At night, Xu Hao was still a little worried, so he called Dong Yangfan again. As a result, the chick directly hung up Xu Hao's phone and turned it off.

As a last resort, Xu Hao had to call Su Jing and ask about Dong Yangfan.

"We are eating out. What are you looking for her?" Su Jing said, looking at Dong Yangfan.

Don't dare to look at Su Jing's eyes. Dong Yangfan's eyes dodge.

"Nothing. I just want to ask you about the decoration. Since you are eating, I won't disturb you." Xu Hao said, feeling guilty and wanting to hang up the phone. Since Dong Yangfan and Su Jing are eating out, it means that Dong Yangfan has nothing to do.

"Why do I think you're weird today?" although Su Jing didn't guess what happened to Xu Hao and Dong Yangfan, she still noticed some abnormalities with the woman's keen intuition.

"What's strange about me? Tomorrow is the new product launch. I'm just a little nervous." Xu Hao casually made an excuse and said.

After listening to Xu Hao's explanation, Su Jing's doubts dissipated, "then you must have a good rest today, or you will have no spirit tomorrow!"

"OK, I see." Xu Hao said, kissed Su Jing on the phone and hung up.


"Which little girl is this harming?" as soon as Xu Hao hung up, Huang Xin came in. Tomorrow is the new product press conference. Xu Hao and several of their main leaders are staying at the hotel where the press conference is held to prevent all kinds of accidents.

With an awkward cough, Xu Hao changed the topic, "sister Xin, are you almost ready?"

"There should be no problem. Xiaoling is doing the final inspection." Huang Xin is also a little nervous. Tomorrow's new product launch is very important for Dongping company! If one shot is fired tomorrow, Le beverage group will be at a disadvantage in the competition with Dongping company in the future; If it fails tomorrow, I'm afraid Dongping company will be reduced to the same level as other small beverage companies.

"Let's go and see again." Xu Hao was still a little worried. He stood up and said to Huang Xin.

Huang Xin came to Xu Hao with the same meaning. Although she had checked it again and again, she was still not at ease. Tonight is doomed to insomnia.

Xu Hao and Huang Xin came to the venue and saw that Liu Yuling was directing several staff to optimize the venue.

Seeing Xu Hao and Huang Xin, Liu Yuling trotted over and said, "president Xu and president Huang, why are you here?"

"Don't worry, come and have a look. Go and help yourself. I'll call you if you have something." Huang Xin also knows that Liu Yuling will be very busy today, so she won't waste her time.

Nodding at Huang Xin, Liu Yuling was busy arranging the meeting.

Xu Hao and Huang Xin walked around the venue. After confirming that there were no mistakes, they left the venue temporarily and went back to their room to see the PPT to be used at the press conference tomorrow.

"I can't sleep tonight," Huang Xin said with a headache.

Xu Hao also knows Huang Xin's nervousness and uneasiness. Isn't he? Just, if you don't sleep today, how can you cope with tomorrow's press conference? Looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, you are the keynote speaker tomorrow. If you don't sleep, you will have a pair of panda eyes tomorrow. How ugly!"

"Go, you just have a pair of panda eyes!" Huang Xin glared at Xu Hao discontentedly, and then said, "I'll go back to bed first. If there's anything, call me at any time!"

"OK, you can go to bed at ease." Xu Hao said and sent Huang Xin back to his room.

Although Xu Hao comforts Huang Xin, he is more nervous than Huang Xin! Tomorrow is the most official appearance of Dongping company. If you are not nervous, it must be a lie!

Taking out his mobile phone, Xu Hao hesitated and dialed Bai Yan.

As soon as the phone was dialed, Bai Yan answered it. Xu Hao can't help guessing whether Bai Yan has been waiting for his call.

"Bai Yi..." hearing the voice of Bai Yan on the phone, Xu Hao's tension and uneasiness decreased a lot.

"Aunt has been waiting for your call. How? Are you ready?" Bai Yan's voice is always so gentle that Xu Hao will feel at ease.

"Well, everything is ready. Aunt Bai, tomorrow's press conference is very important to the company, and you should come back to participate." Xu Hao still wants to persuade Bai Yan to come back to participate in the new product press conference.

"I wish my aunt would support you silently behind your back." Bai Yan's gentle voice came from the other end of the phone. "The production base is inseparable from people, and the strawberry plantation is inseparable from people. If my aunt doesn't stare, don't worry!"

Xu Hao also knows that there are a lot of things in the production base of Jinma town. Bai Yan is too busy to touch the ground every day. In addition, now is the most critical moment, and it is inseparable from people.

"Aunt Bai, thank you." Xu Hao said suddenly and affectionately after a long silence.

"Why don't you say thank you? My aunt is willing to do anything for you." Bai Yan said on the other end of the phone: "after this new product launch, we can also think about expanding to the East China Sea?"

"Well, once our new products are on the market, we will prepare to build the East China Sea Branch." Xu Hao said his idea. "We have made so many preparations to return to the East China Sea. I must find out the cause of my parents' death and avenge them!"

"Xiaohao, no matter what you do, my aunt will support you!" Bai Yan said firmly on the other end of the phone: "even if I want my aunt to fight for this life, I don't hesitate!"

"Aunt Bai, I don't want you to work hard. I want you to accompany me all the time!" Xu Hao said hurriedly. It's hard for him to imagine what it would be like without Bai Yan's company!

"Well, aunt promised Xiaohao to accompany you all the time!" Bai Yan said gently, "well, it's getting late, and you have to rest early. There must be a lot of things tomorrow and all kinds of emergencies. You have to deal with them. You can't do without a good mental state!"

"Well, aunt Bai, I know!" Xu Hao said quickly. After making such a phone call with Bai Yan, Xu Hao felt much better and less nervous.

After hanging up, Xu Hao went through the process of tomorrow's press conference in his mind from beginning to end, and then lay in bed.

For ordinary people, tomorrow may be an important new product launch of Dongping company, but for Xu Hao, tomorrow is the first step of Dongping company's external expansion!

Xu Hao has worked so hard in Jiangcheng for so long that he can return to the East China Sea and revive the Xu family one day!

"Dad and mom, don't worry, I won't let you die without a clear explanation! You wait for me, I must find out the cause of your death and take back everything belonging to our Xu family!" Xu Hao said silently in his heart as he lay in bed!

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