Seeing Xu Hao sleeping on the sofa, Dong Yangfan couldn't help coming up, staring at Xu Hao's face and muttering, "you bastard, bullying me is like nothing! Do you know what it means to girls for the first time?"

With these words, Dong Yangfan's face turned red. Seeing that Xu Hao was still asleep like a dead pig, he couldn't help coming over and holding his nose.

In his sleep, Xu Hao's nose was pinched. Thinking that someone was playing a prank on him, he turned over directly and pressed Dong Yangfan holding his nose under his body. A pair of hands are not honest to touch Dong Yangfan.

Feel a little strange, Xu Hao suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at Dong Yangfan, who was shocked by himself, Xu Hao was startled and the wine woke up at once.

"You..." looking at Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao asked, "Why are you here?"

"Get up quickly!" Dong Yangfan pushed Xu Hao hard.

Xu Hao quickly stood up, looked at his bare upper body and asked, "did you do anything to me while I was asleep?"

"Bah, I like you?" Dong Yangfan glared at Xu Hao and said, "since you're sober, get out of here! If Su Jing sees you, you'll ruin our friendship!"

"I..." when Xu haogang was ready to fight back, he suddenly heard the sound of the key opening the door.

Dong Yangfan and Su Jing live in this apartment. It goes without saying who is opening the door now!

Turned around and looked at Dong Yangfan. Both of them were nervous. Although they didn't do anything, Su Jing came in and saw the scene. How should she explain it to her?

"Go to my bedroom!" without any hesitation, Dong Yangfan pushed Xu Hao into her bedroom.

As soon as Xu Hao got into Dong Yangfan's bedroom with his clothes, Su Jing opened the door and came in.

Seeing Dong Yangfan sitting in the living room, Su Jing asked, "didn't you go to the bar? Why did you come back so early!" as she said, Su Jing walked towards Dong Yangfan.

Smelling the smell of wine on Dong Yangfan, Su Jing asked, "have you been drinking?"

"Well, have a drink," said Dong Yangfan, not daring to look at Su Jing. After all, there is a living man hidden in her bedroom. If Su Jing knows this, she has a hundred mouths and can't explain it clearly!

Su Jing knows that Dong Yangfan is a drunkard, so she doesn't ask much. Sitting next to Dong Yangfan, they talked about the bar. Now, Dong Yangfan takes care of most things in the bar. Su Jing is really sorry.

"We agreed at the beginning." holding Su Jing's arm, Dong Yangfan said, "besides, I'm not busy with my schoolwork anyway. As long as you trust me, I'll take care of the bar!"

Su Jing and Dong Yangfan are chatting in the living room. Xu Hao hides in Dong Yangfan's bedroom, anxious.

Dong Yangfan is also worried that Xu Hao will be found by Su Jing, so he asks when Su Jing will go out from the side.

"Why are you urging me to go out so quickly? You didn't hide a man at home?" Su Jing said, making a gesture of looking for a man at home.

This time, Dong Yangfan was completely frightened. If Su Jing finds out Xu Hao, the relationship between their good sisters will come to an end.

"Su Jing, what are you talking about?" Dong Yangfan quickly grabbed Su Jing's arm and said, "I don't like men. I like big beautiful girls like you! Otherwise, you just kick your Xu Hao and forget it with me!"

"Go to hell!" when she heard Dong Yangfan flirting with her, Su Jing blushed and said, "you can't make such jokes in front of Xu Hao in the future."

"What? Afraid he's jealous?" Dong Yangfan said, deliberately picking up Su Jing's chin with his hand!

"Why are you talking more and more!" Su Jing hurriedly pushed Dong Yangfan's hand away and said, "well, well, what do you want to eat today? I'll make you delicious food to reward you for your hard work these days!"

Dong Yangfan doesn't want to eat now! However, she didn't dare to show it and squeezed out a smile. Dong Yangfan said, "I love everything you do!"

"Sailing, it's not like your style! To be honest, is there something you're hiding from me?" a woman's sixth sense is very sharp often.

Dong Yangfan turned his head guilty. As soon as he turned his eyes, he immediately thought of a solution. Looking back at Su Jing, Dong Yangfan said, "yes! In fact, I've been hiding something from you..."

Hearing Dong Yangfan's words, Xu Hao in the bedroom secretly prayed that Dong Yangfan, the chick, would not talk nonsense!

"Well, there's something you're hiding from me. Hurry to tell the truth!" Su Jing said, making a gesture of interrogating Dong Yangfan.

With a smile, Dong Yangfan said, "beauty, in fact, I want to tell you that I always like you! Otherwise, you will leave me today?"

"Go to hell!" Su Jing heard that Dong Yangfan was flirting with her, and her face turned red immediately. "I told you not to joke like this!" she said, and Su Jing walked towards the kitchen.

Taking advantage of this gap, Dong Yangfan slipped into the bedroom.

Seeing Xu Hao sitting in her bedroom leisurely playing with the computer, Dong Yangfan said angrily, "who let you play with my computer?"

"You are allowed to flirt with my woman outside?" Xu Hao turned to Dong Yangfan and said, "I finally know why you want to approach Su Jing. It turns out that you have been harbouring evil intentions towards her!"

"You... You don't care about me!" he glared at Xu Hao discontentedly, and Dong Yangfan said, "warn you, don't turn around in my bedroom, or you'll have good fruit to eat!" after that, Dong Yangfan worried about Su Jing's suspicion and hurried out of the bedroom.

Xu Hao was bored alone. After watching a movie for a while, a burst of sleepiness came. Xu Hao simply lay down on Dong Yangfan's bed and went to sleep.

Xu Hao slept very comfortably. When he woke up, it was already night. Quietly got up and hid behind the door. Xu Hao listened carefully to the movement in the living room.

Vaguely hearing the voice of chat in the living room, Xu Hao dared not be careless, so he quietly sent a message to Dong Yangfan.

Soon, Dong Yangfan returned to the bedroom. Seeing Xu Hao standing behind the door, Dong Yangfan was startled. "Why are you hiding here?"

"What do you say?" he looked at Dong Yangfan silently, and Xu Hao said, "I'm hungry!"

"Bear it!" with a white look at Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan said, "your Su Jing has no class tonight, so you ask for more luck!" with that, Dong Yangfan turned directly and went out.

He cursed Dong Yangfan secretly. When Xu Hao was going to find something to eat, Dong Yangfan went back and forth with a bag of snacks in his hand, "get together and eat!" then he quickly turned and went out

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