As soon as the reception was over, Tang Jing couldn't wait to invite Xu Hao to visit the two villas she had reserved.

"Last time I just showed you from a distance. This time we can go in and have a look. The villa hasn't been renovated yet. Then you tell me what you want to renovate and I can arrange the construction team..." Tang Jing chirped and was excited all the way.

Following Tang Jing to the two villas farthest from the resort, Xu Hao looked at the fact that the two villas used a yard and asked curiously, "are the upstairs interconnected?"

"Yes, let's go. I'll show you." Tang Jing said. When she walked forward first, Xu Hao quickly followed.

The design of these two townhouses should have taken some thought. In particular, the two villas should be independent of each other and integrated with each other.

"What do you want to decorate? Chinese, European, or romantic?" Tang Jing asked when she looked at Xu Hao.

Because it hasn't been renovated, the villa has nothing to see. After they looked around, they came out.

"Tang Jing, this villa..." Xu Hao wanted to refuse, but when he saw Tang Jing's eyes, he didn't say anything.

"What's wrong with the villa?" Tang Jing asked hurriedly, looking at Xu Hao.

"This villa is very good." Xu Hao said hard, "I'll trouble you with the decoration. You can come as you see fit at that time!"

"OK, I'll make a decision alone." Tang Jing was very happy to hear Xu Hao say so. She had planned to decorate the two villas into one style. If the style Xu Hao likes is different from her, she has to accommodate Xu Hao's preferences. Now that Xu Hao has given her the choice, Tang Jing can decorate according to her preferences.

"By the way, is your health OK recently?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Tang Jing. Since knowing Tang Jing's physical condition, Xu Hao has always worried that Tang Jing's body will suddenly have problems one day.

Smiling at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said, "don't worry, I'm fine! Those doctors have determined that I can't live to be 20 years old. Don't I live well now? They are all quacks. I don't believe them!"

"Yes, those are quack doctors." Xu Hao followed Tang Jing's words.

When they came back from the villa, Liang Hongyu was ready to go back to Jiangcheng.

Seeing Xu Hao and Tang Jing coming back, Liang Hongyu walked over and asked in a low voice when he would return to Jiangcheng.

"Don't go back first. I'll go to village head he's house with Xu Hao later. After the resort is officially opened, village head he can't take care of them." after looking at Liang Hongyu and Xu Hao, Tang Jing asked, "are you all right for a while?"

"I'll go with you to see village head he. I haven't seen village head he for some time." Xu Hao said quickly.

Take the gift prepared for he Dahai. Tang Jing and Xu Hao walk down the mountain together.

"Tang Jing, you said we were like this. Do you want to go back to your mother's house?" Xu Hao said, but he couldn't help laughing.

Tang Jing looked at Xu Hao and then at herself. She couldn't help laughing.

"Who is the couple with you?" after laughing, Tang Jing couldn't help but give Xu Hao a white look, and a blush flashed on her face.

Seeing Xu Hao and Tang Jing coming, he Dahai and his wife quickly welcomed them in.

"I thought that today is your business day. I shouldn't have time to come." he Dahai said, letting Xu Hao and Tang Jing sit down casually.

"After the resort is open, you will have to take care of village head he." looking at he Dahai, Tang Jing said, "this is a little thought I have prepared. Please don't refuse village head he!"

"President Tang, look at you... You run an enterprise in our Longwan village, which is a great good thing for our Longwan village. Why do you want you to give me gifts?" he Dahai said with some embarrassment when he looked at Tang Jing.

"Uncle he, just accept it. This is Tang Jing's little intention. If you don't accept it, Tang Jing may think you have a problem with her." Xu Hao also helped Tang Jing persuade he Dahai to accept the gift.

When Xu Hao said this, he Dahai was embarrassed not to accept gifts. If he doesn't accept it, it seems that he really has an opinion on Tang Jing.

"Look at this..." he Dahai was very embarrassed to accept the gift, and then asked aunt he to cook quickly.

"Aunt he, don't cook too much, just make some dumplings. Last time Tang Jing said she wasn't full..." before Xu Hao finished, Tang Jing stretched out her hand and pinched Xu Hao, staring angrily at Xu Hao, obviously complaining about Xu Hao's nonsense.

Aunt he, who was going to cook, listened to Xu Hao and came out. She looked at Tang Jing and asked, "girl, do you like dumplings? I thought you didn't like dumplings when you ate so much last time!"

"Aunt he, i... I blamed Xu Hao last time. He always said I was fat, so I ate so many." Tang Jing said, staring at Xu Hao with dissatisfaction, then quickly stood up and walked towards aunt he.

Holding aunt he's arm, Tang Jing said, "aunt he, let me make dumplings with you. Teach me..."

"OK, let's make dumplings," said Aunt he, and walked towards the kitchen with Tang Jing.

Tang Jing went to cook with aunt he, while Xu Hao sat and chatted with he Dahai. Now the land in the village is rented to Xu Hao, and many villagers also work in Xu Hao's vegetable garden and Strawberry Garden. The remaining people either work in Tang Jing's resort or work in Jiangcheng. Overall, the per capita income of villagers in Longwan village has increased several times.

"How could I have thought that in the blink of an eye, I would get rid of poverty." he Dahai said with a smile, "Xu Hao, thank you for all this!"

"Village head he, you're too polite." Xu Hao said hurriedly, "without the support of Longwan villagers, my enterprise can't develop. Therefore, I have to thank the villagers!"

"Well, well, don't talk about it." he Dahai looked at Xu Hao and said, "come and have tea!"

After taking a sip of the tea cup, Xu Hao said, "uncle he, how many people in the village can make tea now?"

"Old people can basically do it." he Dahai said, looking at Xu Hao and asked, "why do you ask?"

"Although the tea doesn't sell well, it tastes really good. I think it can be developed properly, and maybe it can increase the income of the villagers at that time." looking at he Dahai, Xu Hao said: "uncle he, please help me pay attention and save more tea."

"OK!" he Dahai agreed. "Anyway, many people in the village have nothing to do. Just find them something to do."

He Dahai doesn't expect this tea to make much money. In the past, it was a daily tea at home. What can it be worth? However, if there is something to kill time, it is also a good thing for the elderly people in the village.

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