I don't know how much relationship Tang Jing used. Childe Zhao finally agreed to come to Jiangcheng to meet Xu Hao!

The meeting place was arranged in Tang Jing's club. After all, only Tang Jing's club in Jiangcheng is relatively private.

Originally, Xu Hao thought that childe Zhao should be a young man in his thirties, but to Xu Hao's surprise, this childe Zhao is more than 50!

"What? I'm surprised?" Mr. Zhao saw Xu Hao's expression, with a faint smile on his face and said, "to tell you the truth, you surprised me even more! In just two years, you forced Tianle beverage group into trouble! Your ability is not under your father Xu Dongping!"

"I didn't come here today to listen to your nonsense." Xu Hao said and walked directly towards Mr. Zhao. "How did my parents die?"

"Young man, why can't you be so calm?" childe Zhao poured himself a cup of tea and Xu Hao. He said, "Miss Tang, the Dahongpao here is the most authentic. The annual output is only a few kilograms. It's a pity not to taste it!"

Xu Hao knows that at this time, who is more calm than! He forced himself to calm down. After sitting down, he picked up the tea cup and tasted it carefully.

"How's it going? Is my kung fu in making tea OK?" said Mr. Zhao, smiling. "I haven't made tea for so many years, but I'm a little rusty!"

"Well, I've had my tea. Is it time to talk about business?" Xu Hao asked childe Zhao after putting down his tea cup.

"What's the hurry?" Mr. Zhao put down his tea cup, looked at Xu Hao and said, "to tell you the truth, without the Tang family, you would be just a mole ant in my eyes! Without the support of the Tang family, can you achieve such a big career? Nonsense!"

Xu Hao naturally does not deny that Tang Jing has given him all kinds of help in his career development! However, even without the support of the Tang family, he can develop. Just relying on the mysterious space in his hand is enough to make anyone dare not underestimate him!

"It's meaningless to say this now!" Xu Hao didn't want to entangle these topics with Childe Zhao. He went straight to the topic and asked, "now, should you talk about my parents?"

"Since I promised to meet you, these things naturally need to be talked about!" looking at Xu Hao, Mr. Zhao said, "at the beginning, I gave your parents a chance. As long as they are willing to use it for me, they can not only obtain huge wealth, but also improve their career. However, your parents don't know good or bad, so I can only let them disappear!"

"You..." hearing that the cause of his parents' death was really done by this childe Zhao, Xu Hao's anger suddenly rose.

"What? Do you think you can deal with me?" he looked up at Xu Hao, and master Zhao sneered and said: "I advise you to give up this idea! You Xu group couldn't fight me at the beginning, not to mention you? If you were allowed to develop for 20 or 30 years, you might still pose a threat to me. Unfortunately, you wanted to fight me when you were young, so you must fail!"

"Really?" Xu Hao sneered and said, "at most half a year, I will eat Tianle beverage group. At that time, I think how can you fight me?"

"Tianle beverage group is not as important to me as you think! The reason why I forced Yao Ruili to negotiate with you is just to save face!" Mr. Zhao looked at Xu Hao and said, "besides, you really think you can eat Tianle beverage group? It's a fool's dream!"

"Whether you can eat Tianle beverage group will be known soon!" at this time, Xu Hao will not shrink back. "I will not only eat Tianle beverage group, but also eat all the enterprises in your hands step by step, so that you can taste the taste of family destruction and death!"

"Ha ha... What a big breath!" said Mr. Zhao, standing up directly. "I'm more and more interested in you! I'm looking forward to your performance!" then Mr. Zhao strode out directly.

As soon as Mr. Zhao left, Tang Jing hurried in, "how's the conversation?"

Reluctantly shrugged, Xu Hao roughly said the course of their conversation, "now, can you tell me about this childe Zhao?"

"All right!" sighed Tang Jing "The Zhao family has always been our aristocratic family with profound Chinese heritage! Childe Zhao is the code name of the speaker of each generation of the Zhao family! The Zhao family's industry is all over the world, and their most important industry is biopharmaceutical. Nearly half of the world's drug production is controlled by the Zhao family! Therefore, the wealth of the Zhao family can be described as invincible! Even our Tang family is not easy Dare to provoke them! "

"Biopharmaceutical is the core industry of the Zhao family?" Xu Hao was a little surprised. If Tang Jing hadn't said this, I'm afraid he wouldn't have found it at all.

"Yes!" looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said, "moreover, we also suspect that the Zhao family is responsible for several large-scale viruses that have erupted intensively in the world. Otherwise, they cannot develop and issue specific drugs in such a short time after the virus outbreak and push them to the market in such a short time!"

"You mean the Zhao family is still secretly cultivating viruses?" Xu Hao was even more shocked.

Nodding, Tang Jing said, "yes! However, the country has been unable to find evidence. In addition, most of all kinds of viruses broke out abroad, so China will turn a blind eye to what the Zhao family did!"

Xu Hao was deeply shocked by the news about the Zhao family heard from Tang Jing today! The Zhao family secretly cultivated super viruses, and then used special drugs to make profits and earn wealth!

"As long as we get the evidence that the Zhao family made the super virus, the state will start with the Zhao family?" Xu Hao asked again when he looked at Tang Jing.

Nodding, Tang Jing said, "the state has been staring at the Zhao family for not a day or two. However, due to the lack of evidence and the detachment of the Zhao family, the relevant state departments have nothing to do! However, once we get the conclusive evidence, it will be the end of the Zhao family!"

"OK, let me do this!" since it is difficult to shake the Zhao family's position in business, we can only start from this aspect.

"You have a way?" Tang Jing was shocked. Relevant state departments have not found a way for so many years. What can Xu Hao do?

"Of course, but I still need your help from the Tang family," Xu Hao said, looking at Tang Jing. After learning that the Zhao family was secretly manufacturing a super virus, a bold plan appeared in Xu Hao's mind! However, this plan is inseparable from the help of the Tang family!

"You say!" Tang Jing sat down next to Xu Hao and asked curiously.

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