficulties of Dongping company.

Hearing that Xu Hao wanted the city to come forward and let the bank provide a low interest loan, mayor Qin couldn't help but be silent. City support is one thing, but it's another thing to ask the bank to give low interest loans! Although the bank will not give the city this face, but this face is also limited. Unless there are extremely special circumstances, the city will not easily find the bank for coordination.

"How much working capital do you need?" asked mayor Qin tentatively, looking at Xu Hao. If there is not much money, mayor Qin can come forward to coordinate.

"Thirty... Twenty million yuan is OK." seeing that mayor Qin's face changed, Xu Hao quickly changed his mouth and said, "Mayor Qin, you know, the company is really under great pressure to contract such a large area of cultivated land at once! But don't worry, we will pay off the loan within half a year, and we will never add trouble to the city!"

The turnover period of half a year is not long. However, 20 million is not a small amount! Even if mayor Qin comes forward, the bank is not necessarily willing to give this face!

"Can't your company squeeze out the money by means of asset mortgage?" looking at Xu Hao, mayor Qin asked again. As a last resort, mayor Qin still didn't want to say hello! After all, mayor Qin is responsible for any mistakes in this matter.

With a bitter smile, Xu Hao said, "Mayor Qin, you don't know. Before establishing a production base in Chuncheng, the company borrowed tens of millions from the bank. The money hasn't been paid back yet. How can the bank continue to lend money to the company!"

Hearing that Xu Hao still owed tens of millions to the bank and now asked for 20 million, mayor Qin couldn't help taking a breath. I'm afraid the debt ratio of Dongping company now exceeds 70%!

Thinking of this, mayor Qin said: "Xu Hao, it's not that I don't help you. It's really your current financial situation. The possibility of consent from the bank is very low..."

"Mayor Qin, although our company has a high debt, the profit is also considerable! As long as we give Dongping company a turnover period of half a year, the company can pay off all the loans." Xu Hao quickly said to mayor Qin, hoping to convince mayor Qin and let the city agree to say hello.

Mayor Qin has a headache. This matter has drifted away from the edge of violation. If he really goes to say hello, once Xu Hao fails to repay the bank loan due, he will be in an awkward situation as a mayor! Mayor Qin is still young. Naturally, he wants to go further!

"Can't you slow down the construction plan of your company's production base?" looked at Xu Hao and asked mayor Qin. Mayor Qin's opinion still hopes that Xu Hao can be stable and develop step by step.

Xu Hao also wants to develop step by step, but if he misses this opportunity, the development of the company will be much slower. For the rapid development of the company, he must take such a big step! Although this will increase the risk, but the same, the company's income will be greater!

"Mayor Qin, business opportunities are fleeting!" looking at mayor Qin, Xu Hao said: "Mayor Qin, I promise you that we can repay the bank's loan in half a year at most!"

"In this way, the city agrees to guarantee you, but you must guarantee that in any case, you will give priority to the repayment of the loan!" looked at Xu Hao, mayor Qin, and made a request.

"OK, no problem!" Xu Hao agreed. As long as the money can give Cao Yu a three-month buffer period, the company's funds will not be so tight after that. There will never be a break in the capital chain!

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