"Enough, enough, enough! Enough!" Xu Hao was excited when he heard that Tang Jing had a phone call and asked the security company to arrange 500 security guards to come over. "How long will these security guards arrive?"

"About half an hour!" Tang Jing said quickly.

I called Su Dajiang and Su Dajiang came back soon.

After Xu Hao and Tang Jing finished, a stone in Su Dajiang's heart fell to the ground. He quickly ordered the staff to take out the exclusive vest of the catering management company and said to Xu Hao and Tang Jing, "let those security guards wear the company's working vest, which also has recognition! If tourists have any questions, they can ask the corresponding person!"

"OK, leave it to me." Xu Hao nodded quickly.

Su Dajiang was not polite to Xu Hao. He still had a lot of things in his hand. After a few simple explanations, he hurried to work on other things.

Xu Hao and Tang Jing waited for the arrival of the security personnel.

After the 500 security guards arrived one after another, they received the vest and were immediately assigned to their respective posts! These security personnel are well-trained, but they are much better than those temporarily recruited!

"Tang Jing, thank you!" Xu Hao said heartily when a stone fell to the ground in his heart.

"Why do you thank me? You forget, I'm also a shareholder of the company!" Tang Jing smiled and said, "let's go to the opening ceremony of the food festival. It's said that it will be very lively there today!"

There was nothing to do for the time being. Xu Hao accompanied Tang Jingchao to the venue of the opening ceremony of the food festival.

At the moment, Su Dajiang is speaking on behalf of the Management Committee of the food street to celebrate the holding of the first food festival and thank the tourists who participated in the first food festival!

After su Dajiang's speech, it was an artistic performance prepared by the management committee, which was also a way to activate the atmosphere.

The first person to appear is Yang Si!

As soon as Yang Si came out, the atmosphere of the venue was immediately brought to a climax! A large part of the tourists who come to the food festival this time are for Yang Silai!

"Today, I will randomly appear at some food stalls. The first ten tourists who found me can choose to take a group photo with me..." as soon as Yang Si said, the tourists on the scene were boiling!

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to take a group photo with a big shot like Yang Si! Today is a great opportunity for most people.

"In addition, I will make a delicious food myself. I hope everyone can taste it at that time!" listening to the cheers below, Yang Si released another bomb.

Yang Si sang two songs and performed a dance at the scene! Next, there are various programs prepared by the performance team of the municipal Dance Troupe invited by the management committee.

Seeing Yang Si go down, Xu Hao and Tang Jing go directly to the backstage.

When the staff saw that it was Xu Hao, they naturally released it immediately.

Yang Si was resting backstage. Seeing Xu Hao and Tang Jing coming together, he quickly stood up to welcome them.

"Yang Si, it's really hard for you this time." looking at Yang Si, Tang Jing thanked Yang Si for her efforts as hostess!

Hearing Tang Jing's words, Yang Si felt that all her efforts were worth it! Isn't she doing this just to please Tang Jing? As a top star in China, it may be high in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of powerful people! Therefore, Yang Si must find himself a big tree to protect himself!

And Tang Jing is the big tree she chose!

"Miss Tang, these are what I should do." Yang Si said, walked over and stood in front of Xu Hao and Tang Jing.

"Miss Yang, are you really going to make delicious food later?" Xu Hao asked curiously as he looked at Yang Si. He never heard Su Dajiang mention this.

Nodding hurriedly, Yang Si said, "yes, didn't manager Su tell you?"

Shaking his head, Xu Hao asked, "shall we go with you?"

After looking at Tang Jing, Yang Si nodded and said, "OK, I can't wait!"

After a simple rest, Yang Si, accompanied by his assistant and several security personnel, walked to a stall on the food street with Xu Hao and Tang Jing.

"Although I'm not from Jiangcheng, I still know something about Jiangcheng cuisine!" Yang Si quietly explained along the way: "moreover, I also like making delicious food. I just want to show it when I have such an opportunity. President Xu doesn't think I like to show off?"

Xu Hao smiled awkwardly. Who likes to be in the limelight, it's impossible to say that Yang Si likes to be in the limelight. If Yang Si wants to be in the limelight, he has plenty of opportunities. Why should he be so tired? Making delicious food is a manual job!

In front of a stall, Yang Si took his apron and began to act like a model. In front of the booth, it was already crowded with tourists in line! They all came for the delicious food made by Yang Si himself.

Xu Hao and Tang Jing couldn't squeeze through at all. They had to stand in the distance and look.

Seeing Yang Si's eyes frequently toward them, Xu Hao can see Yang Si's nervousness. So Xu Hao waved to Yang Si, who was making delicious food, and then said to Tang Jing, "well, let's go, look around and check if there is anything wrong with the food street?"

"Well, good!" Tang Jing nodded.

They walked around the food street and bought a lot of special food in Jiangcheng. Many of them are delicious food in Xu Hao's childhood memory! After so many years, Xu Hao is quite touched that he can still eat it.


"Look, is that Xu Hao?" Dong Yangfan and Su Jing, wearing the vest of the staff of the catering management company, are guiding tourists. Dong Yangfan has sharp eyes and finds Xu Hao. In particular, seeing Xu Hao and Tang Jing talking and laughing makes Dong Yangfan's teeth itch.

Following Dong Yangfan's guidance, Su Jing also saw Xu Hao and Tang Jing. Seeing their intimate conversation, Su Jing's heart suddenly hurt, as if she had been pinched.

"Let's go and ask Xu Hao to understand!" Dong Yangfan said and asked Su Jing to confront Xu Hao.

Su Jing hesitated. She didn't know what she was hesitating about. Pulling Dong Yangfan, Su Jing said, "forget it, Xu Hao must be working! What if he's with any leader? Let's rush over and have a bad impact!"

"Look at that, it's like accompanying the leader?" Dong Yangfan said angrily: "Su Jing, Xu Hao, if you don't like him, he must be flirting!"

"No, Xu Hao is not that kind of person!" Su Jing seems to trust Xu Hao's character, but she tells herself more!

"What do you think Xu Hao is?" Dong Yangfan said angrily. Regardless of Su Jing, he walked straight towards Xu Hao

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