October 1st is a day of national celebration. This day is also the day when the first Jiangcheng food festival was officially held, and it is also the day when Jiangcheng memory food street appeared.

Although he is full of confidence in the food street and Su Dajiang, Xu Hao is still a little uneasy. Early in the morning, I rushed to the food street.

In order to expand the influence of this food festival, Xu Hao specially invited Yang Si as a food ambassador. This time, Yang Si also made a hard effort! Actually doing publicity work in the food street.

Seeing Xu Hao, Yang Si quickly waved to him, "president Xu, you have to raise my endorsement fee this time?"

"Miss Yang, we are so familiar. Talking about money hurts our feelings." Xu Hao said quickly.

With a dissatisfied look at Xu Hao, Yang Si said, "if you have the ability, say it out loud. Can you get out of the food street today?"

Seeing Yang Si's complacent threat to him and looking around at Yang Si's fans, Xu Hao shivered and said, "look what you said, who are we with? Well, you're busy first, I'll go elsewhere!" after that, Xu Hao hurried away.

Although it's only more than 8 a.m., the flow of people in the food street has exceeded 1000! This greatly surprised Xu Hao.

"The food festival officially opened at 10 a.m. and now the number of tourists on the food street has exceeded 1000. It seems that everyone has high expectations for the food festival!" Su Dajiang said with some excitement. Originally, when he planned to officially start the food festival, he would be satisfied to have about 1000 tourists. Now it seems that he obviously underestimated the tourists' enthusiasm for the food festival.

"I have to thank Yang Si. Her appeal is still terrible." Xu Hao said with some emotion. I'm afraid half of the more than 1000 people in the food street are Yang Si's fans!

When Xu Hao mentioned Yang Si, Su Dajiang had a headache. In recent days, Yang Si also tried his best to cooperate with the publicity of the food festival. Although Yang Si has never mentioned money, he will have to pay a hard fee at that time, right? It's definitely not appropriate to give less to a big shot like Yang Si! However, if you often pay six or seven figures for your hard work, it is also a big expenditure for the food street!

Of course, although I feel a little embarrassed, Su Dajiang will never save this money. Yang Si can see how many tourists he has brought to the food street.

"Mr. Su, the traffic department just heard that it is expected that several streets near the food street will be congested in ten minutes, so let's get ready." while Xu Hao was chatting with Su Dajiang about the food street, a staff member of the catering management company hurried in.

"Prepare according to the plan we designed before." Su Dajiang hurriedly said, and then hurried out of the office without taking care of Xu Hao.

After staying in Su Dajiang's office for a while, it was almost time for the opening ceremony of the food festival. Xu Hao left the company.

Just when Xu Hao came, although there were many people in the food street, there was still no problem walking. However, now the food street is noisy and even a little crowded.

Finding this situation, Xu Hao quickly dialed Su Dajiang and told him about it. A large number of people are prone to accidents. In case of accidents on the first day of the food festival, Xu Hao and them will be completely passive.

"It seems that we have to ask the city to arrange someone to help." on the phone, Su Dajiang said: "we are short of manpower and can't be busy at all! The number of tourists this time has greatly exceeded our expectations."

"OK, I'll contact mayor Qin," Xu Hao said and dialed mayor Qin's secretary. Briefly speaking about the situation in the food street, Xu Hao hopes that the city can coordinate some police forces to maintain order and ensure the safety of the food festival!

"Mr. Xu, I'm afraid this won't work. Jiangcheng is a tourist city, and the 11th golden week is the day with the most tourists. Now all places are stretched. Except for a few mobile forces, other basic tasks have been arranged." Mayor Qin's secretary sun Jinrong said on the phone.

"That's all right." Sun Jinrong's words are all for this. Xu Hao also knows that mayor Qin is in a dilemma. The purpose of mobile forces is to prevent emergencies. Mayor Qin absolutely dare not mobilize this part of forces at will. Now, he can only think of his own way.

Seeing the increasing number of tourists in the food street, Xu Hao couldn't help worrying. Originally, it's not a good thing that there are many people!

"Xu Hao, what a coincidence!" when Xu Hao was so anxious that he was trying to find a way, Tang Jing's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Seeing Tang Jing running over like a little girl, Xu Hao hurried forward to say hello to her, "Why are you here?"

"Today is not the opening ceremony of the food festival. Of course I have to come and have a look." smiled at Xu Hao, and Tang Jing said, "I didn't expect so many tourists to come to the food festival. It's really lively!"

"Lively is lively, but if there are many people, it is easy to get into trouble." Xu Hao said with some worry, and said the things about the lack of preparation of the catering management company.

"What should I do?" Tang Jing was worried when Xu Hao said, "why don't I call mayor Qin and discuss with him?"

Xu Hao knows that Tang Jing has a strong background. If she calls, mayor Qin will certainly give face. However, Xu Hao also knows the difficulties of mayor Qin. If it wasn't really difficult, sun Jinrong wouldn't say that just after Xu Hao's phone call.

Shaking his head, Xu Hao said, "forget it, mayor Qin really can't draw out manpower. You know, every holiday in Jiangcheng, the urban management and public security departments are on standby 24 hours a day, and they are seriously short of manpower!"

Nodding, Tang Jing stopped talking about letting mayor Qin arrange people.

However, seeing Xu Hao worried, Tang Jing was also worried. Suddenly, Tang Jing thought of a way, "Xu Hao, can you find a security company?"

"Security company?" Xu Hao looked at Tang Jing suspiciously, nodded and said, "OK, of course! Just, where can I find someone for a while?"

"I have a way!" Tang Jing said with a mysterious smile, "let's go to the catering company first. I'll call several large security companies in Jiangcheng and ask them to arrange personnel!"

"OK!" said Xu Hao, and invited Tang Jing to the catering company.

Tang Jing was not hypocritical. She directly dialed the bosses of several security companies and told them about the food street. In less than 20 minutes, Tang Jing took care of all this.

"Time is a little short. Only 500 security guards are enough?" Tang Jing asked nervously, looking at Xu Hao.

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