Tang Jing invited many people to the opening reception of the resort, including Qi Longde, who has cooperated with Xu Hao.

Seeing Xu Hao, Qi Longde said with a smile: "congratulations to President Xu. This time you completely slapped Tianle beverage group in the face!" as he said, Qi Longde couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Qi, it's unkind of you to laugh like that. You're still a shareholder of Tianle beverage group!" Xu Hao couldn't help laughing. He knows that although Qi Longde has invested in Tianle beverage group, his focus has always been on the real estate industry and does not value the investment of Tianle beverage group.

"I'm a small shareholder. If it weren't for the face of my friends, I would have sold this share." Qi Longde said carelessly.

The speaker is careless and the listener is intentional. If Qi Longde is really willing to sell this part of the shares, Xu Hao is willing to take over. However, at this time, Xu Hao could not afford such a large sum of money to buy the shares of Tianle beverage group in Qi Longde's hands.

After chatting with Xu Hao, Qi Longde left. This time Tang Jing invited many big entrepreneurs, and Qi Longde naturally wanted to contact them one by one.

At the reception, Xu Hao didn't know many acquaintances, so he just sat there drinking alone.

"Xu always looks different from what I imagined." when Xu Hao was drinking, Yang Si came over with a glass of wine.

Xu Hao couldn't help looking at Yang Siguang, who was wearing a dress.

Yang Simei glanced at Xu Hao, but did not complain that Xu Hao's eyes were not serious. After gently walking to Xu Hao and sitting down, Yang Si said, "president Xu has just won a big battle. Why are you not happy at all?"

"I can't be happy. Compared with Tianle beverage group, the foundation of Dongping company is weak after all." Xu Hao said with a helpless smile.

Yang Si just smiled faintly and didn't express his views.

"By the way, isn't Miss Yang busy these days?" looking at Yang Si, Xu Hao had Yang Si's idea in his heart.

Seeing Xu Hao's eyes, Yang Si knew there was nothing good. After glancing at Xu Hao discontentedly, Yang Si asked, "come on, what's president Xu's order? I really regret dying. I knew president Xu was a pickpocket, so I wouldn't sign the endorsement contract!"

"Cough..." seeing Yang Si's sad eyes, Xu Hao also knew that he had gone too far. But there is no way. Now he is also in the initial stage. Naturally, if he can save, he can save.

"First of all, it's definitely not good to give you free advertising in the program. There's no room for discussion!" Yang Si quickly said when he thought Xu Hao wanted her to advertise.

"Don't worry, Miss Yang. You won't be embarrassed this time." Xu Hao said with a smile, "it's not 11. Jiangcheng is going to hold the first Jiangcheng food festival. I want to invite you as the food envoy. What do you think?"

Looking at Xu Hao's smile, Yang Si didn't dare to agree easily. Now she knows who Xu Hao is! Xu Hao is the kind of vicious capitalist who can squeeze out a person's value without leaving a drop!

"No other additional conditions?" Yang Si asked, smiling at Xu Hao.

"Miss Yang, you see we are so familiar, can I pit you?" Xu Hao said very embarrassed. Yang Si, this is typical. Once bitten by a snake, he is afraid of the well rope for ten years!

"You don't pit me enough." after Xu Hao's eyes turned white, Yang Si said, "first, I can attend this food festival, and you can do something not illegal under my banner. But... If you dare to pit me again, I won't help you in the future!"

"Sure, sure!" Xu Hao said hurriedly. With Yang Si's words, Xu Hao is much more relieved.

After talking to Xu Hao about this, Yang Si quickly got up and left. She was worried that she would talk to Xu Hao again. Later, Xu Hao, a vicious capitalist, would make excessive demands. She didn't want to continue to be exploited by Xu Hao.

Seeing Yang Si's appearance of lingering fear, Xu Hao couldn't help laughing. If Yang Si's fans know that they squeeze Yang Si so much, I don't know if they will be smashed into meat patties by Yang Si's fans!

"Why are you sitting here drinking alone?" Tang Jing, who had just finished the party, walked towards Xu Hao with a glass of wine.

Different from the previous professional dress, Tang Jing today wears a purple dress, which changes her whole temperament.

"Finished?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Tang Jing.

After laughing, Tang Jing sat next to Xu Hao and said with a headache, "almost! After turning around, her face was a little stiff!"

"Really? Let me see..." Xu Hao said and stretched out his hand to touch Tang Jing's face.

Generally speaking, a girl will dodge at this time. However, Tang Jing sitting in front of Xu Hao is not an ordinary person. Instead of dodging, she let Xu Hao reach out and touch her face.

As soon as his hand touched Tang Jing's pretty face, Xu Hao was stunned: why didn't Tang Jing escape!

At this time, many people in the reception hall also saw this scene! Who doesn't know who Tang Jing is? Miss Tang is so close to the young man in front of her. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the relationship between the two.

For a moment, everyone began to inquire about Xu Hao's identity and background!

He quickly took his hand back. Xu Hao said, "if your face is stiff, rub it with your hand!"

Tang Jing glanced at Xu Hao and really rubbed her cheek gently with her hand. Xu Hao was speechless for a while. Looking at Tang Jing, Xu Hao said, "who helped you choose your clothes today?"

"I chose it myself, isn't it OK?" Tang Jing showed off her suit like a child waiting for praise. He gently lifted the skirt. Tang Jing pointed to her white and tender calf and said, "look, I'm not wearing black silk stockings!"

"Cough..." seeing Tang Jing as a child, Xu Hao was speechless. In the market, Tang Jing is a very strong woman, but in life, she is almost like a child who doesn't know the world! This is really a collection of contradictions.

"What's the matter?" Tang Jing asked, puzzled by Xu Hao's strange expression.

Not knowing how to explain to Tang Jing, Xu Hao had to say, "that... After all, it's a public place. You can't be too casual!"

As soon as Xu Hao said this, Tang Jing realized that it was wrong. She blushed and covered her face with her hand. She complained to Xu Hao, "it's all your fault, it's all your fault! Why didn't you tell me earlier, I lost my life!"

Listening to Miss Tang's temper, Xu Hao was speechless for a while. Can he be blamed for this?

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