When he came to Zhang Yalin's car, Xu Hao saw Zhang Yalin lying on the steering wheel. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Gently knocked on the window and saw Zhang Yalin look up. Xu Hao made a gesture to let her lower the window.

Zhang Yalin didn't expect to meet Xu Hao at this time. She was a little embarrassed. However, the reason why she came here was to ask Xu Hao about the new product launch.

Directly push open the door, Zhang Yalin came out. Some embarrassed looked at Xu Hao, smiled and said, "what a coincidence, I met him here."

"Unfortunately, our company is holding a new product launch upstairs!" Xu Hao smiled, looked at Zhang Yalin and asked, "since President Zhang is here, why don't you go up and listen to our new product launch? You don't give face!"

Zhang Yalin was ashamed by Xu Hao and wanted to get into the car and escape immediately. However, looking at Xu Hao's proud smile, Zhang Yalin looked at Xu Hao angrily and said, "you didn't send me an invitation. It's inappropriate for me not to go by myself!"

Xu Hao didn't expect that Zhang Yalin, a woman, was still guilty. At the beginning, Xu Hao Mingming gave her an invitation, which she didn't want!

However, at this time, Xu Hao didn't tangle with Zhang Yalin, but asked, "president Zhang came this time to inquire about the new product launch?"

"Sort of." Zhang Yalin couldn't admit it directly and simply said an ambiguous answer.

Xu Hao was speechless for a while. What is it! On your face, it was written clearly: I'm here to inquire about the news!

"Just in time, we invited the agent to visit the Strawberry Garden. Would you like to go together?" looked at Zhang Yalin and Xu Hao.

Zhang Yalin was stunned. She didn't know what medicine Xu Hao sold in the gourd?

"You won't refuse me again?" looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao said, "it's unkind to refuse my sincere invitation many times!"

With a "puff" sound, Zhang Yalin couldn't help laughing. Originally some heavy heart, a lot better. Looking at Xu Hao, Zhang Yalin said, "well, I'll give you this opportunity. I just want to see it!"

"Do you drive by yourself or take my car?" Xu Hao asked when he looked at Zhang Yalin.

"Take your car," Zhang Yalin thought and said. One is to drive her own car, which seems a little inappropriate. When those agents see it, they think she is shameless; Second, Zhang Yalin also hopes to get some useful information from Xu Hao in the car. This is also her main purpose of looking for Xu Hao.

"Please!" Xu Hao said and invited Zhang Yalin to get on the bus.

After calling Liu Yuling and confirming that everyone had got on the bus, Liu Yuling led the team and was ready to start.

As soon as the car drove out of the underground parking lot, Zhang Yalin asked curiously, "is your new product really strawberry juice?"

"Yes!" Xu Hao smiled and said.

"But... Didn't you tell me it was orange juice?" Zhang Yalin said angrily. At the beginning, she sacrificed her hue to get the information from Xu Hao! As a result, the bastard gave me false information.

Zhang Yalin's pretty face turned red and red when she remembered the scene of being teased by Xu Hao when she went to Xu Hao's office.

"Orange juice is also a new product!" Xu Hao said, turning his head and looking at Zhang Yalin. Seeing Zhang Yalin blushing, she couldn't help saying, "in fact, your blushing looks very good!"

"You..." Zhang Yalin didn't expect Xu Hao to flirt with her at this time. She wanted to fight back, but she didn't know what to say. Moreover, she knows that she is not Xu Hao's opponent!

"Well, I'm kidding you." Xu Hao directly cut off the topic and asked, "tell me, what do you want to know? As long as I can tell you, I promise to tell you everything!"

"Tell me everything?" Zhang Yalin didn't believe Xu Hao.

"Of course! Guarantee with my character." Xu Hao said with a smile.

Hearing that Xu Hao still has the face to mention character, Zhang Yalin wants Xu Hao to know what character is! However, Zhang Yalin wanted to know some useful information from Xu Hao at the moment, so she had to be patient for the time being.

"Can you share the relevant data of your new products with me?" Zhang Yalin went straight to the theme as soon as she came up.

Looking back at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao said reluctantly, "I'm sorry, I really don't have these data! This new product launch was prepared by general manager Huang Xin. I'm a shopkeeper!"

"How much do you prepare for your new product?" Zhang Yalin asked again. Every sentence is a core secret.

"This can tell you that it should have been produced in less than three days. I calculate the output in three days..." Xu Hao began to calculate in his heart as he said.

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Zhang Yalin was shocked. Dongping company has only prepared goods for three days and dares to open a new product launch. Isn't it afraid that it can't give enough goods to the agent at that time?

"You're not kidding. You haven't prepared the goods at all?" Zhang Yalin asked in shock when she looked at Xu Hao.

"President Zhang, as you said, we have prepared the goods for three days!" Xu Hao quickly corrected the mistake in Zhang Yalin's words.

This time, Zhang Yalin is completely crazy! Even with the production capacity of Tianle beverage group, it takes at least half a month to prepare the goods before it dares to announce new products and accept orders from agents!

Seeing Zhang Yalin's silence, Xu Hao asked, "why? Zhang has nothing to ask?"

"No!" Zhang Yalin responded stiffly.

With a smile, Xu Hao asked, "since President Zhang has finished asking, I'll ask you two questions."

"You ask, as long as I can tell you." Zhang Yalin breathed a sigh. She knew that Xu Hao was the one who refused to suffer. She asked him two core questions. Xu Hao always had to find a way to get it back!

"Don't be so nervous." looking at Zhang Yalin who was slightly nervous, Xu Hao asked, "president Zhang wants to come this time, or does someone want you to come to me?"

"Is there any difference?" Zhang Yalin was stunned and looked at Xu Hao and asked.

"Yes, at least for me, it's very different!" Xu Hao looked at Zhang Yalin and said firmly.

"The group asked me to inquire about the news." after that, Zhang Yalin paused and said, "I want to come myself. I'm very curious about your new product! You've done such strict confidentiality work. If you want to come to this new product, you won't be disappointed!"

"Thank you for your affirmation!" after looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao said, "in addition, I'm not very satisfied with your answer. If you can remove the previous sentence and say that you wanted to come, I'll be more satisfied!"

"You..." no matter how slow Zhang Yalin is, she also hears that Xu Hao is flirting with her. Simply turn your head directly, look at the scenery outside the window, and no longer pay attention to Xu Hao!

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