Before the new product launch of Dongping company was over, there was a sudden mess outside, and a group of people broke in.

"What's the matter?" Huang Xin, who was explaining the new products on the stage, didn't know the situation in Tianle beverage group. He was surprised to see a group of people breaking in. He thought they were making trouble.

These people were really saving face. As soon as they came in, they congratulated Xu Hao and Dongping company. I forgot who refused to attend the new product launch of Dongping company.

"Luo Pang, why are you here? Didn't you attend the agent conference of Tianle beverage?" an agent suddenly stood up at the new product launch and said to a middle-aged fat man who had just walked in.

Although the agent called Luo pangzi was a little embarrassed, he still had a smile on his face. "I heard that Dongping company has released heavy new products. You can eat meat and I can drink some soup!"

Luo pangzi took the lead, and others expressed their intention one after another.

"Please be quiet and don't affect the press conference." several staff members of Dongping company came forward and stopped Luo pangzi and his party from talking.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Luo pangzi quickly whispered his apology, then looked around and found that there was no chair, so he squatted directly in the back.

Luo pangzi took the lead, and others followed suit. They squatted in the back and didn't affect others as much as possible.

Huang Xin, standing on the stage, naturally saw all this in her eyes. At the same time of shock, I felt a burst of pride for no reason. She also saw that these were agents who refused to attend the new product launch before!

After everyone calmed down, Huang Xin continued to make a speech. The rest of the content was scheduled to be finished in 15 minutes, but Huang xinleng talked for half an hour. Luo pangzi's face turned white when they squatted.

At the moment, they can't tell. Want to stand up and exercise, and worry about affecting the order of the venue. I want to go out for a while, but I'm afraid it will cause the displeasure of Dongping company! Want to leave in anger, and don't want to give up the white money!

Hearing that Huang Xin finally finished, Luo pangzi applauded warmly from the bottom of his heart. He can also stand up and move his body at this time.

"Now, if you want to visit our Strawberry Garden, please register here." the staff shouted immediately.

Luo pangzi, who came late and didn't know what it meant to visit the Strawberry Garden, quickly grabbed several people around him and asked. Fortunately, Luo pangzi has a wide range of contacts. Someone will tell him right away.

Hearing that the Strawberry Garden is owned by Dongping company and is the raw material of the new strawberry juice, he immediately said he would visit it.


"How's it going? Is what I said ok?" after coming down from the stage, Huang Xin took the water cup handed over by Xu Hao and looked at Xu Hao and asked.

"Very good!" Xu Hao thumbed up and said to Huang Xin, "sister Xin, did you deliberately add those last contents! You didn't see the faces of Luo pangzi..."

"Nonsense, i... how could I be intentional!" Huang Xin blushed and hurriedly said.

Xu Hao didn't poke Huang Xin, but he couldn't help laughing unkindly.

"By the way, let's go to Jinma town later?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Huang Xin and Shen Rong.

Shen Rong hurriedly said, "my president Xu, I can't go now! I have to stare at our ordering system. I don't know if I can hold it. The system upgrade is imminent!"

"I won't go either. I didn't sleep well yesterday. It's not easy to finish the work at hand. I have to go back and have a good sleep!" Huang Xin also said.

Shen Rong and Huang Xin can't leave. They have to go to Jinma town to visit the Strawberry Garden. Xu Hao can only lead the team.

When Xu Hao and Huang Xin talked to each other, an agent came to get close to them immediately. They all know that the quantity of this batch of products of Dongping company must be small. At this time, whoever can get enough goods means that he can attract enough customers!

"Everybody, it's no use trying to get close to me. All our orders have to go through the company's ordering system." Xu Hao said bluntly, "so at this time, you shouldn't come to me to get close to me, but submit orders in our ordering system according to your previous ordering qualification!"

Hearing that the order quantity is linked to the deposit paid before, those who pay less deposit will regret it! I knew that today, they had to pay the insurance certificate money! Well, the deposit is less, and I don't even have the qualification to order!

Those who have paid the full deposit before are now happy! At the beginning, many people said that they who paid more deposits were fools and would regret it sooner or later! Now, instead of regretting, they have become the envy of others.

"Lao Zhang, let's discuss something with you. You pay a lot of margin. Let me buy some goods at that time. I'll add a point to you on the basis of the original price!" immediately there was the active agent who approached those agents who paid enough margin.

"Let me give you a bunch of goods. Do you think I'm stupid, or the people in Dongping company are stupid!" Lao Zhang immediately retorted, "besides, my own goods are not enough. You can think of other ways!" Lao Zhang said, turned and left without bothering to talk nonsense to this man.

This situation keeps going on. Everyone hopes to get more new products at this critical moment.

"Mr. Shen, just help me. How about I pay twice as much as the deposit?" someone who pays less deposit is really worried at the moment.

"Mr. Jin, it's not that I don't help you. I can't help it! The deposit system was set by Mr. Xu. Why don't you go to Mr. Xu for discussion?" Shen Rong looked at Mr. Jin and said.

Thinking of Xu Hao's six relatives, Mr. Jin didn't have the courage to find Xu Hao after all. At the beginning, Xu Hao gave them a chance. It was they who cheated and were reluctant to pay the deposit. Now they can't blame others!

"Mr. Xu, the team has contacted, and we can start at any time." Liu Yuling walked to Xu Hao and whispered.

"OK, you organize and inform those who want to visit the Strawberry Garden. Now let's go. I'll wait for you downstairs." Xu Hao said and went downstairs first. The chattering of these agents made Xu Hao's head ache.

Just came to the underground garage, Xu Hao saw Zhang Yalin's car parked not far away. The car didn't turn off. Obviously, Zhang Yalin is still in the car.

After looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao walked towards Zhang Yalin's ca

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