Dong Tianlong's wedding was held in Jiangcheng international hotel. In order to do the wedding well, Dong Tianlong directly contracted the Jiangcheng international hotel.

Originally, Xu Hao planned to go with song Yuwei, but song Yuwei didn't agree with anything and had to leave. Xu Hao had no choice but to drive to Jiangcheng international hotel after Song Yuwei's car.

There are countless luxury cars parked in the parking lot outside Jiangcheng international hotel. Xu Hao's Passat seems a little shabby.

Although Xu Hao's car is inconspicuous, no one will look down on Xu Hao. Everyone who can be invited by Dong Tianlong today has a head and a face!

Holding the invitation, Xu Hao followed song Yuwei and walked into the hotel together.

The hotel was bustling and filled with joy.

After walking around the banquet hall of the hotel, Xu Hao found that Dong Yangfan was also there. Originally, Xu Hao thought Dong Yangfan would not come!

"Sober up?" Xu Hao said to Dong Yangfan as he walked over.

After looking up at Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan said, "who wants you to be busy and send me back? How good it is to let me die outside!"

Xu Hao was speechless for a while. Is Dong Yangfan's brain abnormal?

Too lazy to touch the mold of Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao got up and prepared to leave.

Xu Hao just stood up, Dong Yangfan also stood up, then took Xu Hao and walked outside the banquet hall.

"What are you doing?" Xu Hao asked hurriedly, worried about what the little girl Dong Yangfan was doing.

"You come with me, or I'll have a big wedding today, and then say you ordered it!" looking at Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan directly threatened.

"Shit!" Xu Hao completely convinced Dong Yangfan. If she really makes a big wedding and says he ordered it, Dong Tian may have to live with him! It's not a wise decision to provoke Dong Tianlong in Jiangcheng.

Reluctantly following Dong Yangfan's back, Xu Hao saw that Dong Yangfan's chick was walking towards the bathroom.

"Hey, this is the women's bathroom. What are you doing with me?" Xu Hao was completely speechless. There was something wrong with Dong Yangfan's brain. She actually pulled him into the women's bathroom!

"Don't worry, there's no one in the bathroom!" Dong Yangfan turned around in the women's bathroom, then picked up a sign of "cleaning" and stood at the door of the women's bathroom, and took Xu Hao in.

"I said, what the hell do you want?" Xu Hao was a little afraid of Dong Yangfan. He didn't know what crazy action the chick would make!

He directly pulled Xu Hao into a compartment in the bathroom, and Dong Yangfan locked the door of the compartment with his backhand.

"What are you doing?" looking at Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Take off your clothes!" Dong Yangfan said, looking at Xu Hao.

"Dong Yangfan, I warn you to stop fooling around!" Xu Hao said and was about to go out, but Dong Yangfan stopped Xu Hao at the door.

Seeing Xu Hao reaching over, Dong Yangfan quickly said, "if you don't do what I say, I'll shout rude. Don't forget, you're in the women's bathroom. You'll have a hundred mouths at that time, and you can't tell!"

"Shit, what do you want to do?" Xu Hao is really afraid. Dong Yangfan's brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people. Now stimulated by Dong Tianlong's marriage, the devil knows what special things she will do!

"Do as I say, or you will bear the consequences!" Dong Yangfan said directly without explaining to Xu Hao.

Xu Hao was really afraid of Dong Yangfan and had to take off his clothes in great embarrassment. After hesitation, Xu Hao still kept a underwear for himself.

Dong Yangfan didn't say anything about Xu Hao's failure to take off completely. Looking up at Xu Hao, he asked, "is what you said yesterday true?"

"What?" Xu Hao didn't know which Song Dong Yangfan was singing.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter!" Dong Yangfan said, letting Xu Hao sit on the toilet in the compartment, and then she took off her clothes as fast as she could.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Xu Hao was completely stupid! Today is Dong Tianlong's wedding. If Xu Hao dares to kill her baby daughter at Dong Tianlong's wedding, Dong Tianlong won't have to work hard for him at that time?

"Don't talk!" Dong Yangfan said, sitting directly on Xu Hao's leg and kissing Xu Hao's mouth.

Xu Hao didn't react for a long time. Which chick Dong Yangfan is singing?

Dong Yangfan's kissing skill is very strange. He bit Xu Hao's lips several times, and Xu Hao trembled with pain!

Being seduced by a naked beauty, even if Xu Hao is Liu Xiahui, he can't control it. Not to mention, Xu Hao is not Liu Xiahui!

Soon, Xu Hao reacted and thought that even if he didn't do anything, would Dong Tianlong let him go? Thinking of this, Xu Hao crossed his heart, picked up Dong Yangfan and made trouble with the Yellow Dragon!

Dong Yangfan gave a stuffy hum and bit Xu Hao on his shoulder, so he didn't scream.

Xu Hao didn't expect Dong Yangfan to bite him so hard! Looking at the deep tooth marks and blood on his shoulder, Xu Hao couldn't help patting Dong Yangfan's small ass.

"You... You let go of me, it hurts too much!" Dong Yangfan sweated in pain and pushed Xu Hao hard.

"It's too late to regret at this time!" anyway, things have been done, and Xu Hao has no way back. In that case, it's better to have a good time. Although Dong Yangfan has a flat figure, she is a little beauty after all, isn't she?

"You let go of me, I can't do it, it hurts me!" Dong Yangfan cried. Seeing the blood flowing down Dong Yangfan's thigh, Xu Hao was also a little flustered and hurriedly stopped his action.

Taking advantage of Xu Hao's pause, Dong Yangfan casually put his skirt on his body, then grabbed other clothes and ran out of the bathroom.

"Hey, there are my clothes!" Xu Hao shouted at Dong Yangfan. Unfortunately, Dong Yangfan ran away without looking back.

This time, Xu Hao is stupid! With no clothes on his body, if he goes out, it may become the biggest scandal today. However, blindly hiding in this bathroom is even worse!

Looking at the mobile phone in the bathroom, Xu Hao's heart crossed and dialed song Yuwei. At this time, only song Yuwei can help him. If someone else saw this scene, it would be a big deal.

Listening to Xu Hao's flustered words on the phone, he asked him to find a full set of men's clothes and go to the women's bathroom. Song Yuwei felt a little messy.

However, after calming down a little, song Yuwei found the waiter of the hotel, asked for a full set of clothes according to Xu Hao's figure, and hurried towards the women's bathroom

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