While Liu Guihua went to wash Huang Fei, Xu Hao came to Huang Xin's ear and asked in a low voice, "sister Xin, do you still count what you said yesterday?"

"What do you say?" Xu Hao looked back, and Huang Xin asked with a smile in her mouth.

Knowing that Huang Xin is knowingly asking, Xu Hao is dissatisfied with Huang Xin's cheating!

"Sister Xin, there's nothing like you!" looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "besides, how can you always trouble our mother-in-law? You'd better get together with me and squeeze!"

"Bah!" he glared at Xu Hao. Huang Xin didn't expect Xu Hao to take advantage of her at this time.

Looking at the blush on Huang Xin's face, Xu Hao boldly stretched out his hand to grasp Huang Xin's small hand and hugged her thin waist.

"What do you want?" Huang Xin asked after staring at Xu Hao.

Nodding hurriedly, Xu Hao said, "I want to!"

"Shameless!" he stepped on Xu Hao's foot, and Huang Xin said with shame and anger.

Just at this time, Liu Guihua came out of Huang Fei's room. Seeing Xu Hao bending over and showing her teeth, Liu Guihua hurried forward, knocked on Huang Xin's head and said, "tell me about you, you are so adult and like a child! Don't bully Xu Hao in the future, do you hear me?"

"I......" Huang Xin wants to cry without tears. Who is your own!

Ignoring Huang Xin's grievances, Liu Guihua quickly asked Xu Hao about his situation. In front of his mother-in-law, Xu Hao naturally pretended to be poor, while Liu Guihua naturally taught Huang Xin a lesson and made Huang Xin's teeth itch!

"What do you want to do?" seeing Huang Xin's angry appearance, Liu Cuihua knocked on her head again and said, "Xu Hao dotes on you, you can bully him?" then Liu Guihua turned to Xu Hao and said, "if Xin Xin dares to bully you again in the future, you'll tell me I'll clean up her!"

"Aunt, I know! In fact, to tell you the truth, Xinxin bullied me when she was in Jiangcheng..." now with the support of her mother-in-law, Xu Hao simply threw dirty water on Huang Xin's head!

"Xu Hao!" Huang Xin almost ran away. Can Xu Hao be shameless?

"What? You still don't allow Xu Hao to speak?" glanced back at Huang Xin, and Liu Guihua said, "you have to change your temper. A girl must look like a girl! If you dare to bully Xu Hao again next time, I won't clean you up!"

"OK, OK, OK, it's all my fault, OK!" Huang Xin said angrily and turned directly into her bedroom.

Xu Hao also knew that his joke was too much. After talking to Liu Guihua, he chased into the bedroom.

Seeing Huang Xin sitting beside the bed sulking, Xu Hao brazenly walked over, "sister Xin, I'm wrong!"

"Don't bother me!" he turned his head directly, and Huang Xin left Xu Hao a back of his head!

Reaching out and hugging Huang Xin's waist, Xu Hao hurriedly said, "sister Xin, I'm just kidding you. How can you take it seriously?"

"Are you kidding like that? I really don't know if you are my mother's own or I'm adopted!" Huang Xin said angrily. Although her mother-in-law likes her son-in-law more and more, Liu Guihua is too much!

"Well, well, can't I be wrong?" Xu Hao sincerely admitted his mistake.

"Don't, I can't afford it. If my mother knows, she won't teach me a lesson!" Xu Hao glanced at it, and Huang Xin quickly said.

It seems that soft is not good. Xu Hao decided to hard. Holding Huang Xin in his arms, Xu Hao said, "if you don't pay attention to me again, I'll tell my mother-in-law that you bully me!"

"You..." Huang Xin stared at Xu Hao and asked, "Xu Hao, can you be more shameless?"

"Yes!" Xu Hao said, kissing Huang Xin's lips directly.

At the moment of being kissed by Xu Hao, Huang Xin was completely stunned. She didn't expect that Xu Hao dared to treat her so frivolously in her house!

Seeing that Huang Xin didn't respond, Xu Hao was startled. He quickly released Huang Xin and asked, "sister Xin, what's the matter with you? I'm just kidding you, how do you..."

Worried that Huang Xin was really annoyed, Xu Hao didn't expect that Huang Xin didn't hide when he went to kiss Huang Xin!

"You bastard, give me back my first kiss!" Huang Xin said, directly pressing Xu Hao under his body and beating and beating Xu Hao. That look can scare people to death!

"Sister Xin, you're going to murder your husband!" Xu Hao put his hands on his face and said exaggerated, "if you hit me again, I'll... I'll call someone!"

Hearing Xu Hao's shameless words, Huang Xin burst out laughing. Then he suddenly fell down and kissed Xu Hao's mouth, "you bastard, took my first kiss. I have to kiss back!"

Xu Hao was speechless for a while. Sister Xin, what's your theory? Didn't you come to my door to take advantage of me? I knew this would make Huang Xin take the initiative to send kisses. What did Xu Hao do so hard before? How nice it is to have a bully bow!

Huang Xin hugged Xu Hao and kissed him for a while. Her lips were red and swollen before she loosened Xu Hao. "You bastard, just took my first kiss!"

Hei hei smiled and Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, it's a big deal. I'll give you my first kiss!"

"Fart, just you little bastard, and your first kiss?" the discontented Xu Hao gave a white look, and Huang Xin wanted to punch Xu Hao again.

After looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, don't worry. When I get up tomorrow morning, I'll kiss you after brushing my teeth! The first kiss in a day is also the first kiss!"

"I'll kill you!" hearing Xu Hao flirting with her, Huang Xin tried to beat Xu Hao again.

Xu Hao naturally repeatedly begged for mercy. At this time, Liu Guihua just came to greet the two people to wash. Seeing Huang Xin riding on Xu Hao scolding and beating, his face changed at that time!

Regardless of Huang Xin's face, he directly said to Huang Xin, "come out!"

He looked at his mother and Xu Hao. Huang Xin said with her mouth: it's all your fault! Then he followed Liu Guihua out.

Pulling her daughter to the room, Liu Guihua began to scold her. Naturally, it's the same old way. Let Huang Xin not be capricious and bully Xu Hao and so on.

Huang Xin wants to cry without tears. It is clear that Xu Hao, a little bastard, bullied her and stole her first kiss. How did she bully Xu Hao?

Huang Xin knows that at this time, no matter what she explains to Liu Guihua, Liu Guihua will insist that she is bullying Xu Hao. Therefore, Huang Xin had to be submissive and said, "Mom, I know! I'm wrong. I promise I'll never bully Xu Hao again. Can't I?"

"OK, I don't care about the couple. Don't bother me tonight and go back to your own room to sleep!" Liu Guihua said, driving Huang Xin out of the room and letting Huang Xin stand alone in the mess in the hall

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