While Xu Hao was busy with market expansion, Yang Zonglin finally completely solved the conflict between pony e-commerce and Yunteng e-commerce.

Through Yang Zonglin's difficult persuasion on both sides, the heads of the two families were willing to do it and have a chat. After Yang Zonglin's matchmaking, Xiaoma e-commerce agreed to invest a considerable amount of funds in Yunteng e-commerce and occupy some shares of Yunteng e-commerce. As a payment, Yunteng e-commerce and Dongping company jointly announced that Xiaoma e-commerce was authorized to sell Dongping fruit juice drinks online.

Of course, there is another news that has not been announced privately, that is, the logistics system of pony e-commerce will reach strategic cooperation with Dongping company and be responsible for the transportation tasks of Dongping company.

This is a happy solution. Although pony e-commerce paid some money, they gained more. Not only got the online sales right of Dongping drinks, but also successfully took shares in Yunteng e-commerce.

"Lao Yang, you're really good at this!" looking at Yang Zonglin, Xu Hao gave a thumbs up. "How did you persuade Yan Weiguo? I know that Lao Yan is extremely stubborn!"

With a bitter smile, Yang Zonglin said: "it's nothing more than interest exchange! In fact, Yan Weiguo also knows that the development of Yunteng e-commerce has reached the bottleneck. It's difficult for them to become bigger and stronger by relying on wine sales alone! Therefore, they also want to seek change! At this time, it's most appropriate for Yan Weiguo to connect with pony e-commerce!"

"Yan Weiguo didn't ask for anything else?" Xu Haocai didn't believe that Yan Weiguo could stop! The reason why Yan Weiguo has been obsessed with pony e-commerce before is not to touch porcelain and rub fame?

"Hahaha... You guessed right!" Yang Zonglin laughed and said, "Yan Weiguo has signed a gambling agreement with Xiaoma e-commerce! Once Yunteng e-commerce can maintain its performance growth at more than 50 in the next two years, Xiaoma e-commerce will separate its liquor sales business and incorporate it into Yunteng e-commerce!"

"What?" Xu Hao's eyes widened. Isn't this practice of pony e-commerce an enemy of capital?

"Mr. Xu, calm down." Yang Zonglin hurriedly said: "this merger is conditional. Xiaoma e-commerce will hold more than 51 shares of xinyunteng e-commerce as the largest shareholder. Yan Weiguo will keep the identity of the team founder unchanged and operate Yunteng e-commerce alone!"

After Yang Zonglin's explanation, Xu Hao finally understood. In fact, to put it bluntly, as long as Yunteng e-commerce can meet the performance growth requirements specified in the gambling agreement, pony e-commerce will invest in the acquisition of Yunteng e-commerce and agree to operate alone!

Not to mention, pony e-commerce will even incorporate its wine sales business into Yunteng e-commerce, access Yunteng e-commerce on pony e-commerce platform, and bring massive traffic to Yunteng e-commerce!

"This is what Yan Weiguo wants!" after careful consideration, Xu Hao understood. Relying on the big tree of pony e-commerce, Yan Weiguo's Yunteng e-commerce will only get better and better!

"In fact, Xiaoma e-commerce has also considered market segmentation operation. Yunteng e-commerce can be regarded as a pilot of Xiaoma e-commerce!" looking at Xu Hao, Yang Zonglin explained: "once Yunteng e-commerce is successful, Xiaoma e-commerce will start to split its business and form multiple special e-commerce sales platforms! In this way, it is also convenient for consumers to choose!"

Today's Pony e-commerce is more like a grocery store with everything. Users need to go through more complex selection when they want to buy something! The finely divided market is to display a specific category of goods, which should not only be more convenient for promotion, but also consumers can better choose!

"Lao Yang, you have solved a big problem for me this time!" Xu Hao said with great satisfaction.

"Mr. Xu, do the headquarters need to make some preparations in advance for the next expansion to the East China market?" although he knew he shouldn't ask this question, Yang Zonglin asked.

Although Huang Xin is responsible for the East China market, as the general manager of the company, Yang Zonglin must consider it all. In addition, Donghai company has just been established, and it must face many difficulties. Although the headquarters also has many difficulties, the life of the headquarters is always better than that of the poor Donghai company.

"Prepare more goods!" looking at Yang Zonglin, Xu Hao said: "the rest depends on Donghai company! The current task of the headquarters is to consolidate the existing market and expand other markets at the same time!"

"OK!" Yang Zonglin nodded, indicating that he understood Xu Hao's meaning.

Leaving the company, Xu Hao went straight to Huang Xin's residence. These days, Huang Xin has been doing all the preparations for the East China Sea.

"Why are you here?" Huang Xin was slightly surprised when she saw Xu Hao coming. "The company is busy?"

"Almost!" Xu Hao said and walked in. "Sister Xin, how are you preparing? It's difficult to go to the East China Sea this time!"

"Are you here to attack me?" he glared at Xu Hao discontentedly, and Huang Xin said: "don't worry, I've almost prepared! I can set up the framework of Donghai company in half a month at most!"

"It's impossible for Jiangcheng to give you too much help, so..." looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said: "sister Xin, you should be fully prepared! You have nothing except the 50 million cash you and I have prepared for you!"

"That's enough!" Huang Xin was not so pessimistic. "Besides, isn't Zhang Yalin already preparing for the construction of a new production base in the East China Sea? As long as the production is OK, I believe other problems are not a problem!"

"Yang Zonglin will prepare a batch of inventory for you. Once there is a need in Donghai, you can call him at any time." looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "this is the only thing Jiangcheng can do for you! Donghai company should not only gain a firm foothold, but also quickly expand the market!"

"Don't worry, I know!" looked at Xu Hao discontentedly, and Huang Xin said, "I know that Donghai company is of great significance to you, otherwise I wouldn't take the initiative to go to Donghai! Don't worry, as long as I'm in Donghai, I won't let you down!"

"Sister Xin, thank you!" said Xu Hao, standing up and hugging Huang Xin.

According to Huang Xin's temper, he will probably push Xu Hao away. However, this time, Huang Xin not only didn't push him away, but hugged him tightly.

"Let's have dinner together in the evening." looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "tell our colleagues goodbye!"

"OK, you can arrange it!" Huang Xin agreed happily. "I don't know when I can come back this time!"

"Sister Xin, don't say that. It's like parting from life and death!" Xu Hao smiled bitterly and said, "if I trade you for the East China market, I won't lose a lot?"

"Go to hell! If you say two words, you won't be in shape!" pushed Xu Hao away, and Huang Xin said with a red face.

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