A small packet of snacks can't stand much. After eating, Xu Hao's stomach still growled. As a last resort, Xu Hao had to send another message to Dong Yangfan.

After a while, Dong Yangfan returned to the bedroom with half a bag of snacks.

Looking at Xu Hao's eyes, Dong Yangfan laughed, "here, take it to eat! I saved it for you from my teeth!"

"This stuff can't fill my stomach! You try to get me something to eat." looking at Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao said. You can't fill your stomach with snacks.

"Why do you think so much of good things?" after Xu Hao's glance, Dong Yangfan said, "if I go out to cook a bowl of noodles now, do you think Su Jing will doubt it? Besides, I can't cook noodles!"

"...." he said nothing directly to Dong Yangfan. Xu Hao said, "then hurry to urge Su Jing to go to bed. You try to coax her into the bedroom, and I'll run away quickly!"

"OK, wait for my news!" Dong Yangfan said and went out again.

Xu Hao waited in Dong Yangfan's bedroom for nearly half an hour and finally received the signal from Dong Yangfan. After putting his ear behind the door and confirming that there was no one in the living room, Xu Hao quickly opened the door of the bedroom.

After holding it all afternoon, Xu Hao went straight to the bathroom as soon as he went out.

After the comfortable solution, when Xu Hao was preparing to come out, he heard a voice in the living room: it was Su Jing and Dong Yangfan!

Shit, Dong Yangfan, is this chick reliable or not?

It was OK before. At least it was blocked in the bedroom. Now it's simply blocked in the bathroom! Xu Hao wants to die.

Just when Xu Hao was worried about how to get out, he heard someone coming towards the bathroom! Xu Hao raised his heart to his throat! If the person who came in was Su Jing, how should he explain? Will Su Jing believe it?

No matter 3721, Xu Hao hid behind the shower curtain in the bathroom!

Soon, footsteps came closer and closer. Xu Hao was relieved to find that the person who came in was Dong Yangfan.

Dong Yangfan was about to take off his pants when he suddenly heard Xu Hao call her.

Seeing Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan screamed as if he had seen a ghost, and then hurriedly covered his mouth with his hand.

"Sailing, what's the matter?" Su Jing, who was watching TV in the living room, hurried to the bathroom door and asked.

"Nothing, nothing, just a little slippery!" Dong Yangfan lied, then stared at Xu Hao and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I... I want to go to the bathroom first. I didn't think you were so useless that it took Su Jing less than two minutes to get to the bedroom!" Xu Hao was speechless. Dong Yangfan's chick is unreliable!

"I..." hearing Xu Hao complaining about her, Dong Yangfan wanted to hit people even more!

"Think of a way to send Su Jing away!" Xu Hao hurriedly turned around. It was at least safer in Dong Yangfan's bedroom. Now in the bathroom, Su Jing may find him at any time.

"I... where can I find a way?" Dong Yangfan wanted to cross his heart and hand over Xu Hao directly.

He made a gesture of request to Dong Yangfan, and Xu Hao motioned Dong Yangfan to help.

Just as Dong Yangfan sat on the toilet trying to find a way, Su Jing's voice sounded outside: "Yangfan, are you all right? I have to go to the bathroom, too!"

"Ah? I... I have a stomachache!" Dong Yangfan hesitated. If Su Jing came in, she would be covered with mouth and could not speak clearly!

"Then hurry up." when Dong Yangfan said that she had a stomachache, Su Jing stopped urging her.

"Why are you looking at me? It's all caused by yourself! If you just left directly, can there be this?" looked at Xu Hao discontentedly, and Dong Yangfan said angrily, "now it's OK. It's bad luck for me and me!"

After about half an hour, Su Jing urged Dong Yangfan again, "Yangfan, are you all right? I can't hold it!"

"I... I'm taking a bath. Hold on," said Dong Yangfan, opening the shower directly.

Xu Hao quickly stepped back and looked at Dong Yangfan in shock. Should this chick really take a bath?

"Turn around!" Dong Yangfan looked at Xu Hao angrily and said, "I'll give you ten minutes to figure out a way or disappear by yourself, or you will bear the consequences!"

"I... what can I do?" Xu Hao wanted to cry without tears!

Su Jing in the living room heard Dong Yangfan taking a bath in the bathroom. She was speechless. "You said, why do you have to take a bath at this time? Hurry up, I can't hold it!"

"OK, OK, soon!" Dong Yangfan said, and had to slowly start to take off his clothes.

"Hey... What are you doing?" Xu Hao stared at Dong Yangfan in shock!

"Do you think Su Jing is a fool? What if she goes out and reveals her stuffing later?" Dong Yangfan glanced shyly at Xu Hao and said, "turn around and squat in the corner!"

"Well, if you ask Su Jing to help you with your clothes, I can take the opportunity to run away." after thinking for a long time, Xu Hao came up with such a way.

"OK!" said Dong Yangfan, pulling a bath towel around him, went to the bathroom door, opened the door and said to Su Jing sitting on the sofa, "Su Jing, I forgot to take my clothes. Please help me get my underwear and pajamas!"

"Come out and take it yourself. You're afraid of being seen by me?" Su Jing said and stood up. In the past, when there were only two of them in the apartment, they often came out with only bath towels. Anyway, there were no outsiders. Naturally, they didn't worry about anything.

"Oh, just take it for me." Dong Yangfan said with some embarrassment.

"OK, OK, can't I get it for you?" Su Jing said and walked towards Dong Yangfan's bedroom.

Dong Yangfan quickly waved to Xu Hao.

Xu Hao hid behind Dong Yangfan, smelled the faint fragrance emitted by Dong Yangfan, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Be honest!" Dong Yangfan said, convinced that Su Jing had entered the bedroom, he quickly got out of the way so that Xu Hao could take the opportunity to escape.

Xu Hao didn't dare to be careless. He rushed out of the bathroom and ran directly to the door.

Seeing the door of the apartment closed, Dong Yangfan breathed a sigh of relief!

At this time, Su Jing also came out with Dong Yangfan's pajamas and underwear.

Seeing Su Jing coming out with a bath towel around her, Su Jing was speechless. "Don't you think you've come out? You have to let me help you get your clothes!"

"I'm going to test you," said Dong Yangfan. He went to Su Jing's side, hugged Su Jing's arm and said, "don't you want to go to the bathroom? Go quickly!"

"How do I think you're weird?" Su Jing asked suspiciously after looking at Dong Yangfan.

"Oh, I can't be surprised. Go to the bathroom!" Dong Yangfan said, pushing Su Jing into the bathroom.

Pushing Su Jing into the bathroom, Dong Yangfan breathed a sigh of relief. Hurriedly ran into the bedroom and sent a message to Xu Hao. After confirming that Xu Hao left, she finally put down her hanging heart.

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