Many agents participating in the agent conference of Tianle beverage group have received information from their peers about the new product launch of Dongping company.

Originally, the news they got and the news from Tianle beverage were only about orange juice drinks. However, this time, Dongping company obviously blundered and directly launched strawberry juice drinks.

The moment she received the news, Zhang Yalin suddenly felt relieved. Sure enough, Dongping company has not shown its cards before! Tianle beverage group has been preparing to block the listing of orange juice drinks of Dongping company, but unexpectedly, the main new products of Dongping company are not orange juice drinks at all, but strawberry juice drinks!

Yao Ruili's face was as ugly as it was when he got the news. Many executives of the company are holding the posture of watching a good play.

These people were recruited by Yang Zonglin, and they all have some feelings for Yang Zonglin more or less! Yao Ruili directly drove Yang Zonglin away from the company. Naturally, they were not satisfied.

However, Yao Ruili is very strong in the company. These people all need this job, so they have to be patient for the time being! Now, although everyone didn't say it on the surface, they were all mocking Yao Ruili in their hearts.

"President Yao, what about the next meeting arrangement?" everyone didn't speak. Zhang Yalin couldn't pretend that she didn't know anything. She had to ask Yao Ruili.

Yao Ruili now has the heart to kill. When the relevant information about the new product launch of Dongping company is transmitted to the group headquarters, what face does Yao Ruili have to continue to stay in the company?

"Why? President Zhang, you want to see my joke?" Yao Ruili snorted coldly, looked at Zhang Yalin and asked.

"If you think so, I can't help it! Now that so many agents are here, we can't mess around!" looking at Yao Ruili, Zhang Yalin said, "you're at the helm of the company. You have to come up with an idea!"

When Zhang Yalin choked back, Yao Ruili angrily wanted to curse! However, he had to restrain his emotions, looked at Zhang Yalin and said, "you go to appease the agent on behalf of the company first, and I'll contact the group..." as he said, Yao Ruili turned and left the meeting.

When Yao Ruili left, Zhang Yalin had to harden her head to communicate with the agent, hoping to stabilize the agent's mood.

However, at the moment, it is not Zhang Yalin's words that can stabilize the emotions of these agents. For these agents, who can grab the new products of Dongping company means that they can make a wave as soon as possible! No one is a fool. No one can't get along with money!

"Mr. Zhang, you Tianle drinks must give us a statement about this matter! Before, you swore to us that the new product of Dongping company was orange juice. You said that you had prepared a large amount of inventory, so that the new product of Dongping company could not be introduced to the market! However, how do you explain the current situation?" an agent pointed directly at Zhang Yalin's nose, Questioned!

This time, instead of attending the new product launch of Dongping company, they came to the agent conference of Tianle beverage. First, Tianle beverage gave them a promise; Second, it is also caused by the misleading of Tianle drink!

"That is, Tianle beverage must give us a reasonable explanation and compensate us for our losses!" immediately other agents joined in and asked Tianle beverage to give us an explanation.

The scene of Tianle beverage's agent conference immediately became chaotic. Although the staff tried their best to control the order at the scene, they had little effect!

"Where's president Yao?" Zhang Yalin couldn't help but ask her assistant.

The assistant was also very helpless. After Yao Ruili said he wanted to make a phone call, the man disappeared! Now, these agents are targeting Zhang Yalin!

"Mr. Zhang, why don't you take a break first and I'll let the Sales Department..." the assistant also knew that Zhang Yalin couldn't stand it, so he wanted to let Zhang Yalin learn from Yao Ruili to get rid of her shell! Let the sales director take the pressure first.

Shaking her head, Zhang Yalin knew that it was meaningless to blindly escape. What happened today was originally caused by Yao Ruili's overconfidence. If Yao Ruili didn't make a confident judgment and think that the new product of Dongping company must be orange juice, but listened to Yang Zonglin and their suggestions, how could it fall into this field!

"President Yao, let him come out and give us an explanation!" soon, many agents also found that Yao Ruili disappeared.

"President Yao is unwell, and I am the sole agent for the time being..." Zhang Yalin had to raise her voice to appease these angry agents.

"OK, what nonsense do we have to talk to them? We might be able to grab some soup when we arrive at the new product launch site of Dongping company at this time. I'm afraid there's nothing left if we go late!" I don't know which agent took the lead and others coaxed together. Many agents are really ready to leave the table to attend the new product launch of Dongping company!

Watching many agents leave, Zhang Yalin sighed powerlessly! At this time, what position does she have to stop the agent from leaving? If she were an agent, I'm afraid she would also rush to Dongping company at this time. It's like making amends for the lost sheep and trying to ease the relationship with Dongping company!

"Mr. Zhang, just let these agents leave?" the director of the sales department came over and asked in a low voice.

After looking at the sales director, Zhang Yalin asked, "if you don't let them go, can you force people to stay?"

"I..." Zhang Yalin choked. The sales director blushed, and then quickly turned and left.


At the same time, Xu Hao, who was at the press conference, also received a lot of news. Among them, several agents who explicitly refused to attend the new product launch of Dongping company took the initiative to send a message to Xu Hao, and even several people took the initiative to review their own shortcomings.

Seeing the news, Xu Hao couldn't help laughing. In the face of money and interests, these agents always have no position to speak of! They only recognize interests!

Show the message received by the mobile phone to Shen Rong sitting nearby. Shen Rong smiled and handed over a mobile phone. Shen Rong received more messages and richer content on his mobile phone!

"I don't know what Yao Ruili's expression is at the moment?" Shen Rong said and couldn't help laughing.

Xu Hao also laughed. However, Zhang Yalin's pretty face could not help but emerge in his mind. At this moment, I'm afraid her life is not easy, right?

Thinking of this, Xu Hao sent a message to Zhang Yalin.

Soon, Zhang Yalin replied to Xu Hao, "congratulations to President Xu this time. Let's lose face in Tianle drink!"

"What I said still counts!" Xu Hao immediately sent a message to Zhang Yalin, but Zhang Yalin delayed returning the message to Xu Hao

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