At more than six in the morning, Xu Hao got up.

When he came to the banquet hall, Xu Hao saw that Huang Xin got up earlier than him. The two said good morning to each other. Xu Hao asked, "sister Xin, how did you get up earlier than me?"

"I can't sleep at more than four o'clock, so I just get up." Huang Xin lifted her hair at the temples, looked at Xu Hao and said, "why do you get up so early? Can't sleep?"

Xu Hao smiled and acquiesced to Huang Xin's words.

The two went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast, and then returned to the banquet hall where the press conference was held.

When they came back, many staff were making final preparations in the banquet hall. It can be seen that they also have the same tension. After all, today is very important for Dongping company.

The press conference was scheduled to start at 10 a.m. just after 9 a.m., Tang Jing came with Liang Hongyu.

Tang Jing is wearing a set of black business clothes, tight fitting business clothes, which shows Tang Jing's perfect curve. On a pair of slender legs, there are still black silk stockings that have not changed for thousands of years.

Seeing Xu Hao, Tang Jingchong smiled at Xu Hao and walked over, "how about today's new product launch? Will it bring everyone a big surprise?"

"You'll know then." Xu Hao didn't tell Tang Jing directly, but sold it.

Tang Jing didn't ask much either. She exchanged greetings with Xu Hao and went over to sit down.

Originally, Shen Rong was arranged to meet the agents who came to the new product launch at the door, but Shen Rong's energy was limited, and Xu Hao had to come forward to meet some heavyweight agents and many big customers who came to join in.

"President Zhou, you're here too." seeing Zhou Jiahao and Zhou Xinyu together, Xu Hao looked a little shocked and hurried forward to meet him.

Zhou Jiahao smiled, "president Xu, the new products launched today will not disappoint us?"

"Ha ha... President Zhou, this new product will certainly satisfy you." Xu Hao smiled and led Zhou Jiahao towards the meeting.

At 9:50, all the agents and important customers invited to attend the new product launch arrived.

As the keynote speaker of the new product launch, Huang Xin first thanked everyone for their support on the stage and opened the prelude to the new product launch.

The first new product, of course, is an orange juice drink. With the orange juice drinks of Dongping company displayed on the huge screen of the banquet hall, the etiquette lady immediately distributed the orange juice drinks to all guests who came to the new product launch.

Huang Xin on the stage is also introducing the characteristics of this product and the main direction in the future.

We have heard about this orange juice drink of Dongping company for a long time, so it's not surprising to see it! Many people don't even plan to taste it.

After all, orange juice is a common drink. Even if it's delicious, it still tastes like orange juice? They are not very interested.

I don't know who has nothing to do. I took a sip first and whispered immediately, "the taste is really good. It's better than the orange juice I've drunk before!"

Someone took the lead, and soon others came to be interested. As beverage agents, they are very picky. Since the orange juice drink of Dongping company can attract the praise of some of them, it shows that this product is really great!

"It's really good. What kind of oranges is this made of?" immediately, another agent couldn't help asking curiously.

With everyone's discussion, this orange juice drink that we were not very interested in immediately attracted everyone's attention! Today, most people are agents. Of course, they know how popular a product with excellent taste will be when it is introduced to the market!

Soon, an anxious agent couldn't help asking Huang Xin standing on the stage, "Mr. Huang, do you have enough orange juice drinks? I want 500000 yuan!"

"Lao Wang, you're against the rules. How can you break the rules like this? Mr. Huang, I'm not so greedy. I only want 300000 yuan!" immediately, another agent stood up and said loudly.

Seeing that someone ordered new products first, other agents were unwilling to fall behind and said they wanted to order one after another. A good new product launch has become a new product rush purchase Conference!

"Everyone be quiet..." Huang Xin said several times in a row, and the excited agents at the bottom were quiet. "Today is the new product launch. If you are interested in our products, please log in to our ordering system after the launch..."

Hearing that it is necessary to log in the ordering system to order new products, many anxious agents are ready to order directly first.

However, next, Huang Xin's next sentence directly drew everyone's attention back.

"Next, let's introduce the heavy product of our new product launch - strawberry juice drink!" Huang Xin's voice couldn't help raising a few decibels and loudly introduced strawberry juice drink.

The agents who were just about to leave suddenly stopped, and their eyes were attracted by the pattern of strawberry juice drinks on the huge display screen.

"There are two new products this time?" all the agents burst into flames. Previously, all the gossip they heard was that the new product launch was orange juice drinks, but according to the news just revealed by Huang Xin, orange juice drinks were just appetizers! The real main product this time is strawberry juice drink!

Most people have tasted the orange juice drink just now. It can definitely be called the best orange juice drink! Unexpectedly, there are better strawberry juice drinks than orange juice drinks!

"Mr. Huang, where's the sample? Let's try it!" immediately, an anxious agent shouted at Huang Xin on the stage.

Huang Xin just smiled and said, "please take it easy. I'll introduce you to the general situation of strawberry juice drinks. In a moment, I'll prepare new products for you..."

Hearing Huang Xin's words, everyone had to sit down and listen to Huang Xin introduce this heavy product - strawberry juice!

Huang Xin started directly from the planting of this special strawberry. At the same time, it is combined with many pictures of Strawberry Garden to enhance persuasion.

"These strawberries are all planted in our own Strawberry Garden, which can ensure the quality of products from the source..." Huang Xin proudly introduced: "at the same time, after the press conference, you are also welcome to visit our Strawberry Garden, pick some strawberries and take them back to taste..."

Huang Xin's words immediately attracted the great interest of these agents. Among them, many agents send messages to familiar friends to tell them about the new product launch of Dongping company

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