Because Bai Yan had been called in advance, Bai Yan had already been waiting with people when the team arrived at the production base in Jinma town.

Bai Yan was shocked to see so many agents coming down from the car!

"Aunt Bai, this is only a small half of the agents. Many people are eager to go back and distribute the goods, but they haven't come." seeing Bai Yan's shocked expression, Xu Hao quickly said.

This time, Bai Yan was even more shocked. At the same time, some people are worried about production. According to this situation, production may not keep up.

After chatting with Xu Hao, Bai Yan found Zhang Yalin standing not far away! Bai Yan hasn't seen Zhang Yalin, but Zhang Yalin doesn't look like those agents. She can't help asking curiously, "who's that girl? It seems that she got out of your car?"

"Cough..." with two awkward coughs, Xu Hao said: "her name is Zhang Yalin, vice president of Tianle beverage Jiangcheng company, in charge of sales."

"Ah?" Bai Yan's face immediately changed when she heard that it was the competitor. If Zhang Yalin hadn't been brought by Xu Hao, Bai Yan would have asked someone to drive her out.

Seeing Bai Yan's expression, Xu Hao was amused. "Aunt Bai, don't be so nervous! She just wants to come and see our production base and Strawberry Garden, and let her see it in a moment!"

"These are our secrets..." looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said with some worry.

Gently shook Bai Yan's hand, and Xu Hao quickly let go, "aunt Bai, don't worry, even if our secrets are seen, no one can steal them. Trust me!"

Nodded, Bai Yan stopped saying anything.

Let people take these agents and Zhang Yalin to visit the production base, and she took Xu Hao back to the office.

As soon as he entered the office, Xu Hao held Bai Yan tightly!

Feeling Xu Hao's enthusiasm, Bai Yan did not stop Xu Hao's intimacy. She leaned her head on Xu Hao's chest. Bai Yan asked, "is the press conference very successful?"

"Well, it's very successful!" Xu Hao said about the agents coming from the agent conference of Tianle beverage group, which immediately aroused Bai Yan's excitement!

"Aunt knows that Xiaohao will succeed!" Bai Yan kissed Xu Hao for the first time and said, "next is the plan to enter the East China Sea. The East China Sea Branch, why don't aunt go there in person?"

"I'll think about it again. Jinma town production base and Strawberry Garden can't live without you." holding Bai Yan, Xu Hao said: "Huang Xin is a suitable candidate, but I don't know how to tell her!"

"Then wait." Bai Yan also knows Xu Hao's worry, but they have made so long efforts and preparations to return to the East China Sea and find out the cause of Xu Hao's parents' death?

"It's better to slow down. The company has made great strides in these steps and needs to stabilize!" Xu Hao also knows that he is a little impatient. In order to expand rapidly, he has put the company on a heavy debt! If the effect of strawberry juice on the market is slightly worse this time, the operation of the company will be greatly affected.

"Aunt has confidence in strawberry juice!" Bai Yan stretched out her hand, gently stroked Xu Hao's face and said, "when strawberry juice comes on the market, we will make sufficient preparations for our capital turnover, and then enter the East China Sea, which will be better!"

"OK, aunt Bai, I see." Xu Hao kissed Bai Yan's earlobe and said.

"Don't fool around, don't touch your hands!" felt Xu Hao's hand directly into her shirt. Bai Yan quickly patted Xu Hao's hand and said.

"It doesn't matter. There's no one at the moment!" Xu Hao leaned over to Bai Yan's ear and whispered.

Xu Hao's words with obvious hints and the heat of Xu Hao's words hit Bai Yan's ears, which made Bai Yan's body suddenly soft. Bai Yan hasn't been with Xu Hao for some time since she was busy with the production base in Jinma town.

"That's not good. It's still in the office in the daytime..." Bai Yan really has no face to say. How can she say such a shameful thing?

Bai Yan didn't want to, but Xu Hao was interested. Holding Bai Yan, Xu Hao directly put Bai Yan on his desk.

Looking at Bai Yan close at hand, Xu Hao's lips gently leaned over.

Bai Yan was so shy that she beat Xu Hao on his shoulder and said, "you like to bully me!"

"That's not why Bai Yan is willing to bully me." Xu Hao said, kissing Bai Yan's lips.

Bai Yan, who used to be a little reserved, now her inner passion broke out completely. She hugged Xu Hao's neck and responded warmly


With a nervous mood, they had a big fight in the office.

Bai Yan's heart almost jumped out of her throat. Looking at Xu Hao's happy appearance, she couldn't help biting on his shoulder, and then hurried to wear her clothes.

"Hurry up, too. What if someone comes later?" Bai Yan urged Xu Hao to hurry up while wearing clothes.

As soon as their clothes were put on, they heard footsteps outside. Soon, outside the office, they thought of Liu Yuling's voice: "president Xu and President Bai, we've almost visited. Are we going to the Strawberry Garden now?"

Hearing Liu Yuling's voice, Bai Yan was shy and wanted to hide. He glared at Xu Hao fiercely. Bai Yan hurried to the office door, opened the door and said to Liu Yuling, "it's assistant Liu. Just push the door open and come in. The door is unlocked."

Seeing Bai Yan's extremely unnatural expression, Liu Yuling knew that Bai Yan was lying. As a former policeman, Liu Yuling still has some judgment.

However, Liu Yuling didn't pierce Bai Yan's words, but said along with Bai Yan's words, "I'll pay attention next time." then she looked at Xu Hao and asked, "president Xu, when shall we start?"

"Let's go now," said Xu Hao, glancing at Bai Yan.

Bai Yan also nodded and said, "let's go. I'll take you there myself."

Looking at the extremely unnatural blush on Bai Yan's face, and thinking of Xu Hao and Bai Yan alone in the office just now, Liu Yuling couldn't help but make up a lot of unhealthy pictures in her mind!

However, Liu Yuling is not a talkative person. She knows what to say and what not to say!

Blushing, Liu Yuling hurriedly said, "I'll inform you." then she twisted her head and ran away!

Seeing Liu Yuling running away, Bai Yan held out her hand, pinched Xu Hao's waist and said, "it's all your fault. I'm dead! Assistant Liu must have found something!"

"How could it be? Xiaoling is not Holmes!" Xu Hao hurriedly comforted Bai Yan. However, he didn't worry much about it. Even if Liu Yuling really found something, she would never say it! At this point, Xu Hao has confidence in Liu Yuling!

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