When the first Jiangcheng food festival was in full swing, the Jiangcheng production base purchased by Zhang Yalin from Tianle beverage group finally officially started.

Although Zhang Yalin did not deliberately publicize, Tianle beverage group, Yao Ruili and others also know about Zhang Yalin's cooperation with Xu Hao. In particular, Tianle beverage group denounced Zhang's father and daughter as traitors!

For this matter, Zhang Dejian said lightly that his daughter was old and he could not manage it, so he shirked the responsibility completely. Although all the funds Zhang Yalin used to buy the production base came from Zhang's company, Zhang Yalin mortgaged all the company's shares in hand. From the perspective of doing business, Zhang Dejian really has no fault.

"Now I'm really going to be the target of public criticism." Zhang Yalin said sarcastically in Zhang Yalin's office.

"It doesn't matter, even if the whole world abandons, you still have me!" looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao said an extremely meaty movie line.

"Pooh," Zhang Yalin laughed, "go, what you said is numb. Seriously, we're tied together this time. Don't pit me!"

"Don't worry, now our Dongping company is counting on you to do the OEM." looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao didn't hide and said the general production capacity of Dongping company.

"Chuncheng's production base is mainly responsible for the production of cucumber juice and tomato juice drinks. In addition to doing some research and development work, the old factory in Jiangcheng does not have a large production capacity." looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao said in detail: "Although the production base in Jinma town is not small, the output is not small! But it can't stand the hot sales of products! Therefore, I hope Miss Zhang can drive full horsepower to produce!"

"Go, I haven't seen such a shameless person who shows off every day!" Zhang Yalin couldn't help teasing Xu Hao when he heard his boasting about the hot sales of Dongping company's products. She said, "my father told me what you talked to my father! Is it convenient to reveal the market expansion intention of Dongping company?"

Zhang Yalin's question is not to inquire about the secrets of Dongping company, but to lay out the production base in advance! Since she has decided to take the road of OEM for Dongping company, she must know the trend of Dongping company and they can lay out the production base in advance!

"I told you, will you keep it a secret?" Xu Hao asked as he approached Zhang Yalin.

Looking at Xu Hao's face close to him, the action between them was also ambiguous. Zhang Yalin quickly opened the distance between Xu Hao and Zhang Yalin and said, "since we are all tied to a boat, what's the benefit of selling you to us?"

"That's hard to say! If you sell the core secrets of our Dongping company to Tianle beverage group, Tianle beverage group will ignore the past and accept you as a member of Tianle beverage group again!" Xu Hao said, leaning back in his chair.

"Xu Hao, what do you mean?" Zhang Yalin said angrily as he patted the table. Xu Hao obviously regarded her Zhang Yalin as a kind of wavering villain, like a grass on the wall, wavering on both sides!

Since Zhang Yalin decided to take the road of OEM for Dongping company, she did not consider cooperating with Tianle beverage group. Before, Tianle Beverage Group's style towards Yang Zonglin and Jiangcheng company made Zhang Yalin completely dead of Tianle beverage group!

If the headquarters of Tianle beverage group had not suppressed Yang Zonglin and even forced Yang Zonglin to make all kinds of unwise decisions, Jiangcheng company would not have lost so badly! Although it is impossible to stop the growth of Dongping company, it may compete with Dongping company!

Now, instead of stopping the growth of Dongping company, Dongping company stepped on the shoulder of Tianle beverage group!

Looking at Zhang Yalin's angry look, Xu Hao also knew that his joke was going too far. He quickly said, "president Zhang, look at you... I'm just kidding. How can you take it seriously?"

"Hum! Is there such a joke?" Zhang Yalin looked at Xu Hao discontentedly and said, "believe it or not, I'll tear up the cooperation agreement with you now?"

"Don't be angry, don't be angry!" Xu Hao said hurriedly, "look at you, how can you tear up the agreement? Aren't you afraid I'll investigate your legal responsibility?"

"Dare you!" Zhang Yalin glared at Xu Hao, as if Xu Hao dared to say anything to investigate her legal responsibility, and she was going to bite Xu Hao to death.

Look at Zhang Yalin's angry little wild cat. Xu Hao really doesn't dare to provoke her.

Looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao said, "in fact, it doesn't hurt to tell you the plan. Next, we plan to expand to East and North China. For the time being, the influence of Dongping company in these places is still limited. However, the market and consumption capacity in these places are very strong!"

East China is one of the wealthiest regions in China, and there is no doubt about the consumption capacity of these places! Dongping company has never paid attention to developing the central China market before, so it should be difficult for Jiangcheng to give consideration to the central China region!

"How big do you expect the market to be?" asked Zhang Yalin, looking at Xu Hao. This is also what Zhang Yalin is most concerned about. The market scale determines the scale of her agent factory.

"No less than the existing market scale of Dongping company! There is no doubt about the consumption capacity of East China. Once this market is developed, it will never be lower than the market share of other regions in the country!" looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao said: "Central China is home to nearly a quarter of the country's population. Moreover, all of these people are high consumption people, and their consumption capacity can be imagined!"

Nodding, Zhang Yalin also agreed with Xu Hao. Even Tianle beverage group takes the East China market as one of the key markets, and even set up an East China marketing department to be responsible for the relevant work of the East China market in an all-round way.

"The East China market has always been a battleground for several major manufacturers! Tianle beverage group has firmly controlled nearly 70% of the East China market in recent years. If you want to enter the East China market, you must shake the foundation of Tianle beverage group!" looking at Xu Hao, Zhang Yalin showed an expression of watching the play on her face.

"Since the establishment of Dongping company, Tianle beverage group has been our imaginary enemy!" looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao said: "more than a year, it's time to fight hard! How can we prove the strength of Dongping company without a face-to-face confrontation with Tianle beverage group?"

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Zhang Yalin took a cold breath. In the past, it was not that there were no beverage companies clamoring to kill Tianle beverage group, but it was more to boost morale. It was not really to fight with Tianle beverage group! Xu Hao is different. He made it clear that he would have a hard fight with Tianle beverage group!

Will Dongping company, which has just been established for less than two years, be a rival of Tianle beverage group? Zhang Yalin is looking forward to this confrontation!

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