After hesitating for a while, Huang Xin finally went back to her bedroom.

Seeing Huang Xin's return, Xu Hao was surprised. "Sister Xin, have you figured it out? Yes, how can you always trouble your mother-in-law!"

"Bastard, I'll kill you!" Huang Xin said and rushed at Xu Hao. At this time, not to mention killing Xu Hao, it is light to kill Xu Hao! Blame this little bastard, or you can be kicked out by your mother?

Seeing Huang Xin coming, Xu Hao hugged Huang Xin and kissed her little mouth.

When Xu Hao came over, Huang Xin's brain was blank. In her stunned Kung Fu, Xu Hao's little bastard's tongue has pried open her teeth

When Huang Xin felt that she was almost out of breath, Xu Hao, a little bastard, let her go.

Looking at Huang Xin with a red face, Xu Hao flashed a smile around his mouth.

"If you laugh again, believe it or not, I'll hit you!" Huang Xin said, waving her fist.

Xu Hao smiled, pointed to the door and motioned Huang Xin not to provoke him, or he would complain to his mother-in-law!

Seeing Xu Hao's shameless appearance, Huang Xin couldn't help but punch Xu Hao in the face!

"Oh, sister Xin, are you serious!" Xu Hao covered his face and looked at Huang Xin in shock. I thought Huang Xin was just scaring him, but I didn't expect Huang Xin to be serious.

"I see you dare to bully me. No, I tell you, I'm not easy to bully!" Huang Xin waved his fist and said, "now, you sleep inside! Don't come out without my permission!"

"Really can't we discuss again?" Xu Hao cheekily asked when he came up to Huang Xin.

"Get out!" he glared at Xu Hao, and Huang Xin lay down directly.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Hao didn't dare to provoke Huang Xin. He quietly found a corner and lay down.

"Sister Xin, are you hot?" lying in bed, Xu Hao couldn't sleep.

"If you talk again, believe it or not, I'll drive you out?" Huang Xin completely convinced Xu Hao, a little bastard. He hasn't stopped talking since he lay down.

"Sister Xin, you take off your clothes and go to bed again. It's bad for your health!" Xu Hao asked unfailingly. When Huang Xin takes off his clothes, he will not be allowed to do whatever he wants!

Sitting up, he glared at Xu Hao. Huang Xi said, "I give you two choices: first, shut your mouth and sleep now; second, get out!"

"No third choice?" Xu Hao asked.

After staring at Xu Hao, Huang Xin lay down again, "go to bed quickly, there will be a lot of things tomorrow!" then he ignored Xu Hao.

Xu Hao asked himself to be boring. He talked to himself for a while and slowly fell asleep.

When Xu Hao woke up the next day, Huang Xin got up early.

After a quick breakfast, they rushed to town again! As soon as I went out, I met Huang Guohua. "Xinxin, Xu Hao, are you going to town?"

"Yes! There are still many things to deal with in the factory." Xu Hao smiled and asked, "uncle, are you going to town?"

"No, I have to go to work." Huang Guohua came over and chatted with them with great enthusiasm.

When the three arrived in town, it was already more than 10 a.m. Wang Tong looked at Xu Hao and Huang Xin discontentedly. In her heart, she naturally thought that Xu Hao didn't do good with Huang Xin yesterday, so she got up late!

If Xu Hao knew Wang Tong's inner thoughts, he would cry out that he was wronged! He got up just after seven this morning. It's just too far from Huang Xin's house to the town.

"I have just passed the agreement with Changgou of factory Wang..." looking at Xu Hao and Huang Xin, Wang Tong simply reported the situation, "the relevant bills of the factory have been sealed, and all the employees of the factory will attend the meeting in the factory today..."

"Hard work." nodded at Wang Tong, Xu Hao said, "if sister Wei wasn't afraid of rain, I really want you to come and be my assistant!"

"I don't like it!" Wang Tong said directly in front of Xu Hao regardless of his face.

Xu Hao was embarrassed. Wang Tong spoke directly!

With a smile, Xu Hao quickly changed the topic, while Huang Xin had an unpredictable smile on her face. I don't know what she was thinking!

The three of Xu Hao came to the auditorium of the factory. At the moment, nearly 150 employees of the mineral water plant have been in place. They all sat in the auditorium and chatted. They were full of worries about the future: they heard that the new boss was going to lay off staff.

For these employees of the mineral water plant, they never thought of losing their jobs. Even in the past two years, the efficiency of the factory has become worse and worse. They also think that the town and county will not ignore them and will not let the factory close down!

However, the facts are always cruel. Yesterday I heard the news that the factory had been acquired. There was even a rumor that more than half of the people in the factory were going to be laid off! This is like a bolt from the blue for the employees of their factory!

Seeing Xu Hao and them come in, the noisy auditorium suddenly quieted down. We all hope to make a good impression on the new boss and strive for layoffs at that time, which will not fall on us!

"Mr. Xu and Mr. Huang, you're coming." Wang Jingui saw Xu Hao and them coming in. He quickly stood up and took two steps to meet them.

"Director Wang, is everyone here?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Wang Jingui.

"It's all here, not bad!" Wang Jingui hurriedly said, looking at Xu Hao.

Nodding, Xu Hao stepped onto the rostrum under the leadership of Wang Jingui.

"Well, now everyone be quiet and ask President Xu to speak to you!" Wang Jingui said and took the lead in clapping.

All of you here are factory workers. Naturally, you expressed your warmest welcome to the new boss. Especially those workers in the first few rows, as if they were afraid that Xu couldn't see them clapping, their hands were red!

"Thank you!" Xu Hao stood up and said loudly, "I think everyone has heard that the factory will carry out some reforms next, and some people may be laid off..."

Everyone was stunned when Xu Hao said the most direct thing as soon as he opened his mouth. Anyway, why don't you be polite first?

Xu Hao looked at everyone's expression in his eyes, "this matter has been approved by director Wang and mayor Xiao. They also support the reform! Therefore, I hope all of you here can also support the reform of the factory!"

"Boss Xu, how many people are going to be laid off?" some anxious people couldn't help asking.

"At that time, we will make an all-round investigation on you. Those who are suitable for the job can stay! Those who are not suitable can be adjusted. If they are still not suitable, I'm sorry, they can only be laid off!" looking at these people present, Xu Hao said: "so, as long as your own ability is no problem, you don't have to worry about being laid off!"

As soon as Xu Hao said this, those who entered the factory with their own strength naturally breathed a sigh of relief. Many related households began to worry and frequently looked at Wang Jingui!

Unfortunately, Wang Jingui can't protect himself at the moment. How can he manage others?

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