"Mr. Xu, we have almost zero inventory now. If something happens to Miss Zhang, we will be very passive." Shen Rong didn't see Xu Hao for several days. Shen Rong couldn't catch Xu Hao. Naturally, he was in great pain.

"This..." looking at Shen Rong, Xu Hao shrugged helplessly and said, "it's impossible to increase the production speed again. Therefore, we can only overcome it ourselves!"

"It's all money!" Shen Rong was distressed. For Dongping company, every more box of drinks sold means making more money! Isn't it obvious that Xu Hao can't live with money?

"My president Shen, I know it's money. However, the production capacity is only so large. What do you want me to do?" looking at Shen Rong, Xu Hao shrugged helplessly and said: "as long as president Zhang can continue production, our products will occupy the market. Don't worry!"

With a helpless nod, Shen Rong turned out of Xu Hao's office.

As soon as Shen Rong left, Huang Xin came.

"Sister Xin, did you make an appointment?" Xu Hao looked at Huang Xin and said something speechless.

"OK, professor he just called me again and said when the batch of experimental instruments we promised will be in place!" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said gnashing her teeth. In order to persuade Professor He to join the research center, Xu Hao naturally gave a lot of promises. Now, he Mingwei asked him to fulfill his promise, but Xu Hao began to pretend to advise.

Unable to find Xu Hao, he Mingwei naturally looked for Huang Xin again and again. Who let Huang Xin take full charge of the company's daily work?

"Professor He..." Xu Hao had a headache. Of course he knows the importance of these experimental instruments, but he has a priority. It's not easy for the company to relax. Xu Hao can't spend tens of millions of money to buy that instrument at once!

"Now you know you have a headache for your promise?" Huang Xin asked, looking at Xu Hao and patting the table hard.

"Sister Xin, do you have any good ideas?" Xu Hao asked helplessly, looking up at Huang Xin.

"I'll deal with Professor He for the time being. However, these instruments are really important to the research center. If our company wants to further develop, we can't lack these instruments. The money that should be spent must be spent!" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said: "when the company slows down, we'll buy these instruments for Professor He first!"

"OK!" Xu Hao readily agreed. According to the current situation, the company can repay the bank loan in a very short time. As long as this big burden is solved, Dongping company will have no financial pressure.

After finishing business, Huang Xin didn't hurry to leave Xu Hao's office, but sat in the office and chatted with Xu Hao.

As they chatted, Huang Xin's cell phone rang four or five times. Every time Huang Xin saw the phone, he hung up directly.

"Sister Xin, who is this? Dare to call to harass you, or I'll find someone to solve it for you?" looked at Huang Xin, and Xu Hao asked tentatively.

"Fart!" stared at Xu Hao, and Huang Xin said, "this is my mother. What do you want to do?"

"It's an aunt!" Xu Hao quickly changed his tone and asked, "since it's an aunt, why don't you answer?"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Huang Xin stared at Xu Hao and just wanted to say two more words about Xu Hao. The phone rang again.

Before Huang Xin could hang up, Xu Hao grabbed his cell phone and answered the phone.

"It's my aunt, I'm Xu Hao!" hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Xu Hao quickly said: "who am I... I'm Huang Xin's boyfriend!"

"Xu Hao, you..." Huang Xin shook her fist and wanted to beat Xu Hao.

"No, how could Xinxin hang up on you? We were just having a meeting. You know, there are many things in the company." Xu Hao talked with Huang Xin's mother on the phone, which made Huang Xin a little strange.

Seeing that Xu HAOSI had no idea of hanging up the phone, Huang Xin stared at him fiercely, clenched her fists with both hands, and wanted to punch Xu Hao.

"What? Are you sick?" Xu Haoda was surprised and said, "OK, OK, OK. I'll tell Xinxin in a minute to let her go back to see you. I'll go too... OK, no problem!"

When Xu Hao hung up, Huang Xin was completely crazy. "Xu Hao, are you stupid? What did you promise on the phone?"

"It's not that my aunt said she was ill. As the younger generation, we have to show it?" looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao asked somewhat puzzled.

"What do you know?" stared at Xu Hao, and Huang Xin sat down angrily.

Seeing that Huang Xin seemed really angry, Xu Hao quickly asked, "sister Xin, what's going on? I don't know..."

"Forget it, I don't blame you! It can't be avoided..." looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said everything in detail.

In fact, it's easy to say. Huang Xin's mother urged Huang Xin to find an object quickly. Huang Xin has been busy with her work. During this time, Huang Xin's mother changed her strategy and kept saying that she was ill. She asked Huang Xin to take her boyfriend back to see her!

"You're in a hurry to hit the muzzle of the gun!" stared Xu Hao, and Huang Xin asked, "tell me, how does this end?"

"What's the matter? If it's a big deal, I'll go back with you." Xu Hao doesn't think it's a big deal.

"You..." after looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin thought it was a way. As long as she takes Xu Hao back, her mother will see Xu Hao and she will finish the task!

As for why Xu Hao was divided in the end, it's too easy to explain. Isn't it unusual for young people to fall in love and break up again? Thinking of this, Huang Xin, who has been frowning, finally smiled.

"Let's go together. What about the company?" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin raised another problem.

This is a problem, but at present, the company is on the right track. Now mobile phone contact is convenient. If something really happens, people in the company can contact Xu Hao and Huang Xin at any time.

"Well, you can accompany me back and deal with the old lady first." Huang Xin said, walking briskly out of Xu Hao's office.

Looking at Huang Xin's back, Xu Hao was also funny! No wonder Huang Xin looks so sad these days. She was forced to marry by her family!

Since he decided to accompany Huang Xin home, Xu Hao had to explain the company's affairs for the time being. By the way, I called Bai Yan and they were worried that they couldn't find themselves.

"OK, don't worry about the company's affairs." Bai Yan said very considerate. She took over the company's affairs without asking Xu Hao and Huang Xin what to do. Or how to say that Bai Yan is the one who loves Xu Hao most?

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