After having dinner at he Dahai's house, Xu Hao and Tang Jing left. He called Liang Hongyu at the entrance of the village. Soon Liang Hongyu drove to pick them up and went back to Jiangcheng together.

As the National Day approaches, the reconstruction of the food street project is almost completed.

Although the food street project is a partnership of Xu Hao, Tang Jing, Qi Longde and Su Dajiang, Tang Jing and Qi Longde basically shake hands with the shopkeeper. Su Dajiang has to worry about most things.

"Now that the overall project has been completed, it will only be opened on the day of the food festival on October 1..." in the office of the catering management company, Su Dajiang reported to Xu Hao the overall transformation progress of the food street.

"I've already told mayor Qin about the food festival, and mayor Qin will strongly support it. It can also drive the tourism development of Jiangcheng, which is also a good thing for Jiangcheng..." looking at Su Dajiang, Xu Hao said: "However, the publicity of the food festival in the first year must be worse. It's too hasty. If it can be publicized six months in advance, the effect will be much better!"

"This is also our first time to host a food festival. We have no experience. There are too many people, and we are worried." Su Dajiang doesn't worry about too few people. After all, Jiangcheng is a tourist city, and the National Day is also a day of celebration. At that time, there will be no fewer tourists in Jiangcheng.

As long as one tenth of the tourists to Jiangcheng attend the food festival, the passenger flow of the food street will exceed their imagination. Therefore, Su Dajiang is not worried about this at all.

"About the food festival, uncle Su, how are you doing here?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Su Dajiang. This is also a problem that Xu Hao is most concerned about.

In recent years, many places have held food festivals in line with the trend. However, the food festival has no local food characteristics at all. It is some common snacks, which leads to many tourists' low interest in the food festival. This time, Xu Hao hopes that all the Jiangcheng food festival will be the characteristic food of Jiangcheng, and do not mix with all kinds of common food on the street, such as stinky tofu.

Although stinky tofu and baked gluten are also characteristic snacks, they are not the characteristic food of Jiangcheng. At that time, these delicious foods will make tourists feel cheated.

"I've been ready for this. During this time, I visited several old streets in Jiangcheng and found a lot of inheritors of characteristic snacks. At that time, I promise that all the people who come to Jiangcheng food festival will be worthy of this trip." Su Dajiang said confidently.

Xu Hao also knows that Su Dajiang has put a lot of thought into the food festival. Since Su Dajiang said so, Xu Hao will not interfere too much.

After talking about business, Su Dajiang said, "let's go home for dinner today. It's just that Su Jing is back. You haven't gone home for dinner for some time!"

"OK, you're welcome." in front of Su Dajiang, Xu Hao didn't pretend.

The two cleaned up and went to Su Dajiang's house together.

Seeing Xu Hao, Huang Mei hurriedly said, "Xu Hao, you haven't come home for some time. Do you have any opinions about your aunt?"

"Aunt, I don't have any opinion about you, but I've been too busy recently." Xu Hao quickly explained.

"Like our old Su, they are all workaholics." when Xu Hao said this, Huang Mei smiled and said, "it's rare that you came today. I'll call Zhang Yue and ask her to have dinner together."

Xu Hao accompanied Su Dajiang to play chess in the yard. Zhang Yue also came.

Meimu glanced at Xu Hao, and Zhang Yue couldn't help thinking of the scene in the bathroom of Yueyuan. She quickly turned her eyes and Zhang Yue walked towards the kitchen, "aunt, I'll help you cook!"

Zhang Yue didn't talk to Xu Hao, and Xu Hao naturally wouldn't take the initiative to tease her. The two people in the province were embarrassed.

After playing two games of chess, Su Jing also came back. Seeing Xu Hao, Su Jing was very happy. Carrying a small chair, she sat next to Xu Hao and watched Xu Hao play chess with Su Dajiang.

When playing chess, Su Dajiang casually asked Su Jing about her studies. Su Jing naturally poured bitter water and said how he Mingwei squeezed them.

Xu Hao couldn't help laughing at Su Jing's words. Yang Si seemed to say the same when he was at the resort. Su Jing's words are similar to Yang Si.

"I'm sorry to die. I heard that it's easy to study as a graduate student, but I'm too busy to have time to eat!" Su Jing said with a sad face and looked at Xu Hao at the same time.

There is another word that Su Jing didn't say, that is, she is too busy to fall in love.

Hearing Su Jing's voice, Huang Mei greeted Su Jing in the kitchen to bring vegetables and prepare for dinner.

"We'll get together so much today and have a drink," Su Dajiang said, and he took out a bottle of Baijiu.

Su Jing thought of the last time she was drunk. She shook her head and said she was determined not to drink.

If Su Jing doesn't drink, Su Dajiang won't force it. He poured a cup for Xu Hao, Zhang Yue and himself. Su Dajiang said, "come on, let's have a drink together, even if we celebrate the opening of the food street in advance!"

"Come on, I'll have a drink too!" Huang Mei was excited to hear that the three people were going to celebrate the food street project in advance. Of course, she knew what the food street project meant to Su Dajiang! This was su Dajiang's dream for many years. Now it has finally come true. As Su Dajiang's wife, how can she not be happy for Su Dajiang!

"Then I'll drink it too." seeing that her mother Huang Mei poured half a glass of wine, Su Jing couldn't help picking up the glass.

"It doesn't matter. It's all my own today. It's all right to have a drink." Su Dajiang said and poured Su Jing a small half of a cup.

Five people raised their glasses to celebrate the success of the food street in advance.

Today, everyone was very happy. Huang Mei not only didn't stop Su Dajiang from drinking, but drank a whole cup with Su Dajiang.

Xu Hao and Zhang Yue drank a lot because they were happy. A meal is eaten, just two bottles of Baijiu.

Fortunately, Su Dajiang and Zhang Yue have good drinking capacity, but no one is drunk.

After drinking and eating, the family chatted together. Su Dajiang talked about the future development prospect of the food street. Seeing that his dream of planning for many years has finally come true, Su Dajiang is happy from the bottom of his heart!

"Your uncle is like a child..." looking at Zhang Yue, Huang Mei couldn't help laughing and said: "however, this food street has been his dream for many years, and now it has finally come true..."

"Dad, will you be the big boss in the future? Won't I become the rich second generation?" Su Jing looked at Su Dajiang in surprise and asked.

"Do you still want to be a rich second generation and get something for nothing?" after looking at Su Jing, Su Dajiang said: "young people have to work hard by themselves. Look at your cousin and Xu Hao..."

Hearing Su Dajiang teach herself a lesson, Su Jing hugged Su Dajiang's arm and immediately attracted a burst of laughte

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