Leaving Zhang Yalin's company, Xu Hao asked Yang Zonglin to have tea together.

Although Yang Zonglin has never shown the idea of working, Xu Hao has never given up his determination to dig Yang Zonglin into the company! There is no doubt about Yang Zonglin's ability. Now Dongping company needs such an experienced person to take the helm.

Seeing Xu Hao, Yang Zonglin greeted Xu Hao with a smile, then asked Xu Hao to sit down and handed him a cup of tea.

"Try it, I made it myself." Yang Zonglin smiled at Xu Hao and said.

After a drink, Xu Hao couldn't taste good or bad. He simply boasted that he was good to drink.

Yang Zonglin just shook his head and smiled helplessly, then picked up a cup of tea and tasted a mouthful.

Looking at Yang Zonglin's expression, Xu Hao is simply not artful. "President Yang, please accept it with a smile!" Xu Hao said, took out the tea brought back from he Dahai's house and handed it to Yang Zonglin.

After receiving the tea handed over by Xu Hao, Yang Zonglin looked at it, smelled it under his nose and said, "what kind of tea is this? I seem to have seen it for the first time!"

"I brought it back from an old friend. I know you like tea, President Yang. I specially brought it to you to taste!" Xu Hao said quickly.

If Xu Hao gave other gifts, Yang Zonglin would never accept them. However, Xu Hao gave him a kind of tea he had never seen before. He was very curious about this kind of tea and naturally reluctant to refuse.

"Well, thank you for your kindness," said Yang Zonglin, smiling and accepting it.

They chatted while drinking tea.

Asked about Yang Zonglin's recent situation, Xu Haoshun told Zhang Yalin about the situation there.

"Miss Zhang Yalin is a capable person." Yang Zonglin had a good impression of Zhang Yalin. "If she hadn't taken over Jiangcheng production base, I don't know how many people would have lost their jobs? I recruited them into the company, but I couldn't take them further..." Yang Zonglin's eyes showed a touch of sadness.

From Yang Zonglin's eyes, Xu haominrui found that Yang Zonglin was not like what he said. From then on, he didn't ask about business affairs and was only at home with his wife and children! He is clearly not reconciled!

As long as Yang Zonglin is still unwilling, Xu Hao is sure to persuade Yang Zonglin to come out of the mountain again!

"Mr. Yang didn't plan to go back to have a look?" looking at Yang Zonglin, Xu Hao asked, "I've just come from there. The development is really good! Mr. Zhang and they are full of energy now!"

"Well, Mr. Xu, don't set me up." Yang Zonglin smiled and said, "if you ask me to join Dongping company, don't say it. Otherwise, next time you ask me out for tea, I won't come!"

"Don't say, don't say!" Xu Hao said quickly.

Picked up the teapot and poured Xu Hao a cup of tea. Yang Zonglin said, "why is president Xu so idle today? The food festival and the company are not busy enough for you?"

"I can't help anything. I'll just add chaos." Xu Hao said with a bitter smile: "it's better to trust others to do it. At least, they are more professional than me!"

Nodding in agreement, Yang Zonglin always believed that professional things should be handed over to professional people! If a layman leads an expert, there will be trouble! Jiangcheng company would not have been like this if it had not been under the blind command of Tianle beverage group!

It was precisely because he was deeply hurt by the industry rules of laymen leading professionals that Yang Zonglin decided to quit business and return to life.

Yang Zonglin seemed to be lost in thought, and Xu Hao didn't bother him. Instead, he picked up a cup of tea and took a decent sip. Unfortunately, Xu Hao knows too little about tea and can't taste it at all. Whether it's thousands of yuan or two of precious tea or a few yuan or two of coarse tea, it's a taste in Xu Hao's mouth.

"Has Yang ever thought about proving himself in another way?" Xu Hao hesitated and spoke again. In order to invite Yang Zonglin out of the mountain, he didn't know how many times he had looked for Yang Zonglin!

Now the company is developing rapidly, but neither he nor Huang Xin can control the overall situation! Yang Zonglin has been a professional manager for more than ten years, and has served as an executive of Tianle beverage group for seven or eight years. Naturally, his management level of the beverage company is much higher than that of Xu Hao and Huang Xin!

With the rapid development of Dongping company, there is an urgent need for someone who understands the current situation of the industry to take the helm!

"Mr. Xu, why did you come back to this problem?" Yang Zonglin sighed helplessly and said, "if you always persuade me to join Dongping company every time you see me, I won't come out next time!"

"Mr. Yang, listen to me..." Xu Hao said quickly: "The next development center of Dongping company is the East China market. Before, we have not explored the East China market. First, we don't want to directly compete with Tianle beverage group; second, we lack the confidence to explore the East China market! Now we have all these conditions, so Dongping company wants to develop the East China market..."

Yang Zonglin naturally knows what the East China market means to Tianle beverage group after working in Tianle beverage group for a long time! That means nearly one-third of the income source of Tianle beverage group! If Dongping company wants to enter the East China market, it means that the two companies are officially connected!

"Mr. Xu, are you in a hurry?" although at this stage, the popularity of Dongping company seems to be higher than that of Tianle beverage group. However, there is an old Chinese saying that a thin camel is bigger than a horse. What's more, the camel of Tianle beverage group is not dead!

"Pursuing while winning is the style of our company. If we always look ahead and backward, Dongping company will not develop so much!" Xu Hao said bluntly: "since its establishment, Dongping company has set the goal of surpassing Tianle beverage group! Now, we are getting closer and closer to this goal!"

Yang Zonglin appreciates Xu Hao's confidence! If Dongping company really defeated Tianle beverage group in East China market, it is only a matter of time before it completely defeated Tianle beverage group.

Is it possible that an enterprise that has been established for less than two years can defeat the industry leading enterprises that have almost monopolized in China?

If it is another enterprise, Yang Zonglin will resolutely tell him: This is impossible!

However, the enterprise doing this now is Dongping company. It was the Dongping company that made him disheartened as soon as it was established! This is a miracle company!

Yang Zonglin will not be surprised or even take it for granted what the company does!

Thinking that Dongping company defeated Tianle beverage group and became a leading enterprise in the industry, Yang Zonglin's heart, which had been silent for a long time, surged again!

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