When Huang Guohua left, Huang Xin sat down angrily, "Mom, I said don't call him over, you don't listen!"

"Well, don't blame your aunt." Xu Hao quickly said to Huang Xin, looked at Liu Guihua and asked, "aunt, Huang Xin, her uncle, has always been such a style?"

Nodding, Liu Guihua hurriedly said, "in fact, her uncle usually takes good care of us..."

"Take care of a fart!" Huang Xin said angrily, "you forget that during the Chinese New Year that year, our family didn't even have rice to cook. Their family is popular and spicy. You came to the door and said to borrow some rice. What did he say?"

"Don't talk nonsense, he is your uncle after all!" Liu Guihua is a typical traditional good woman. Huang Guohua is her husband's eldest brother. He has absolute authority at home and can't speak ill of him easily.

"OK, OK, can't I stop talking? I'm tired of mentioning him!" Huang Xin said impatiently, "now he let Xu Hao go. What do you say?"

Liu Guihua is also a little embarrassed. If you don't listen to Huang Guohua, you must complain, and you will even be severely scolded. Listen to Huang Guohua and let Xu Hao go. That must be inappropriate!

"Aunt, I'm fine. Why don't I live in the town first?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Liu Guihua, "when Xinxin stays at home with you for a few days, we'll go back to Jiangcheng together?"

"No! You can't go!" Huang Fei, who had been standing, suddenly said, "the family should live together!"

"Xiaofei, good!" looking at Huang Fei, Huang Xin's tears almost came out!

"By the way, I think your uncle's style is a cadre in the town?" looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao couldn't help asking. If it weren't for the wrong place, Xu Hao even thought Huang Guohua was the leader of the province! Even the leaders of the province don't have his style!

Take Wang Yumin, whom Xu Hao met, for example. He is really approachable and has no style at all.

"He's the leader of the town. He doesn't know a few big words!" Huang Xin was very dissatisfied with her uncle. "He's a security section chief of the mineral water plant in the town! When he becomes a small official with sesame and mung bean points, his tail will rise to the sky!"

"Don't say that about your uncle." Liu Guihua beat her daughter and said, "however, the mineral water plant in the town can't benefit. I heard it's going bankrupt!"

"It's good to be bankrupt!" Huang Xin said fiercely, "when the mineral water plant is bankrupt, see what he looks like!"

"Don't talk nonsense, you child! Many people in the village work in the water plant. If they are really bankrupt, how many people have no means to live!" Liu Guihua said hurriedly. Although the mineral water plant has nothing to do with her, she still hopes that the mineral water plant can be better and better.

"Mom, your heart is too kind in your life." Huang Xin said after looking at Liu Guihua discontentedly.

Liu Guihua just smiled and didn't speak.

"Aunt, can you tell me something about the mineral water plant?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Liu Guihua.

"What are you asking about?" Liu Guihua briefly introduced Xu Hao.

Because there are many natural mountain springs around the town, the town applied for a special fund to build a mineral water plant in the province a few years ago. The first few years were OK. The factory can make a lot of money every year.

However, as soon as the leaders of the town saw that the factory had made money, they all wanted to play the autumn wind! Many leaders even regard the mineral water plant as a private wallet and look for the mineral water plant if they want to spend money!

This comes and goes, the mineral water plant began to go downhill. In recent years, the equipment is aging and there is no money to repair it! The market of mineral water is not good either! The factory is half dead now. Maybe it will close down one day!

I heard that a factory was going to close down because of human factors! Xu Hao shook his head! However, Liu Guihua's words reminded Xu Hao that there are natural mountain springs around the town! This is very important for a mineral water enterprise! High quality water source can ensure the quality of mineral water and obtain the recognition of consumers!

"Aunt, Xinxin, Xiaofei, I'll go to the town first." looking at the Huangxin family, Xu Hao said, "I'll tell you more about it later!"

"This..." Liu Guihua is a little embarrassed. She likes Xu Hao very much. However, Huang Guohua doesn't recognize him!

"Xu Hao, you... You live in my house. We live in the same house at night. I don't think who dares to gossip?" Huang Xin is also desperate. In order to resist her uncle, Huang Xin even doesn't hesitate to take herself in!

Huang Xin's proposal is very attractive to Xu Hao! However, he didn't go to Zhenshan to avoid Huang Guohua, but something really happened!

Therefore, Xu Hao looked at Huang Xin very reluctantly and said, "Xin Xin, I really do business in town. Don't worry, I'll come back when I'm done. What you say will be what you say at that time!"

Looking at Xu Hao's winking, Huang Xin blushed, glared at Xu Hao, and then turned his head.

Liu Guihua also wants to keep Xu Hao, but Xu Hao insists on working in the town first. No way, Liu Guihua had to agree.

When going to the town, Xu Hao called song Yuwei. On the phone, Xu Hao briefly said something about the mineral water plant, and then said, "sister Yuwei, please do me a favor..."

After giving an account on the phone, Xu Hao asked, "sister Yuwei, is this a problem?"

"What's your bad idea? I tell you, if you really dare to act recklessly under the banner of the old man, the old man must spank you!" Song Yuwei knows that Wang Yumin has a good relationship with Xu Hao. However, no matter how good the relationship is, the old man is also a principled person!

"Sister Yuwei, don't worry. If the old man knows this, he must thank me!" Xu Hao said quickly. For such a remote Township, there is no doubt that an enterprise plays a leading role in the local economy! Otherwise, the province could not have given special funds to the town to prepare for the construction of mineral water plants!

"OK, I'll try my best," Song Yuwei said on the phone. "Why don't I go there myself? Or I can give you advice?"

"That's so troublesome. Besides, Xiaomeng can't live without you!" Xu Hao said quickly. Such a small matter doesn't need song Yuwei at all. Besides, song Yuwei is here and Xia Xiaomeng is not taken care of!

"Well... OK! I'll arrange it now." Song Yuwei said on the phone and hung up.

When song Yuwei hung up, Xu Hao smiled at the corners of his mouth! This time, Xu Hao will not only extinguish uncle Huang Xin's arrogance, but also do a good thing for the local villagers! In this way, Huang Xin's mother and brother will have a much better life in the local area!

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