Early in the morning, Xu Hao was called up by Huang Xin. Squinting at Huang Xin, Xu Hao asked, "sister Xin, what time do you wake me up? I'm so tired yesterday, I'll go to bed again!"

"No, get up quickly. There will be guests at home soon!" Huang Xin said, about to lift Xu Hao's quilt.

"Don't think of it, I'm sleepy!" after looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "unless you kiss me, maybe you kiss me, I'll be refreshed?"

"Looking for a fight, isn't it?" he stared at Xu Hao. Huang Xin waved her fist and tried to fight Xu Hao.

Xu Hao simply looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water. As soon as his eyes were closed, he was ready to sleep again.

Huang Xin is completely helpless. She can't understand what the little bastard Xu Hao is! Therefore, Huang Xin hesitated and had to say in a low voice, "say well first, just kiss, don't cheat!"

"OK!" as soon as Huang Xin agreed, Xu Hao got up and stared at Huang Xin with expectation in his eyes.

"Asshole!" stared at Xu Hao. Huang Xin really wanted to turn around and go out now. However, she knows how shameless Xu Hao is! In desperation, Huang Xin looked back at the door. After confirming that there was no one, she leaned over and kissed Xu Hao on the face

Xu Hao naturally wouldn't let Huang Xin go so easily. He put his hand around Huang Xin's waist.

Just as Huang Xin was struggling, Liu Guihua suddenly came over, "how can I still..." before Liu Guihua finished her words, she saw the scene of Xu Hao making out with Huang Xin, and quickly turned around, "you get up early, your uncle will come in a moment!" with that, Liu Guihua hurried away.

"It's all your fault!" he beat Xu Hao on his shoulder. Huang Xin said, "get up quickly, or you'll be responsible for the consequences!" after that, regardless of Xu Hao, he turned out of the bedroom.

Xu Hao didn't expect to be seen by Liu Guihua! Embarrassed at the same time, that little sleepiness has long gone! Quickly put on your clothes and get up.

After washing, the family sat around and had breakfast!

Liu Guihua specially cooked porridge and handmade steamed stuffed buns!

Eating steamed stuffed buns and porridge, Xu Hao couldn't help praising Liu Guihua's good cooking!

"This porridge is delicious, with a trace of sweetness..." Xu Hao took another sip of porridge and said to Liu Guihua.

"This porridge is cooked by the mountain spring water here!" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Fei explained with a smile: "people in our village drink mountain spring water, which is better than the mineral water in the city!"

"Aunt, there are still mountain springs in the village?" Xu Hao seemed to think of something and quickly asked.

"Yes, it's on the mountain over there. There's a lot of water. People in our village drink mountain spring water for generations." Liu Guihua nodded with a smile. "This mountain spring water is much better than the tap water in the city!"

Xu Hao and they were talking when Huang Xin's uncle came.

Compared with the poverty of Huang Xin's family, uncle Huang Xin's family is much richer. If Liu Guihua hadn't said that Huang Xin's object came, Huang Xin's uncle Huang Guohua wouldn't have come easily.

"Uncle, you're coming!" Huang Fei seemed a little afraid of the uncle. Seeing him come in, he quickly stood up like a child who made a mistake.

Huang Guohua followed the leader's patrol, came in with his hands on his back, turned around, and then directly sat in the position where Huang Feigang had just sat, looked at Xu Hao and asked, "are you Xiaoxin's boyfriend?"

"Uncle, my name is Xu Hao." Xu Hao nodded quickly.

After looking up and down at Xu Hao for a while, Huang Guohua asked, "it's OK. What's the salary of your company with Xiaoxin? What's the position?"

"Uncle!" when Huang Guohua asked, Huang Xin couldn't hang up on her face and quickly made a voice to remind Huang Guohua.

Looking up at Huang Xin, Huang Guohua said, "don't interrupt. Your father left early. I don't worry about your family. Who cares? It's a matter of life. Don't be careless! Your mother is a woman. What do you know?"

"Her uncle, Xu Hao, the child..." Liu Guihua couldn't stand Huang Guohua's tone, but Huang Guohua was her eldest brother after all, so she could only bear it.

"Don't talk yet." after looking at Liu Guihua, Huang Guohua looked at Xu Hao and continued to ask.

"Since the uncle asked, I would report to the uncle..." look at Huang Guohua, Terry Chui also lowered his posture and said, "I am in Xinxin company with Xin Xin, I am the leader of Xinxin, I am a mess! My salary is... This has the final say."

"What?" as soon as Xu Hao said this, Huang Guohua was unhappy. He stood up and looked at Liu Guihua and said, "no, absolutely not! Xiaoxin can't be with him! It's not as good as Xiaoxin. He won't be a white rice eater in the future? Absolutely not!"

"Her uncle, two children..." Liu Guihua wanted to say something for Xu Hao, but Huang Guohua immediately interrupted her.

"It's not your turn to interrupt our old Huang family!" looking at Liu Guihua, Huang Guohua said, "no, it's no! There's no room for negotiation." then Huang Guohua looked at Xu Hao and said, "you can leave after lunch. I don't agree with this marriage!"

"Uncle, you..." Huang Xin is very angry. When is it Huang Guohua's turn to take charge of her affairs! When their family was in trouble, why didn't Huang Guohua say to help? Now he took out his uncle's shelf and wanted to be their home? What kind of rule is this!

"Liu Guihua, how do you teach your children? Do you understand politeness?" looking at Liu Guihua, Huang Guohua preached again.

In front of this big brother, Liu Guihua is also submissive. It can be seen that Huang Guohua is bossy in front of Huang Xin's family!

"Uncle..." Xu Hao couldn't see it anymore. He stepped forward and prepared to have a good theory with Huang Guohua. However, Huang Xin suddenly grabbed him and shook his head at him. Huang Fei and Liu Guihua also looked at Xu Hao and motioned Xu Hao not to be impulsive.

"What? What else do you want to say?" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Guohua asked, "I tell you, I don't agree with this marriage. You can leave after dinner!"

"OK, OK, OK, I'll go in a minute!" Xu Hao didn't want to embarrass the Huang Xin family, so he had to agree.

"Hum!" with a hum, Huang Guohua stepped out of Huang Xin's house!

Looking at Huang Guohua's back, Xu Hao shook his head for a while. Having such a relative is really enough for Huang Xin's family! Huang Guohua's face is like those distant relatives of the Xu family!

When you have money, he grovels and smiles. When you are in trouble, he wants to kick you hard and make you doomed! It's also called, I'm doing it for you! Don't mention this kind of best relatives!

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