Tang Jing didn't know where to apply for 4A scenic spot in the food street. She directly found Xu Hao and Su Dajiang.

"I don't think 4A scenic spot is suitable!" sitting in the office, Tang Jing said, "with such a large flow of tourists in our food street and so many old buildings, I think we should at least declare 5A scenic spot!"

After listening to Tang Jing's words, Xu Hao was speechless for a while! 5A, he wants to? The key national tourism administration does not give approval!

"Miss Tang, this... Class 5A is definitely not good. I have discussed with relevant experts in the city. However, class 4a is still promising." look at Tang Jing and Su Dajiang trying to explain.

"Just listen to me this time and apply for 5A!" looking at Xu Hao and Su Dajiang, Tang Jing said: "I consulted with several experts in Yanjing. They all agreed that although our food street was established for a short time, it has enough inside information! There is no problem in applying for 5A scenic spot!"

"Which expert said that?" Su Dajiang asked hurriedly. If experts can support them to apply for 5A scenic spots, they will have a much greater hope of success.

"That's the expert." Tang Jing said to Gu, "anyway, listen to me this time!"

Seeing Tang Jing dodging, Su Dajiang was even more worried. According to the relevant national regulations, if this declaration fails, it will have a great impact on the follow-up declaration work!

Su Dajiang doesn't know Tang Jing's background, but Xu Hao knows something. Since Tang Jing said so, it is probably through the relationship. Therefore, as long as the materials are submitted, the probability of approval is very high!

Thinking of this, Xu Hao quickly said to Su Dajiang, "Uncle Su, let's just try it once! It's a big deal. We won't declare the grade in the next few years!"

"This......" Su Dajiang still hesitated. However, seeing that Xu Hao and Tang Jing are so sure, he also wants to impact the application of 5A scenic spots. Once approved by the National Tourism Administration, it will be a great honor for Jiangcheng memory food street!

"OK!" after hesitating for a while, Su Dajiang agreed, "since we have decided to declare 4A scenic spots, it's better to be bold and declare 5A directly!"

"That's right!" Xu Hao said with a smile, "Uncle Su, you have to urge everyone to revise the relevant materials as soon as possible!"

"OK, I'll leave this matter to me." Su Dajiang quickly agreed.


After talking about the application of perfect food street for scenic spots, Tang Jing left with Xu Hao.

Sitting in Xu Hao's car, Tang Jing suddenly asked, "are you really going to go back to the East China Sea?"

"I didn't expect your news to be very well informed." Xu Hao smiled and didn't deny it.

"I know something about your Xu group." turning to Xu Hao, Tang Jing said, "to tell you the truth, it's not a good time to go back to the East China Sea!"

"The opportunity is created by people, not waiting for it." Xu Hao also wants to prepare more fully and return to the East China Sea. However, he has been waiting too long. He urgently wants to know the cause of his parents' death and find out the facts of that year!

"Now that you have decided, I won't say more." Tang Jing nodded silently and said, "I just remind you to pay attention to childe Zhao!"

"Do you know anything?" Xu Hao asked Tang Jing after stepping on the brake. For so many years, he has been bitter about his parents' death. If Tang Jing knows anything, he must ask.

"Xu Hao, calm down!" seeing Xu Hao's red eyes, Tang Jing was afraid for no reason. "I know something, but I have no evidence! However, it is certain that the cause of your parents' death is related to childe Zhao!"

"Do you have any information about this childe Zhao?" Xu Hao asked Tang Jing.

Shaking her head, Tang Jing said, "he has few public information. Even if he gives it to you, you can't see anything! You should know that people like him have far more identities than those on the surface!"

Nodding, Xu Hao naturally understood what Tang Jing meant.

"Thank you for telling me so much." looking at Tang Jing, Xu Hao said, "no matter how big the difficulties are in front of me, I will not turn back! My parents can't die so unknowingly!"

"I understand you!" Tang Jing said, reaching out a hand, grasping Xu Hao's hand and saying, "no matter what time, I will firmly stand on your side!"

"Thank you!" nodded at Tang Jing, and Xu Hao started the car again.

"I invested one billion yuan in Song Yuwei's fund company..." looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said, "this is the largest amount of money I can mobilize. If you need it, go to song Yuwei and she will lend you the money!"

Xu Hao didn't expect that Tang Jing would make a $1 billion move, which greatly surprised him.

Nodding silently, Xu Hao didn't say anything polite like thank you. With the reserve fund of 1 billion yuan, Xu Hao has more courage! Even if the opponent is strong and supported by one billion, he also has the confidence to fight with the enemy!

When Tang Jing was sent home, Xu Hao drove to Zhang Yalin's company.

Since it is decided to set up East China company, Zhang Yalin's processing plant must take a step first.

"Are you kidding?" she stared at Xu Hao and Zhang Yalin said, "we can't eat such a big processing factory!"

"You can find her." Xu Hao handed song Yuwei's business card to Zhang Yalin and said, "you can set up a joint venture! In a month at most, Dongping company will set up a company in the East China Sea."

"Xu Hao, tell me, are you really not talking nonsense?" Zhang Yalin looked at Xu Hao and said in shock. Xu Hao, this is a big investment!

"I know what I'm doing!" looking at Zhang Yalin, Xu Hao said, "our opponent is Tianle beverage group. If it's just a small fight, we'll never be the opponent of Tianle beverage group!"

"Well... OK!" nodded Zhang Yalin, "but are you sure she will agree to lend me money and set up a joint venture with me?"

"I have communicated with her," Xu Hao said hurriedly. "Now, your first task is to make the processing plant run in the shortest time!"

"No problem, it's not difficult for me!" Zhang Yalin said confidently.

Xu Hao has two plans to let Zhang Yalin's processing plant go to the East China Sea first: one is that Zhang Yalin's goal is small, which is not easy to arouse others' suspicion; Second, naturally, it is also for the purpose of establishing the East China company. At the same time, Zhang Yalin can continuously provide products for Dongping company to seize the market!

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