In order to put more pressure on Mr. Zhao, Xu Hao contacted pony e-commerce and Yunteng e-commerce to start activities directly on the online market and wantonly seize the online consumer market of Tianle beverage group!

While fully seizing the market online, various offline promotional activities are also coming one after another! Xu Hao wants to use this way to put the greatest pressure on Tianle beverage group in the short term!

Under the strong offensive of Dongping company, Yao Ruili had to find Xu Hao again and negotiate with Xu Hao.

Xu Hao directly ignored Yao Ruili's request and randomly arranged a department director to talk to Yao Ruili. The Department Director didn't get Xu Hao's authorization. Naturally, he didn't know about it. He almost spit blood on Yao Ruili!

As a last resort, Yao Ruili had to visit Xu Hao in person.

"Mr. Yao, you are a distinguished guest." that's what I said, but Xu Hao didn't bother to stand up when he was sitting in the boss's chair.

Although Yao Ruili was embarrassed, he had to go into Xu Hao's office.

"Mr. Xu, are you going too far this time?" Yao Ruili quickly said before sitting down: "on the one hand, you opposed the large-scale promotion of Tianle beverage group in the board of directors, but on the other hand, you took this means of promotion to seize the market of Tianle beverage group. Isn't it too mean?"

"Despicable? I don't think it's despicable!" Xu Hao smiled at Yao Ruili and said, "there are more despicable means. I'm useless! Otherwise, I'll use them in a moment?"

"Mr. Xu, you are also a person with status. Aren't you afraid of being stabbed in the spine when doing such a thing?" Yao Ruili is really hard to say now. Childe Zhao forced him to solve the matter as soon as possible, and Xu Hao didn't enter the oil and salt!

He was caught in the middle, both sides were embarrassed, but there was no solution, and he was miserable.

"President Yao, haven't you heard a word? Shopping malls are like battlefields! Since they are all battlefields, it's of course life and death! Besides, I'm a aboveboard means, not a shady means." Xu Hao said with a smile: "the board of directors of your group can't pass, it has nothing to do with me! I don't forbid you to pass!"

"You..." Yao ruiliming knew that the two directors of the board of directors acted according to Xu Hao's instructions, but there was no way. Because, nominally, these two directors have nothing to do with Xu Hao! These two directors were sent by song Yuwei and implemented song Yuwei's decision.

Song Yuwei, as the third largest shareholder of the company, requires the company to focus on the pursuit of profits. It can't be said that her proposal is too much! On the premise of putting interests first, it is naturally difficult for all kinds of promotions and activities to pass.

While holding back Tianle beverage group, Dongping company is also pressing on the market share of Tianle beverage group step by step. If this continues, Tianle drinks will lose at least one-third of the market! This is extremely fatal to Tianle beverage group!

"President Yao, have you finished what you should say?" after seeing Yao Ruili, Xu Hao meant to see off the guests. He is not interested in talking to such minions as Yao Ruili. His goal is childe Zhao!

"Xu Hao, one day, you will regret it!" Yao Ruili said angrily, standing up and pointing to Xu Hao. Then he turned and left Xu Hao's office.

As soon as Yao Ruili left, Xu Hao immediately called Liu Yuling in, "sister Xiaoling, help me collect some information about Yao Ruili."

"OK, I'll do it now!" Liu Yuling said and turned away.

After Liu Yuling left, Xu Hao dialed Huang Xin again, "sister Xin, what's the situation over there?"

"Everything is going well!" Huang Xin said excitedly on the phone: "our market share in the East China Sea has accounted for nearly half, and the market share of Tianle beverage is less than 30%. Moreover, it is still shrinking..."

"We have to work harder to get rid of them as soon as possible!" Xu Hao said with a smile on the phone. Once you lose the market in the East China Sea, and then lose the market in East China, I believe Mr. Zhao can't sit still.

"Don't worry, for three months at most, I promise to drive Tianle beverage group out!" Huang Xin said confidently: "if I knew Tianle beverage group was so weak, I wouldn't come to the East China Sea! It's too challenging!"

"Don't..." Xu Hao said hurriedly, "if you didn't sit in the East China Sea, we wouldn't have the situation now! Besides, we can't underestimate Tianle beverage group. They have a deep foundation. Now they don't even hurt their muscles and bones!"

"OK, I see. I just said that casually!" Huang Xin also put away the joke and said solemnly: "don't worry, we won't relax! Now that we have a war on Tianle beverage group, we will fight to the end!"

"Sales centers in other regions will also cooperate with you to do targeted promotional activities, strive for more flowers and reduce the market space of Tianle beverage group! Only in this way can Tianle beverage group know our strength!" this is also Xu Hao's overall plan. With the board of directors holding back in Tianle beverage group, Xu Hao can have a big fight.

"By the way, you have to tell Zhang Yalin that their production capacity is still not good." during this period, the market share of Dongping company has been expanding, and the most direct consequence is that production can not keep up!

"Zhang Yalin, I dare not force her any more." Xu Hao said with a bitter smile. Last time Xu Hao called Zhang Yalin, before he could say it, his predecessor Zhang Yalin complained.

"If you don't force her, the seller will force me!" Huang Xin said with a headache: "it's time for us to seize the market. The seller is the uncle, and we have to try our best to serve!"

Xu Hao also knows the difficulties of Huang Xin! However, Xu Hao knows the difficulties of Zhang Yalin! Zhang Yalin worked in three shifts. People stopped machines and started work 24 hours a day. However, even so, it is difficult for the production capacity to support the current demand.

In order to ensure the demand of the East China Sea market, Yang Zonglin even deliberately pressed the shipment volume of Shen Rong. All the remaining inventory was sent to the East China Sea to support Huang Xin.

"Sister Xin, the new production base has been planned, but it will take time. If you really can't support it, find president Yang. I've found that you can squeeze something out of President Yang at any time." Xu Hao simply pushed the headache to Yang Zonglin.

"If I force president Yang again, he may have blacked my phone." Huang Xin said with a bitter smile, "forget it, I'd better find a way by myself. The way is always more difficult than the way!"

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