To return to Huang Xin's home from Jiangcheng, you need to take a train to a nearby county, then take a bus to the town where Huang Xin's home is located, and finally find a way to go home from the town. In a word, Xu Hao felt sad to go home all the way.

"Do you regret coming?" Huang Xin asked when she saw Xu Hao walking in front of her with something.

"Don't regret!" turned to Huang Xin, and Xu Hao said, "I've come all the way. Sister Xin, can you treat me badly at night?"

"Bah, the dog can't spit out Ivory!" stared at Xu Hao. Huang Xin gradually surpassed Xu Hao with her luggage.

Before reaching the entrance of the village, Huang Xin saw her mother Liu Guihua standing on a stone at the entrance of the village. I don't know how long she waited.

"Aunt, I'm Xu Hao." seeing Liu Guihua, Xu Hao quickly and politely came forward to say hello.

After looking at Xu Hao for a while, Liu Guihua said several good words. Obviously, she is very satisfied with Xu Hao. After receiving the luggage in Xu Hao's hand, Liu Guihua said, "are you tired on the road? The food at home has been prepared..."

"Aunt, I'll do it myself." Xu Hao asked Liu Guihua to help him with his luggage.

As soon as she got home, Huang Xin quickly asked about her brother Huang Fei.

"Still the same, the doctor said, as long as you insist on taking medicine, there will be no problem." Liu Guihua was also helpless when she mentioned her youngest son. In the doctor's words, Huang Fei can't live without a medicine jar in his life.

Hearing the noise outside, Huang Fei came out of the bedroom. Seeing a stranger, Huang Fei hid at the door and refused to come out.

Because of long-term illness, Huang FeiShou's skin and bones and mental head are OK!

"Xiaofei, sister is back." Huang Xin said as she walked over and helped Huang Fei out.

After coming out to see Xu Hao, Huang Fei timidly called his brother-in-law, and then hid behind Liu Guihua.

"Xiao Fei is such a child. She has been afraid of meeting strangers since childhood." Liu Guihua said, and said a few words in Huang Fei's ear. Huang Fei was bolder. He hid behind Liu Guihua and secretly looked at Xu Hao.

Taking out gifts for Liu Cuihua and Huang Fei, Xu Hao said, "I don't know if you like it..."

"You child, what are you doing with the money?" seeing that Xu Hao bought her a new suit, Liu Cuihua quickly complained about his blind spending.

"You see, I said you must complain!" Huang Xin said happily. She can see that mother is very happy today!

"Well, don't stand. If you're hungry, hurry to eat." Liu Cuihua said and asked everyone to eat.

During dinner, Xu Hao couldn't help asking about Huang Fei. Although Xu Hao and Huang Xin are not particularly rich now, at least they are not poor. Huang Fei can always be cured by arranging him to major hospitals in Yanjing and Donghai.

"Xiaofei's disease is quite special. We've seen many doctors. Now we can only use one local prescription to control the disease for the time being." looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said with some heaviness: "that local prescription has a medicine that is only available here, so my mother and Xiaofei can't leave the village..."

"Well, don't talk about Xiaofei, you eat quickly." Liu Guihua didn't want Xu Hao and Huang Xin to worry about Huang Fei's condition, so she quickly said.

After dinner, Huang Xin took Huang Fei to chat, while Xu Hao sat and listened to them. It can be seen that their sister and brother have a good relationship, and Huang Fei also wants to go out for a walk, but his physical condition determines that it is impossible for him to leave the village.

There are no recreational activities in the countryside at night. As soon as it was dark, Liu Guihua asked everyone to wash.

While Xu Hao was soaking his feet, Huang Xin whispered to her mother in the kitchen.

"Nonsense, what's the matter with letting Xu Hao live in a room with your brother?" she stared at her daughter and asked, "you didn't live together in Jiangcheng?"

"Mom, what are you asking?" Huang Xin said with some embarrassment.

"Mom is not an old feudal. Isn't it all on TV? You young people are different from us. They live together when they fall in love..." Liu Guihua shook her head. "I think Xu Hao is very good. Mom likes him very much! Let him sleep in your house today!"

"Mom, what are you talking about!" Huang Xin's face turned red. Although she and Xu Hao sometimes had a little ambiguous, they still kept a proper distance! Although they pretended to be lovers this time, they just let the little bastard Xu Hao take advantage of them!

"All right, that's the situation at home. Don't let him live in your house, where do you let him live?" looked at Huang Xin, and Liu Guihua asked.

"Then why don't I sleep well with you!" looking at Liu Guihua, Huang Xin thought of a compromise. How can she sleep in the same room with Xu Hao?

"You really behave like that in Jiangcheng?" looking at her daughter, Liu Guihua obviously didn't believe it!

"Oh, mom, what are you talking about!" Huang Xin looked at Liu Guihua reluctantly and said, "it's settled. Let Xu Hao sleep in my house and I'll sleep with you! The house hasn't been occupied for a long time. Maybe it's musty!"

"Nonsense!" glanced at her daughter. Since her daughter said so, Liu Guihua would not have to force her daughter to sleep with Xu Hao. After all, they have no name or point for the time being. It's good to pay attention to some influence. After all, the countryside can't compare with the city.

When Xu Hao finished washing, Huang Xin said, "OK, you can sleep in this house at night!"

"Sister Xin, are you your bedroom? It seems that you still have the fragrance on your body!" Xu Hao said, taking a deep breath on purpose.

Seeing Xu Hao's obscene appearance, Huang Xin couldn't help beating him and said, "all right, all right, go to sleep!"

"Don't you sleep here?" some disappointed looked at Huang Xin, and Xu Hao asked. Originally, he thought Huang Xin would live with him! For this, Xu Hao has been beautiful all the way!

"Why aren't you so beautiful!" after staring at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "I sleep in the same room with my mother! Go to bed early." then Huang Xin turned and went out.

Sitting in bed, Xu Hao couldn't help looking at Huang Xin's bedroom.

The bedroom is simple and has few personal belongings. The only thing on the desk in the house is a picture frame with a picture of Huang Xin. The photo should have been taken by Huang Xin many years ago. At that time, Huang Xin was still green.

There are many certificates on the wall of the bedroom. Xu Hao curiously came up and looked. All of them are all kinds of certificates obtained by Huang Xin from small to large. In addition to the certificates of various competitions, the rest are the three good student certificates issued by the school. It's not hard to imagine that Huang Xin's academic performance must be very good when she was a child!

After looking around Huang Xin's bedroom, Xu Hao lay in bed. Smelling the fragrance of Huang Xin left on the quilt, Xu Hao soon fell asleep

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