When he came to the town, Xu Hao didn't hurry to find a place to live, but went straight to the mineral water plant in the town!

As a landmark building in the town, Xu Hao asked someone about the mineral water plant and found it.

The mineral water plant was a little dilapidated. Xu Hao looked at the door and was ready to go in.

Just two steps away, he was stopped by the gatekeeper, "who are you looking for? I don't know this is the factory area? No admittance!"

"Come on, have a cigarette," said Xu Hao. He took out a cigarette and gave it to the old man. Then he followed the old man into the security room.

Seeing that Xu Hao handed him a good cigarette, the boss didn't drive Xu Hao away. Sitting in the security room, the old man asked, "young man, what are you doing here?"

"Sir, I want to ask you about our factory." looking at the old man, Xu Hao asked, "I think the factory has been shut down?"

"Hey, the market is not good. What if we don't stop work? Isn't it a loss to produce?" looking at Xu Hao, the guard is very familiar with the things in the factory. Xu Hao didn't have to ask. He poured beans out of a bamboo tube and said everything.

The factory has been going downhill since the year before last. Coupled with the poor capital turnover of the factory, the products produced do not seem to meet any national standards, and many original old customers no longer place orders. The leaders in the town think that the mineral water plant is a big Treasury. Where there is a lack of money, they all want to take money from the mineral water plant.

This comes and goes, and the mineral water plant is getting worse and worse. Now the mineral water plant still owes workers' wages and various funds from partners, nearly seven or eight million!

"Why do you owe so much money?" Xu Hao was also surprised. A small township factory owes so much money, which is really unexpected.

"It's not the leader of the town..." then, the gatekeeper secretly glanced at the door and confirmed that no one knew, so he whispered: "just the food and drink expenses of the leaders of the town for one year are not a small amount. These are included in the entertainment fee of the mineral water plant. Do you think the plant will not be yellow?"

"Thank you, sir!" said Xu Hao. He took out all the cigarettes in his pocket, handed them to the guard and said, "Sir, can I walk around the factory? Don't worry, I'll just have a look!"

"That's OK, just turn around and don't take anything!" looked at Xu Hao and said the guard. Seeing that Xu Hao's move is a pack of good cigarettes, he doesn't doubt that Xu Hao will steal the scrap iron of the mineral water plant.

"Don't worry, sir. I'll just have a look." Xu Hao said, and went out of the guard room and made a general turn in the mineral water plant. Except for a few workers working in one of the production workshops, the other workers either play cards together or just sit together and chat.

After a turn, Xu Hao left the factory and stayed in the guest house in the town.

After staying, Xu Hao dialed song Yuwei, "sister Yuwei, how's it going?"

"The old man didn't ask much, so he asked Xiao Jing to drive to you. I asked Wang Tong to go with me. If there's anything, just tell Wang Tong." Song Yuwei finally felt a little uneasy. Xu Hao sent her best assistant, Wang Tong.

"Sister Yuwei, thank you!" Xu Hao said quickly on the phone.

"Don't just say thank you, but also take action!" Song Yuwei at the other end of the phone unconsciously flirted with Xu Hao.

Listening to song Yuwei's words, Xu Hao said, "sister Yuwei, no problem. When I return to Jiangcheng, I'll thank you with my body. Just wait for my action!"

"Bah, you know nonsense!" Song Yuwei was thin skinned and couldn't stand Xu Hao's flirtation, so she quickly hung up the phone.

Hang up song Yuwei and Xu Hao calls Huang Xin again. Hearing that Xu Hao stayed in the guest house in the town, Huang Xin said, "Xu Hao, I'm sorry, I..."

"Sister Xin, it's a pity to say this. Besides, when I go to town, it's not hiding from Huang Guohua. I'm really doing something big." Xu Hao hurriedly said, "sister Xin, do you remember the mineral water plant? I went to the plant today! Although the plant is a little old, it can be used with a little transformation. It's not a big problem!"

"Look at the factory..." when Huang Xingang wanted to ask Xu Hao what the factory was doing, he suddenly reacted, "do you want to buy the factory?"

"Sure enough, sister Xin knows me!" Xu Hao said hurriedly, "sister Xin, don't forget, what do we do? There are water sources and ready-made factories here, which is a good time for us to expand!"

"But, that factory..." Huang Xin is still a little worried. She wants to fly over now and have a look at the factory on the spot!

"Sister Xin, if you don't feel at ease, come and have a look tomorrow." Xu Hao said on the phone: "I've called foreign aid from Jiangcheng, and we can arrive tomorrow! Then we'll go to the factory together and scare your uncle!"

"You are more vengeful than me!" Huang Xin said with a smile. "Why don't I now... Forget it, it's too late and I couldn't do anything in the past!"

"Sister Xin, why can't we do anything? We can do a lot of things at night!" Xu Hao said hurriedly. When he left Huang Xin's house today, Huang Xin's words made his heart itch.

"None of them are right!" Huang Xin said angrily on the phone: "tell you the business! Well, you have an early rest today and I'll catch up early tomorrow morning!"

"Sister Xin, it's inappropriate for you to do this. Didn't you say to go out and sleep with me?" Xu Hao was still thinking about it!

"Dream! You think my sister is still a child of three or two years old. Once fooled by your words, you believe in love!" Huang Xin at the other end of the phone said with a smile: "love is like a ghost. My sister has long passed the age of believing in love!"

"Sister Xin, what's your metaphor? How can love be like a ghost?" Xu Hao asked puzzled.

"Because everyone has heard of love, but no one has seen it. Is it like a ghost?" Huang Xin explained with a smile.

"Who says no one has seen ghosts? I have!" Xu Hao said quickly, "sister Xin, do you want to see them? I can let you see them!"

"Stop talking nonsense." Huang Xin naturally doesn't believe that ghosts, which surpass science, have no basis at all. She naturally doesn't believe it!

"I'm not bullshit! When you come to town tomorrow, I'll introduce a lust ghost to you!" Xu Hao said shamelessly on the phone: "Lust ghost should also be a ghost?"

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you!" Huang Xin was completely speechless. Xu Hao, an asshole, turned the corner to take advantage of her!

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