When Xu Hao won the battle with Tianle beverage group, another good news came - Jiangcheng memory food street has passed the application for national 5A scenic spot!

"To tell you the truth, I was also a little surprised." with the reply from the National Tourism Administration, Su Dajiang felt like a dream. "Some time ago, the national tourism administration asked me to make a statement in Yanjing. As a result, I didn't speak very well. I thought I couldn't pass!"

After listening to Su Dajiang, Xu Hao knew that Tang Jing must have contributed to it!

However, Tang Jing didn't want to say it, so Xu Hao pretended not to know and asked Tang Jing to be an unsung hero!

"Today, we must celebrate!" Su Dajiang's excitement can hardly be described in words!

Su Dajiang was so excited that Xu Hao naturally wouldn't say anything disappointing and promised.

"I think we'll eat at Sister Zhang Yue's place and save trouble at home." Xu Hao asked Su Dajiang for his advice.

"OK, I'll call your Aunt Huang Mei first." Su Dajiang said excitedly, so he dialed Huang Mei and told her the good news.


In the evening, Xu Hao, Su Dajiang's family and Zhang Yue celebrated that Jiangcheng memory food street passed the approval of the National Tourism Administration and officially became a 5A scenic spot!

"Dad, your wish has been fulfilled. Come on, I'll give you a toast!" Su Jing said. She picked up the glass in front of her and said to Su Dajiang.

Su Dajiang was very interested. He raised his glass, touched Su Jing, and drank the wine in the glass.

Everyone is in high spirits and has no moderation when drinking wine. The most direct consequence is that all five people drink too much! Especially Su Dajiang, the whole person was drunk on the dinner table.

As a last resort, Zhang Yue had to arrange several waiters in Yueyuan to send Su Dajiang and Huang Mei back.

"Xiaojing, just stay here and take care of Xu Hao." before leaving, Huang Mei said to Su Jing, "your father is an alcoholic. I can serve him when I go back. Xu Hao will let him live with your cousin!"

"OK, be careful." Su Jing is a little worried. Huang Mei and Su Dajiang.

"OK, we know," said Huang Mei, walking out of Yueyuan after the two waiters.

"Cousin......" she looked up at Zhang Yue. Su Jing pursed her lips and said, "where do I live with Xu Hao at night?"

"I have an empty room now..." looking at Su Jing, Zhang Yue deliberately teased her and said.

As soon as Zhang Yue's words were finished, Su Jing's face turned red. After hesitating for a while, Su Jing bit her lips and said, "well... I'll live with Xu Hao. Anyway... He drank too much!"

"You dead girl, you're not afraid of being taken advantage of!" stretched out his hand and poked Su Jing's forehead. Zhang Yue came up to Su Jing's ear and whispered, "have you ever been with Xu Hao?"

"Cousin, what are you talking about?" Su Jing said nervously, "I... we are still young!"

"Fart!" with a white look at Su Jing, Zhang Yue didn't believe Xu Hao would put Su Jing's little sheep and not eat it! According to her understanding of Xu Hao, it is estimated that Su Jing has long been wiped clean by him!

When the two waiters sent Xu Hao to her room, Su Jing said, "OK, if you have anything to do, just call the waiters. I've drunk too much. I'll have a rest first!" then Zhang Yue walked towards her lounge.

Looking at Xu Hao sleeping in bed, Su Jing is worried!

"Xu Hao... Xu Hao..." Su Jing wanted to call Xu Hao up, but unfortunately, she called several times, and Xu Hao didn't respond to her. As a last resort, Su Jing had to help Xu Hao take off her shoes first, and then take off her clothes.

Seeing that Xu Hao was sweating a lot, Su Jing went to the bathroom to get a basin of warm water and helped Xu Hao wipe his body.

Help Xu Hao wipe his body. Su Jing is afraid that Xu Hao will catch a cold and is ready to help Xu Hao cover the quilt. As a result, Su Jing was hugged by Xu Hao and rolled over under her.

After a cloud and rain, Su Jing didn't even have the strength to move, but Xu Hao had fallen asleep on her.

"Pig head!" glanced at Xu Hao. Su Jing took a bite on Xu Hao's shoulder and said shyly.

When Xu Hao woke up the next day, they still kept the posture they had yesterday. Su Jing frowned and her face was full of fatigue.

Seeing this, Xu Hao knew that last night, he must have drunk too much and forcibly pushed Su Jing down. Looking at Su Jing still sleeping, Xu Hao stretched out his hand and gently stroked her pretty face.

As soon as Xu Hao's hand touched her face, Su Jing opened her eyes.

Seeing Xu Hao, Su Jing embarrassed to cover her eyes, "Oh, why don't you wear clothes?"

"You're not naked!" Xu Hao said, deliberately patting Su Jing's little hip, "well, well, it's dawn!"

"You... You're dead!" Su Jing said, trying to escape. As a result, as soon as I sat up, I almost fell down.

Seeing Xu Hao's eyes, Su Jing glared at him and said, "it's all your fault, i... I'm swollen!" as she said, Su Jing quickly pulled two clothes to block the key position and limped towards the bathroom.

After waiting for a long time, Su Jing took a bath and walked out of the bathroom.

Seeing Xu Hao's naked eyes, Su Jing instinctively hid back, "you can't think! You won't touch me again in the future. It hurts to death!"

Xu Hao naturally knows that he drank so much wine yesterday and was certainly not gentle enough to Su Jing. Su Jing is also a virgin. You can imagine the pain yesterday!

"Sorry, I..." Xu Hao walked over and gently hugged Su Jing in his arms. He didn't know what words to express.

"Why does that kind of thing hurt? The book says that kind of thing is very pleasant?" leaning against Xu Hao's arms, Su Jing asked curiously.

"You read that kind of book. I won't punish you!" said Xu Hao, reaching out and patting Su Jing on her hip.

Su Jing accidentally tells her little secret and shyly wants to escape. Xu Hao had already taken precautions against this. He picked up Su Jing and walked towards the bed

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