After the company's affairs were fully entrusted to Yang Zonglin, Xu Hao immediately relaxed. Originally, Xu Hao planned to relax, but Su Dajiang called him and hoped that Xu Hao could go to the food street.

Food street has now become a landmark place in Jiangcheng. Even many locals like to come here to buy all kinds of snacks. Therefore, although it is not a holiday, there are still many people in the food street.

When he came to the catering management company, Xu Hao found Su Dajiang.

"Uncle Su, what happened? You're in such a hurry to call me?" Xu Hao asked as soon as he entered Su Dajiang's office.

After Xu Hao sat down, Su Dajiang said, "this is the application form of our food street for 4A tourist area. Look..."

After receiving the application from Su Dajiang, Xu Hao asked, "can you do it?" he immediately applied for a 4A tourist area, which was somewhat unexpected to Xu Hao.

"We have no bottom in our hearts!" Su Dajiang looked at Xu Hao and said, "but if we apply for Grade 3A, we are really sorry for our passenger flow! The most important thing is that we not only have delicious food, but also the old buildings in Jiangcheng."

"What are the opinions of the city?" Xu Hao knows that the opinions of the city are very important for the level of tourist area declared by the food street! As long as the city gives full support, this 4A tourist area can't be declared!

"I initially passed the agreement with shiligou, and the city clearly expressed its support! However, this 4A tourist area needs the approval of the National Tourism Administration, and the city's opinions can only be used as a reference. Everyone has no bottom on the final result!" looking at Xu Hao, Su Dajiang said with some worry.

As the head of the catering management company and the food street management committee, Su Dajiang naturally hopes that the food street can be rated as a 4A tourist area or even a 5A tourist area. However, the establishment time of the food street is still too short and the details are insufficient, which may eventually get stuck in the approval.

"Try it first." looking at Su Dajiang, Xu Hao had no bottom in his heart. However, if he doesn't try, he will always be unwilling!

"OK!" nodded, and Su Dajiang also made a decision! Although the time to apply for 4A scenic spots is not ripe, if you can apply at this time, it is also a affirmation for the food street!

Since we have decided to apply for 4A scenic spots, we naturally have to go all out.

Xu Hao can't get involved in applying for 4A scenic spots, so he won't make trouble.

After leaving the company, Xu Hao went straight to the bar opened by Su Jing and Dong Yangfan. Originally, the bar was scheduled to open together with the food street, but it failed to open on the national day for various reasons.

When Xu Hao opened two days ago, he happened not to be in Jiangcheng and failed to catch up with the opening ceremony.

Because it's daytime, there's basically no one in the bar. When Xu Hao went in, there was a waiter dozing off in the bar.

"Sir, we start business at 3 pm..." the waiter said politely when he heard someone coming in.

"I know. I just came to have a look." Xu Hao said and walked in.

As soon as I took two steps, I saw Dong Yangfan coming out of it.

Seeing Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan was also surprised, "Why are you here?"

"I didn't catch up when I opened the business. Don't you come and have a look?" Xu Hao said as he walked towards Dong Yangfan.

With a white look at Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan said, "you don't need to see!" after that, Dong Yangfan ignored Xu Hao.

Xu Hao was embarrassed and simply said to the waiter, "bring me two bottles of beer!"

The waiter doesn't know the relationship between Xu Hao and his boss, but it doesn't seem like they don't know each other when they talk! So the waiter hesitated to get Xu Hao wine!

"Bring him vodka!" Dong Yangfan looked at the waiter and said loudly.

The boss spoke. Naturally, the waiter hurried to bring the vodka and put it in front of Xu Hao.

Dong Yangfan also came over, looked at Xu Hao and said, "drink!"

"No one drinks vodka directly! Forget it, give me a glass of mineral water!" Xu Hao doesn't know where he offended Dong Yangfan and made her hate her so much.

"Do you want to drink?" Dong Yangfan directly poured more than half a glass of vodka into the glass in front of Xu Hao and shouted at him.

"Really?" Xu Hao hesitated, picked up his glass and looked at Dong Yangfan. His drinking capacity is average. He can drink some beer. If he eats vodka of this height, he may get drunk.

"Nonsense!" with a white look at Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan put on a posture that you must drink.

Holding up the glass, Xu Hao smelled the wine and said, "well... If I drink too much, you are not allowed to do anything too much to me!"

"Just like you, Su Jing takes you as a treasure!" glanced at Xu Hao. Dong Yangfan simply poured himself a cup and said, "I'll drink with you!"

With that, Dong Yangfan took up his glass and drank it all at once!

"Er..." seeing Dong Yangfan drinking, Xu Hao hesitated and drank the vodka in the cup.

When Baijiu was in height, Terry Chui felt that he was burning in the body.

"No, I can't drink any more!" Xu Hao quickly waved his hand and asked the waiter to bring him a bottle of water.

Seeing that Xu Hao's face turned red quickly, Dong Yangfan was worried and asked, "are you okay?"

"It's all right!" he waved his hand, and Xu Hao drank a lot of mineral water, which was a relief.

"Don't drink if you can't!" after looking at Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan put the wine away, looked at Xu Hao and asked, "what to do later? Sleep in the bar or send it back to you!"

"What does it look like to sleep in a bar." Xu Hao smiled awkwardly and said, "please send me back!"

"Let's go!" Dong Yangfan said, pulled Xu Hao up and helped Xu Hao out.

"I tell you, don't take advantage of me, you stand firm!" Xu Hao is hanging on Dong Yangfan. Dong Yangfan can't hold it steady. In particular, Xu Hao's hand is not honest, which makes Dong Yangfan want to throw Xu Hao on the road.

Holding Xu Hao out of the bar, Dong Yangfan stopped a car and sent it directly to Xu Hao's apartment.

Let Xu Hao sleep in the living room, and Dong Yangfan can finally catch his breath.

"If you can't drink, try to be strong!" he kicked Xu Hao on his leg. Dong Yangfan hurried to get a basin of cold water to help Xu Hao wipe his body and took off his coat.

Miss Dong Yangfan, who has never served anyone, is very tired this time!

The whole person almost collapsed on the sofa and looked at Xu Hao sleeping. Dong Yangfan said angrily, "pig head, you are a big pig head, I hate you!" just said he hated Xu Hao, but his eyes were full of tenderness

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