"Mr. Xu, where did Mr. Huang do so badly that you dismissed her?" Bai Yan asked Xu Hao first. This is also the first time Bai Yan publicly questioned Xu Hao's decision.

"OK, OK, you all sit down first." Xu Hao still felt a lot of pressure when he saw Bai Yan standing in the office.

After Bai Yan and others sat down, Xu Haocai said, "the company is about to explore the East China market, and president Huang is going to be the general manager of the East China company. Now this stall is naturally to be managed by others. Now you understand?"

"Ah?" Bai Yan reacted first. Xu Hao mentioned this to her once. But the time was not ripe, so Bai Yan didn't think about it.

"Mr. Xu, why didn't you say it earlier. You see, it's noisy." Shen Rong is also extremely embarrassed. He would not lead a group of people to find fault if he knew it was this thing!

"This decision is quite sudden." looking at the people present, Xu Hao said: "at present, the affairs of East China company are still in the stage of confidentiality. I hope you can keep it confidential!"

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, we know." Shen Rong said quickly. He was embarrassed to stay in Xu Hao's office. He quickly got up and left.

The others were almost the same. After glancing at Xu Hao, he stood up and left in dismay.

Xu Hao will not stop others from leaving, but Bai Yan, how could Xu Hao let her leave so easily?

"Ah? Well, I have a lot of things to deal with, so I'll go first." Bai Yan said in a panic and was about to leave. But Xu Hao caught him, "aunt Bai, even you don't trust me. I'm very sad!"

"Well, well, in a few days, aunt Bai will make you something delicious." Bai Yan said and was about to leave.

Xu Hao naturally wouldn't let her go so easily. He hugged Bai Yan for a while and let Bai Yan leave.


Since he decided to hand over all the company's affairs to Yang Zonglin, Xu Hao will not interfere any more! During this time, he was really tired. He took advantage of this time to have a good rest. When the East China company is officially established, it will be busy again.

As soon as he returned to his residence in the industrial park, Xu Hao had planned to take a bath. As a result, he heard the sound of the key opening the door. Except for himself, only song Yuwei has the key here. So, you don't have to guess. Song Yuwei opened the door.

Open the door and see Xu Hao sitting at home. Song Yuwei is a little surprised. When Wang Tong said that Xu Hao was coming back today, she specially came to help Xu Hao clean up the house!

"Why did you come back so early?" asked song Yuwei, looking at Xu Hao in surprise.

Stand up and walk to song Yuwei. Xu Hao hugs her waist and asks, "sister Yuwei, listen to what you mean, don't you welcome me back?"

"Who cares if you can't come back? When you go to Huang Xin's house this time, you can see your parents?" with a white look at Xu Hao, song Yuwei clapped Xu Hao's hand around her waist and asked, "how's it going? Is your mother-in-law still satisfied?"

"Needless to say, when mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, she naturally likes it more and more!" Xu Haotian said shamelessly, and then grabbed song Yuwei's waist.

The two sat on the sofa. Song Yuwei leaned against Xu Hao's arms and asked, "why doesn't the mineral water plant use the funds I provided you?"

"The fund you provided me?" Xu Hao was stunned and kept Wang Tong talking about it.

Looking at Xu Hao's silly expression, song Yuwei knew that Wang Tong must have made his own decision and didn't tell Xu Hao about it.

"Sister Yuwei, thank you." hugging song Yuwei and kissing her on the forehead, Xu Hao said, "however, I've communicated with the bank about the capital of the mineral water plant. The mineral water plant is a promising industry, and it's not difficult to borrow money from the bank!"

"That's OK!" nodded. Since Xu Hao could get a loan from the bank, she naturally stopped asking about it.

The two sat on the sofa chatting and heard that Xu Hao was going to enter the East China market. Song Yuwei was startled. Over the past year, the pace of Dongping company has been very fast! It should be time to digest the market. Xu Hao actually wants to enter the East China market!

"Is it a little big?" she raised her head and looked at Xu Hao. Song Yuwei said, "I suggest you be steady! At least, you have to wait until you have enough funds in your hand to develop the market! Otherwise, if you are short of funds in your hand, it will be difficult to develop the market!"

"I have considered this matter." looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said, "but I have my reasons! Moreover, I am also confident that Dongping company will have a foothold in the East China Sea!"

"Since you said that, I won't advise you any more! If you need it, you can tell me at any time. I dare not say a lot. I can still give you a hundred million or so!" looked at Xu Hao and song Yuwei said.

Although the company is temporarily handed over to Bainiu, song Yuwei is the major shareholder of the company and holds the vast majority of shares! In addition, during this period, the company has developed very well. Therefore, song Yuwei also has this confidence!

"Sister Yu Wei, don't worry. If I really can't hold on, I'll find you!" Xu Hao smiled and said, "but I shouldn't use it at this stage!"

In the evening, Xu Hao had a meal with song Yuwei and Xia Xiaomeng.

Xia Xiaomeng is very happy to see Xu Hao back! However, Xu Hao didn't buy her a gift, which made Xia Xiaomeng a little unhappy. Xu Hao coaxed her, and Xia Xiaomeng forgot about it.

After dinner, Xia Xiaomeng went to do her homework.

After finishing her homework, Xia Xiaomeng went to bed alone without crying. This can't help but make song Yuwei feel abnormal. Usually, Xia Xiaomeng finishes her homework. If it's still early, she must watch cartoons and even ask song Yuwei to play with her.

As a result, Xia Xiaomeng finished her homework an hour earlier than before. Then she didn't want song Yuwei to coax her to sleep. She went to bed alone!

"Well, sister Yuwei, Xiaomeng, it's clear that she's leaving us time!" Xu Hao stretched out his hand to hold song Yuwei and said.

Song Yuwei blushed and said, "don't talk nonsense. Xiaomeng is a child. What do you know? If you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I'll beat you!"

"Sister Yuwei, you see Xiaomeng is asleep too. Shall we go to bed too?" came up to song Yuwei's ear, and Xu Hao blew hot air in her ear and said.

Hearing Xu Hao's words, song Yuwei's face became more red and looked at Xia Xiaomeng's room. Song Yuwei whispered in Xu Hao's ear, "go to your room and don't quarrel with Xiaomeng!"

"Order!" said Xu Hao, holding song Yuwei in his arms and striding outside

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