At more than 10 p.m., Xu Hao received a call from Wang Tong from the county. On the phone, Wang Tong told Xu Hao that they had arrived in the county and would meet him in the town early tomorrow morning.

"You're sitting in governor Wang's special car. The county leaders won't show up?" Xu Hao asked on the phone. In order to pull Wang Yumin's tiger skin as a flag, Xu Hao specially asked song Yuwei to borrow Wang Yumin's special car!

Xu Hao believes that as soon as Wang Yumin's special bus comes down, those leaders in the county will know!

"This really makes you guess right. We just finished dinner in the county hotel." Wang Tong said on the phone: "for so many years, I have never seen the leaders of the county so enthusiastic about us!"

"That's right. You don't see whose car you're in?" Xu Hao said quickly. It's true that Wang Yumin retired, but he has worked in central south province for decades. Even if he retires, his influence is huge! Those leaders in the county are not afraid of being put on small shoes. Naturally, they have to do their best to serve them.

"Well, I won't tell you. After drinking some wine, I'm a little sleepy. See you tomorrow." Wang Tong said and hung up the phone directly.

The next day, Xu Hao had planned to sleep in. As a result, just after nine o'clock, I received a call from Huang Xin. On the phone, Huang Xin told Xu Hao that she was in town and asked Xu Hao to pick her up quickly.

"Shall we go to the mineral water plant now?" Huang Xin asked as soon as he saw Xu Hao.

"Wait a minute." Wang Tong and they haven't arrived yet. It's not so easy for Xu Hao to go to the mineral water plant so rashly. Or wait until Wang Tong and they arrive.

Speak of the devil and he will arrive. As soon as Xu Hao finished, his mobile phone rang. The phone was called by Wang Tong and told him that they had arrived in town. In addition to her and Xiao Jing, there is also a deputy county magistrate!

"This specification is not low." Xu Hao was surprised to hear that he was accompanied by a deputy county magistrate.

However, on second thought, it would be abnormal if Wang Yumin's guard and special car appeared and the county did not arrange personal escort!

Xu Hao told them the location. Soon, Wang Yumin's special car appeared. Wang Tong lowered the window, waved to Xu Hao and said, "let's go to the mineral water plant now!"

"Several leaders of the county are on the back cars." pointing to the back cars, Wang Tong said: "yesterday I roughly said that I wanted to buy the mineral water plant, and the county expressed strong support! However, specifically, I still have to talk to the town. After all, the mineral water plant is an enterprise in the town..."

Nodding, Xu Hao said he understood! It's easy to do as long as the county supports it!

The leaders of the county came. Early in the morning, several main leaders of the town waited at the gate of the mineral water plant. In addition to several main leaders in the town, they are the director and deputy director of the mineral water plant.

As for Huang Guohua, the head of the security section of the mineral water plant, a completely insignificant figure, naturally is not qualified to welcome the leaders at the door. He was directly rushed to the crowd on one side to act as a crowd of onlookers.

As soon as the motorcade arrived at the gate of the mineral water plant, the staff of the mineral water plant lined up to welcome it. Mayor Xiao Jinguo took the lead and stepped forward to meet him.

"Deputy county magistrate Yu, welcome to our mineral water plant for inspection and guidance!" Xiao Jinguo warmly came forward and took deputy county magistrate Yu's hand and said.

"Come on, let me introduce..." deputy county magistrate Yu said, pointing to Xu Hao and Wang Tong and said, "this is president Wang from Jiangcheng."

"I'm not a general manager, I'm just an assistant." Wang Tong hurriedly said, then looked at Xiao Jinguo and said, "this is our general manager Xu and this is our general manager Huang."

"Mr. Xu and Mr. Huang, welcome to our mineral water plant!" Xiao Jinguo said quickly and enthusiastically. Although I don't know what Xu and Huang always come from, if they can be accompanied by the deputy county magistrate, can they be worse?

At the same time, standing in the staff, Huang Guohua, who lined up to welcome, almost blinded his eyes! Isn't it Xu Hao and Huang Xin that he met yesterday?

After a day's absence, the boy suddenly became so awesome? Huang Guohua felt that he must have had an illusion. He couldn't help saying to a person around him, "pinch me."

"Chief Huang, what's the matter with you?" the man asked, still pinching Huang Guohua's arm.

Huang Guohua was pinched and hurt. He slapped the man. "You're stupid. Pinch so hard!"

With that, Huang Guohua couldn't help looking at Xu Hao and Huang Xin again. Just now he felt pain, which means it's not a dream!

At the moment, looking at the beautiful woman who even the deputy county magistrate wants to please, she is actually just the boy's assistant. And Huang Xin seems to have a big background!

Remembering his performance at Huang Xin's house yesterday, Huang Guohua knew he had done something wrong this time!

"Please ask the factory director for leave. I'll go back. There's something urgent at home!" Huang Guohua hurried away before he could ask the factory director for leave.

"In such a hurry? My wife stole?" Huang Guohua slapped him, and the man was dissatisfied. Now listening to Huang Guohua say so, it is naturally full of complaints.

Huang Guohua hurried back now. Anyway, he had to coax his sister-in-law first. At that time, as long as the sister-in-law doesn't pursue him, can Xu Hao and Huang Xin turn the sky?


Xiao Jinguo personally took Xu Hao and his party to look around the factory. The director of the mineral water plant introduced the situation of the water plant.

Yesterday, Xu Hao had learned the actual situation of the water plant from the guard. Therefore, hearing that the director of the water plant deliberately exaggerated, Xu Hao said, "no, how can I hear that the water plant has not paid wages for several months? Plus all the debts outside, there are at least millions of holes in the water plant?"

Originally, Xiao Jinguo and the director of the mineral water plant wanted to fool Xu Hao. It's best to fool Xu Hao into investing a sum of money in the plant! Unexpectedly, Xu Hao is so familiar with the factory! It seems that Xu Hao is obviously prepared.

"Lao Xiao, what's the matter with you? Xu and Huang always come to investigate. Just tell the truth! Fake Dakong is terrible!" Xiao Jinguo and Yu deputy county magistrate criticized severely.

Deputy county magistrate Yu's remark is not trivial. Maybe it will completely affect Xiao Jinguo's official career! Therefore, Xiao Jinguo did not dare to talk nonsense. He quickly winked at the director of the water plant and asked him to tell the truth.

After a turn around the water plant, Xu Hao and his party went to the conference room of the water plant.

The director of the water plant made a more detailed report. This time, he dared not hide the data, all of which were the most real data!

After listening to the data of the mineral water plant, Xu Hao couldn't help smiling! The scale of this water plant is very large. It only needs to invest about 10 million to make the plant run!

With the support of the town and mountain spring water everywhere, we don't worry about the sales of these mineral water by using the sales channels of Dongping company!

Thinking of this, he strengthened Xu Hao's idea of buying the factory!

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