The three found a place to eat, during which Xu Hao also said something about the press conference.

Su Jing was so excited that her little face was red, but Dong Yangfan turned her mouth in disdain, and then asked the waiter to bring a bottle of red wine.

"How can you not drink for such a big wedding?" Dong Yangfan said, and ordered the waiter to pour wine for the three.

Su Jing, who has never drunk wine, is also eager to try. She said that today is a rare good day and should be celebrated. Xu Haoshi couldn't grind them, so he had to agree to drink a little for each of the three.

Dong Yangfan, a drunkard, can't stand it. After a while, a bottle of red wine came to the end. Dong Yangfan hurriedly asked for another bottle.

Xu Hao tried to dissuade him, but when he saw Dong Yangfan's eyes and finally came to his mouth, he swallowed it.

"Drink less, or you'll feel bad at night." looking at Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao said to her as peacefully as possible.

Looking up at Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan asked, "who are you? I want you to take care of me?" as he said, the speed of drinking was greatly accelerated.

Although Su Jing wanted to persuade Dong Yangfan, she couldn't even say a complete word after drinking a few glasses of wine.

Finally, Xu Hao can only watch Dong Yangfan get drunk, and then walk out of the restaurant with two drunk drunks one by one.

He drank a lot of wine himself. Naturally, he couldn't drive. He had to take a taxi back. When the driver saw Xu Hao carrying two drunken girls, he repeatedly gave him a thumbs up, and his face showed an expression of envy.

Looking at the envious expression of the driver, Xu Hao is really hard to say.

Finally, he sent them back to their apartment, and Xu Hao threw them directly into a bed.

Just lying down for a while, Su Jing started first and threw up herself directly.

Reluctantly shook his head. Xu Hao hurried to take off Su Jing's clothes, leaving only her intimate underwear.

Just after she cleaned up Su Jing, Dong Yangfan began to cry.

Taking off Su Jing's clothes, Xu Hao has no psychological burden. However, taking off Dong Yangfan's clothes, Xu Hao still hesitated.

He gently pushed Dong Yangfan. Xu Hao tried to wake her up and let her clean up by herself. However, after calling several times in a row, the chick didn't give Xu Hao a response. Helpless, Xu Hao had to take off Dong Yangfan's clothes, leaving only his intimate underwear.

Compared with Su Jing's conservative cartoon underwear, Dong Yangfan's underwear is much hotter!

Move away quickly. Xu Hao threw the dirty clothes of Su Jing and Dong Yangfan directly into the dirty clothes basket in the bathroom. Let them clean up by themselves.

Originally intended to cover them with a quilt and leave. As a result, Xu Haocai helped them cover the quilt and the quilt was opened. Compared with Su Jing, who is drunk and quiet, Dong Yangfan is still tearing her only underwear with her hands.

If Dong Yangfan really wants to take off his underwear, he can't explain when they wake up tomorrow.

Quickly turn on the air conditioner in the bedroom, and Xu Hao covers the quilt for them. Worried that they would open the quilt and catch a cold later, Xu Hao had to move a chair and sit by the bed.

After drinking a lot of wine and working for so long, Xu Hao leaned back in his chair. He didn't know how, but he fell asleep.


Early the next morning, Xu Hao woke up with two screams.

Open your eyes, Xu Hao was completely stunned! He actually slept between Dong Yangfan and Su Jing. What's more, his clothes were taken off, just a pair of underwear!



Hearing Su Jing and Dong Yangfan's comments on him, Xu Hao wants to cry without tears! It's not like this at all. He doesn't understand why things turned out like this in the end?

"Well... Yesterday was like this..." Xu Hao tried to tell them everything about yesterday from beginning to end, but the expressions on Su Jing's and Dong Yangfan's faces explained everything. They didn't believe it at all!

"But even if we drink too much and you send us back, you can't sleep in the same bed with us!" Su Jing's small face flushed. If Xu Hao slept in the same bed with her, she would be shy at most, but she would never be angry. Now she is angry because Xu Hao not only slept in the same bed with her, but also her good friend!

"I didn't sleep in bed..." Xu Hao said. He was also a little strange. He was sitting in a chair yesterday. Why did he suddenly lie in bed? Most importantly, his clothes were taken off and placed neatly at the head of the bed.

"Men don't have a good thing!" Dong Yangfan glared at Xu Hao and said, "you said, did you do anything to us yesterday?"

"Sailing, Xu Hao certainly didn't!" before Xu Hao opened her mouth, Su Jing quickly defended Xu Hao. "Don't you think we still have clothes?" when it comes to clothes, Su Jing's small face became more red and secretly complained that Xu Hao was too much.

"Hum, it's you adulterers and adulterers who take advantage of you anyway." Dong Yangfan directly opened the quilt and got out of bed.

Seeing Dong Yangfan standing in the bedroom wearing only his underwear, Su Jing's small face flushed. She was anxious to put on clothes for Dong Yangfan.

"Yangfan, put on your clothes quickly. They're all gone!" Su Jing was very anxious, but Dong Yangfan was like nothing.

After looking at Su Jing, Dong Yangfan asked, "do you think he didn't see it when he took off our clothes yesterday? You're too naive!"

"I......" Dong Yangfan said, and Su Jing thought it was reasonable. However, out of the woman's jealous heart, Su Jing hurriedly stretched out her little hand to block Xu Hao's eyes and prevent Xu Hao from looking at it.

Speechless looked at Su Jing, who deceived himself and others, and Dong Yangfan walked out of the bedroom.

When Dong Yangfan went out, Su Jing quickly changed her expression, "Xu Hao, how can you do this? You... You're so angry with me!"

"I..." Xu Hao wanted to explain, but even if he had a hundred mouths, he couldn't tell clearly! He couldn't tell how he got into bed yesterday.

"Then tell me honestly, did you peek at sailing yesterday?" Su Jing immediately asked in a different tone.

Quickly shook his head, and Xu Hao almost swore to God, "I didn't see it! I really didn't see it!"

"You lied to me again. You must have seen it. Your eyes were a little flustered just now!" Su Jing gave Xu Hao a headache. Women are reincarnated by Sherlock Holmes in this regard! This detection ability is really no one.

"Well... When you take off your clothes, it's inevitable. You both drank too much yesterday. If I don't take off your dirty clothes, are you going to sleep like that?" Xu Hao quickly explained.

At the thought of her vomit, Su Jing shook her head and smelled the wine on her body. She couldn't sit still anymore. She picked up the changed clothes and rushed out of the bedroom

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