Seeing that Dong Yangfan walked past angrily, Su Jing was worried and hurried to catch up with him.

Xu Hao didn't expect to meet Su Jing and Dong Yangfan in the food street. See two people come over, quickly say hello to them.

Worried about Dong Yangfan saying something inappropriate, Su Jing hugged Dong Yangfan's arm and took the initiative to say, "we're here to guide tourists. When we see you, we'll come and say hello to you! You're busy, let's go first!" she said, dragging Dong Yangfan away.

Naturally, Dong Yangfan was not dragged away so easily. He stared at Tang Jing for three seconds and said, "Xu Hao, don't you introduce us to your friends?"

"Hello, my name is Tang Jing, a friend of Xu Hao." before Xu Hao introduced me, Tang Jing took the initiative to introduce herself.

"My name is Dong Yangfan." Dong Yangfan looked at Tang Jing in a bad tone and said, "this is Su Jing, Xu Hao's girlfriend!" Dong Yangfan specially accentuated his girlfriend. No matter who heard it, the warning in Dong Yangfan's tone was very strong.

Hearing Dong Yangfan's words, Su Jing was worried and secretly happy! Worried that Dong Yangfan's words would affect the relationship between Xu Hao and Tang Jing; To her delight, Dong Yangfan took the initiative to help her clarify the relationship. Su Jing didn't have to worry about whether to introduce her identity to Tang Jing.

The clever Tang Jing naturally heard the warning in Dong Yangfan's words. He smiled and said, "so you are Xu Hao's girlfriend! I've always heard Xu Hao mention it, but I've always wanted to see you!" then Tang Jing walked over and took Su Jing's other arm intimately.

At this moment, Xu Hao was silly: what's the situation? The three women looked friendly, but anyone could see that it was already an undercurrent!

"Really? What does Xu Hao say about me? Does she dislike me?" Su Jing said, looking at Tang Jing and wondering what Xu Hao would tell Tang Jing about her.

"How could it be? Xu Hao always said you were good and that you were his favorite person in his life!" Tang Jing showed the exquisite side of her strong women in the mall at this time, which made Xu Hao admire for a while.

Listening to the three women, Xu Hao had a big head. Dong Yangfan, in particular, seems unwilling to kill Xu Hao. She keeps stirring up the conflict between Su Jing and Tang Jing.

Fortunately, Su Jing belongs to a woman with a weak character. Tang Jing is much more mature. She is not provoked by Dong Yangfan, which makes Dong Yangfan's calculation empty.

"Well, we should go back to work, or my father will say something about me." after chatting with Xu Hao and Tang Jing for a while, Su Jing was ready to leave.

However, Dong Yangfan, the chick, was reluctantly taken away by Su Jing.

When Su Jing and Dong Yangfan left, Tang Jing suddenly turned to Xu Hao and said solemnly, "your girlfriend loves you very much and is very cute!"

"Yes... Really?" Xu Hao said awkwardly, and dared not go to see Tang Jing.

Tang Jing directly regarded Dong Yangfan and Su Jing as having never appeared. She continued to walk around the food street with Xu Hao and talked about some things between them. She was not affected by the presence of Dong Yangfan and Su Jing.

Tang Jing's reaction was beyond Xu Hao's expectation! Originally, Xu Hao thought Tang Jing would at least question him. Although they had no clear relationship, at least they were ambiguous with each other! However, Tang Jing avoided talking about Su Jing's appearance, which made Xu Hao even more guilty.

Looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jing couldn't help asking, "what's the matter? Worried about your little girlfriend?"

Embarrassed and polite, Xu Hao smiled and said, "you don't seem surprised at their appearance!"

"What's unexpected?" turned to Xu Hao, and Tang Jing said, "it's normal that there are more women around excellent men! Besides, it's not something I should worry about. The person to worry about is your little girlfriend! You're so fussy, she has a headache!"

"Who said I was distracted?" Xu Hao quickly retorted.

Tang Jing just covered her small mouth and smiled. Then she looked into Xu Hao's eyes and asked, "don't you care?"

Embarrassed by Tang Jing, Xu Hao turned his head elsewhere.

"In fact, I know a lot about you! Besides Bai Yan, there is governor Wang's daughter-in-law..." Tang Jing seems to be talking about other people's things, and the mood fluctuation on her face is not obvious!

This time, Xu Hao was completely shocked! How did Tang Jing know these things? Tang Jing knows everything. Is there more people who know? Thinking of this, Xu Hao couldn't help looking at Tang Jing.

"Don't worry, I won't talk about these things everywhere." seeing Xu Hao's worry, Tang Jing said, "I just said that there are many women around excellent men, which is very normal! At least, it shows that we are women with good eyes, don't you think?"

Xu Haoshi didn't know what medicine Tang Jing sold in her gourd, so he simply chose not to answer her.

Tang Jing was not angry that Xu Hao didn't answer her! He smiled and said, "in fact, in my life circle, a man with several women is really nothing. Even, it's not a thing! My grandfather has four wives. They are very harmonious with each other!"

"Ah?" he stared at Tang Jing, and Xu Hao said he was shocked.

"What? I'm surprised?" Tang Jing asked with her head tilted.

Nodding, Xu Hao was really surprised! After all, monogamy is practiced in China! Four wives, how did you do that?

"My grandfather didn't get a license with anyone, but the five of them live happily together and are very harmonious!" looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said: "under the law, there are many modifications!"

"What kind of family is your family?" Xu Hao is hard to imagine. According to Tang Jing, her grandfather has four wives and can live in harmony with each other. It's really incredible.

"It's not good for you to inquire about this!" looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said, "don't worry. I'll let you know at the first time when it's time to let you know!"

Nodding, Xu Hao stopped asking about it! However, Tang Jing's words have been echoing in Xu Hao's mind: there are many women around excellent men, which is normal!

Is this really normal? Xu Hao couldn't help asking himself! However, he can't give the answer after all.

Seeing Xu Hao in a daze, Tang Jing gently pushed him and said, "what? Scared? Don't worry, I won't eat you! Let's go over there and have a look. I smell the fragrance!"

He shook his head and drove out the things in his mind. Xu Hao cheered up and walked with Tang Jing towards a food stall not far away

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