Song Yuwei came out after taking a bath and saw Xu Hao still sitting in the living room. It was a bit of an accident. "So free today?" a while ago, Xu Hao was busy for new products and new product launches. Song Yuwei hasn't been with Xu Hao for a while.

"Things are almost busy," said Xu Hao. He stood up, poured two glasses of red wine, handed song Yuwei a cup, and said, "what about you? The company's affairs are left to Bainiu. Are you still used to it?"

"I'm fine. My mind is on Xiaomeng now." Song Yuwei took the glass, took a sip gently, smiled and said.

After chatting with Xu Hao, song Yuwei saw Xia Xiaomeng coming out of the room, quickly put down her glass and walked towards Xia Xiaomeng.

When Xia Xiaomeng saw Xu Hao, he hurriedly ran towards Xu Hao and threw himself into Xu Hao's arms. "Brother Xu Hao, you haven't seen Xiaomeng for several days. Don't you love Xiaomeng?"

Amused by Xia Xiaomeng's words, Xu Hao kissed Xia Xiaomeng on the forehead and said, "who said that Xu Hao's brother doesn't like Xiaomeng!"

"Then why didn't you come to see me for such a long time?" Xia Xiaomeng held on to this question.

Xu Hao smiled awkwardly and said, "my brother is busy with work. Every time I come back at night, Xiaomeng falls asleep. But my brother has seen you!"

"Really?" Xia Xiaomeng said, looking back at Song Yuwei.

Seeing song Yuwei nodding, Xia Xiaomeng forgives Xu Hao, stands up, kisses Xu Hao on the face and says, "Xiao Meng knows that brother Xu Hao likes Xiao Meng best..." Xia Xiaomeng sees song Yuwei sitting aside and adds: "and aunt song!"

Xia Xiaomeng's childish words made a big red face. Song Yuwei said, "sit down first and I'll wash Xiaomeng!" as she said, song Yuwei led Xia Xiaomeng into the bathroom.

After washing Xia Xiaomeng and coaxing Xia Xiaomeng to sleep, song Yuwei walked back to the living room.

Seeing Xu Hao sitting alone drinking red wine, he asked curiously, "what's the matter? Something on your mind?"

"Nothing!" Xu Hao didn't want to say that he was going to go back to the East China Sea to avenge his parents. He smiled at Song Yuwei. Xu Hao gently walked upstairs to song Yuwei's waist.

Being hugged by Xu Hao, song Yuwei said unhappily, "do you touch me, is there more meat on my waist? I've eaten as little as possible these days, but the meat is still growing. I'm so bored!"

Touching song Yuwei's waist, Xu Hao said, "there's no meat. It still feels the same as before!"

"Hooligan!" glanced at Xu Hao, song Yuwei said, "by the way, I forgot to tell you something." then she handed Xu Hao the invitation sent by Dong Tianlong and said, "Dong Tianlong sent it!"

"Why did you send my share here?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Song Yuwei.

"How do I know?" turned her eyes, and song Yuwei said, "but although Dong Tianlong is not a good man, he should have no malice!"

Xu Hao can't guess Dong Tianlong's intention. However, one thing he can be sure of is that he has no conflict of interest with Dong Tianlong, so Dong Tianlong will never target him.

"By the way, do you think I'm going?" Song Yuwei is a serious businessman. Now that the company's affairs have been handed over to Bai Niu, she doesn't want to attend Dong Tianlong's wedding.

"Let's go." after thinking about it, Xu Hao said, "anyway, you have to go to the commercial street and Dong Tianlong will keep you safe in the future!"

"Go, why should Dong Tianlong keep me safe!" Song Yuwei pushed Xu Hao discontentedly and said, "I'm also worried that Dong Tianlong's entertainment city will make a mess for me!"

"You don't have to worry about this. Dong Tianlong cares more about this kind of thing than you." Xu Hao patted song Yuwei on the shoulder and said, "don't you find that Dong Tianlong is already washing part of the industry white? He knows that if he continues to do as before, he will be cleaned up one day!"

"Forget it, anyway, the company's affairs have been handed over to Bainiu. I don't care so much." Song Yuwei glanced at Xu Hao, gently leaned her head against Xu Hao's chest and quietly listened to Xu Hao's heartbeat.

After holding song Yuwei for a while, Xu Hao's hand dishonestly got into song Yuwei's Nightgown!

Feeling Xu Hao's dishonest hand moving, song Yuwei rubbed in Xu Hao's arms, leaned in Xu Hao's ear and whispered, "live with me today!"

"I didn't intend to go either." Xu Hao said, directly picked up song Yuwei and walked towards song Yuwei's bedroom.

"Lock the door!" Song Yuwei said hurriedly when she didn't hear Xu Hao locking the door.

Turn around and lock the door. Xu Hao sees song Yuwei looking for something in the wardrobe.

"What are you looking for?" Xu Hao walked over, gently hugged song Yuwei's waist and asked.

"You'll know later," said Song Yuwei. She took out a suit of clothes from the wardrobe and flashed directly into the bathroom in the bedroom.

Seeing that song Yuwei is so mysterious, Xu Hao can't help but wonder what medicine song Yuwei sells in the gourd.

After almost ten minutes, song Yuwei came out of the bathroom.

At the moment of seeing song Yuwei, Xu Hao's eyes were completely straight! Song Yuwei came out with a shy face in a funny dress as thin as cicada wings.

It was very indecent to swallow saliva. Xu Hao's voice trembled, "sister Yuwei, what are you..."

"Shh..." made a silent gesture. Song Yuwei directly walked over, gently hugged Xu Hao and directly pressed Xu Hao on the big bed in her bedroom.

This is the first time that song Yuwei took the initiative, which greatly surprised Xu Hao!

"Sister Yuwei, how do you..." before Xu Hao finished, song Yuwei kissed Xu Hao's mouth.

Feeling song Yuwei's emotion, Xu Hao could no longer control the power of famine in his body. He turned over directly, pressed song Yuwei under him and attacked madly.


The two fought until more than two o'clock. Song Yuwei is physically and mentally exhausted and lies beside Xu Hao. She doesn't even have the strength to move.

"Sister Yuwei, why are you so suddenly today..." turning to song Yuwei, Xu Hao asked curiously.

"I suddenly received an invitation to get married. I have some strange ideas in my heart. Let's take today as our wedding night, OK?" Song Yuwei said faintly, leaning against Xu Hao's arms.

She and Xu Hao are destined to be so secretive. Even if Xu Hao is willing to marry her regardless of secular eyes, she will not agree! For song Yuwei now, she is very happy to be with Xu Hao! She dare not expect too much.

"Sister Yuwei..." gently hugged song Yuwei, and Xu Hao kissed and kissed her on the forehead

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