When Xu Hao put on his clothes and went out, Dong Yangfan had taken a bath and was blowing his hair in the living room.

Seeing Xu Hao coming out, Dong Yangfan only looked at him and continued to blow his hair, as if he didn't exist at home.

Dong Yangfan ignored him, but he couldn't pretend he didn't see Dong Yangfan. His intuition told him that he got from the chair to the bed in a muddle yesterday. He must have something to do with Dong Yangfan.

"Why are you so close to me? You haven't seen enough yesterday? Do you want me to show you naked?" Dong Yangfan said angrily when he saw Xu Hao sitting over.

Originally, Xu Hao was going to get close to Dong Yangfan, but he choked on Dong Yangfan's words. Standing there is neither entering nor retreating.

"That... What happened yesterday is really a misunderstanding. Believe it or not, I was sitting in a chair yesterday..." Xu Hao still needs to explain.

"Is there any difference?" turned his head and looked at Xu Hao. Dong Yangfan asked.

"Anyway, I want to say, I really don't know how to sleep in bed." Xu Hao didn't explain at all. He said so directly and sat on the sofa on the other side.

"Men don't have a good thing. You're the least thing!" Dong Yangfan said with an angry look at Xu Hao. "Don't you men just want three wives and four concubines and embrace each other?"

"I......" Xu Hao really can't refute this. After all, to some extent, there are four women who have a relationship with him in Jiangcheng alone! Of course, Xu Hao still can't remember what happened with Xu Ting that night, as if he had completely lost his memory.

"Why? There's nothing to say?" after looking at Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan said, "since there's nothing to say, don't say anything. I'm disgusted!" then Dong Yangfan directly got up and walked towards the bedroom.

After a while, Su Jing also took a bath and came out. Sitting beside Xu Hao, Su Jing asks Xu Hao to blow her hair.

"Don't worry. I'll talk to Yangfan later. She's not that unreasonable person." Su Jing thought Xu Hao was still worried about the three people sleeping in the same bed. She quickly said to him, "besides, aren't all three of us wearing clothes? Nothing must have happened!"

"Forget it, there's no way to explain this." Xu Hao sighed helplessly.

"You really are. Why do you have to sleep with us? Isn't my bedroom empty? Even if... Even if you want to sleep with... With me, you can take me to my bedroom!" Su Jing said, as if she had used up all her strength and her face turned red. She didn't dare to see Xu Hao.

Xu Hao didn't expect Su Jing to say such words. While shocked, he also wanted to tease her, so he asked, "why don't I leave today and let's sleep together later?"

"No!" Su Jing said hurriedly, "you are necrotic. At this time, you are still in the mood to joke!"

"Didn't you mention it first?" Xu Hao was helpless.

"Anyway, you are bad!" Su Jing said angrily, "I won't drink anymore. I'll lose my life!"

"It's all Dong Yangfan's fault. Without her, there would be no such things." remembering that at dinner yesterday, Dong Yangfan suggested drinking. Is it true that Dong Yangfan planned all this? Thinking of this, Xu Hao couldn't help laughing. Dong Yangfan's chick should not have this IQ.

"Don't you say Yangfan like that. It's all your fault!" Su Jing immediately opened her mouth to defend Dong Yangfan and forbid Xu Hao to speak ill of her.

After staying in the apartment for a while, Xu Hao was "kicked out" by Su Jing.


As soon as he got out of his apartment and Xu Hao was about to go back to the company, he received a call from Huang Xin, "it's all this point. Haven't you got up yet? Where were you happy yesterday?"

Xu Hao smiled bitterly. He thought of what happened last night and had a headache.

Hurriedly cut off the topic. Xu Hao asked, "sister Xin, what's the matter with you calling me?"

"If you have time, come to the company quickly." Huang Xin said on the phone, "there are a lot of things in the company waiting for you to deal with!"

Xu ha also knows that there must be a lot of things in the company these two days because of the launch of new products. Therefore, after Xu Hao told Huang Xin, he quickly took a taxi back to the company.

As soon as they returned to the company, Huang Xin and Shen Rong came to Xu Hao's office together. Both of them proposed to increase production capacity at the same time!

"Mr. Xu, you don't know that our ordering system has crashed countless times! Orders have been placed one month later..." Shen Rong poured bitter water when he saw Xu Hao.

"The ordering system must be upgraded, and the advertising of our new products must be launched simultaneously..." looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said: "in addition, if we expand production capacity, we may have to find bank loans. You have to find a way!"

Xu Hao, who had a headache, heard that Huang Xin and Shen Rong reported that they had finished their work, and his mind was a ball of paste! It seems that the company must find someone who can fully control the overall situation.

"In this way, these things should be slowed down first." looking at Huang Xin and Shen Rong, Xu Hao said, "I know you are all worried, and I am also worried! However, things have to be done bit by bit!"

"Well, Mr. Xu, you have to expand production capacity as soon as possible." Shen Rong took a helpless look at Xu Hao and had to leave the office first.

Shen Ronggang went away, and Huang Xin changed his tone immediately. "Yesterday was this lascivious embrace? Smell your liquor and the perfume of girls..."

"Cough... Sister Xin, this thing..." Xu Hao is really speechless. Why are women comparable to Holmes in this regard?

"You should not be with Su Jing and Dong Yangfan yesterday... You... You are ridiculous!" sniffed Terry Chui's body with the smell of perfume.

"Sister Xin, where do you want to go?" Xu Hao said some speechless: "well, well, don't talk about it. I'm going to contact Yang Zonglin. Do you want to go with me?"

"I won't go. There are a lot of things waiting for me to deal with." Huang Xin shook her head and said, "are you sure you can convince Yang Zonglin?"

"I have to try!" Xu Hao sighed helplessly.

"That's OK, you try it." Huang Xin stood up and walked outside. As soon as she got to the door of the office, Huang Xin suddenly stopped, looked back at Xu Hao and said, "young people still need to pay attention, don't play too much!" then, regardless of Xu Hao's surprised look, she walked out of Xu Hao's office

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