Since he decided to cooperate with the Tang family, Xu Hao naturally stopped hiding something from Tang Jing and simply said the existence of the mysterious space.

"What?" when Xu Hao talked about this mysterious space, Tang Jing opened her mouth in shock and didn't return to her mind for a long time!

"Don't be surprised! Listen to my plan!" looking at Tang Jing, Xu Hao said: "my idea is to use the mysterious space to cultivate a controllable virus, and then sell the virus to the Zhao family, or simply leak the virus directly to the Zhao family, follow the vine and touch the melon, and then obtain the criminal evidence of the Zhao family."

"You are fishing law enforcement!" Tang Jing was stunned at first, and then understood immediately. This method is also the best way to find the evidence of Zhao's crime! Just, can we really cultivate controllable super viruses by using that mysterious space?

"As for the cultivation of virus, you Tang family need to do it. You know, I can't do anything in this regard!" since I know that the Tang family has a strong background and can be judged from Tang Jing's tone, the Tang family seems to be grasping the handle of the Zhao family, so I just leave it to the Tang family.

"This thing... Is really beyond my imagination. Wait a minute. I'll report it to Grandpa and give you an answer." Tang Jing said. She quickly got up, went back to the office, took out a secret phone from the safe and dialed grandpa's phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Tang Jing roughly explained Xu Hao's plan.

Tang Jing's grandfather, Tang Zongming, was stunned for a long time when he heard the so-called mysterious space. "Sure enough, there is more than one such mysterious space! I said at the beginning that since you can find a mysterious space, there will be a second one."

At the beginning, the Tang family found a special element that can control Tang Jing's condition from the vegetables provided by Xu Hao, which is also the basis for Tang Jing's cooperation with Xu Hao! For more than a year, the Tang family has been quietly studying Xu Hao's vegetable base and orchard.

However, Tang Zongming never thought that Xu Hao's hand actually controlled a mysterious space!

"Tell Xu Hao that I'll go to Jiangcheng right away and let's talk in detail." Tang Zongming said and hung up the phone immediately. The news I got today is really shocking to the Tang family!

Seeing Tang Jing coming back, Xu Hao quickly asked, "how's it going?"

"Grandpa said he would come to Jiangcheng right away and have an interview with you." Tang Jing didn't expect that this incident would startle the old man from Yanjing. After all, Tang Zongming is in his 80s. If it hadn't been for Tianda, he would never have left Yanjing. Master Tang is called the sea god needle of the Chinese Army! He has high prestige in the army.


Tang Zongming's speed was very fast. He rushed to Jiangcheng the next day and arranged for Xu Hao to receive Xu Hao from the secret base of Jiangcheng military region.

"You are Xu Hao." seeing Xu Hao, Tang Zongming greeted Xu Hao with a smile. "I've been listening to Tang Jing's girl mention you. I finally saw a living man today!"

"Hello, Grandpa Tang." Xu Hao said hello to Tang Zongming politely, then walked over and sat down.

After sitting down, Tang Zongming first chatted with Xu Hao about family affairs, and then returned to the subject and asked about the mysterious space.

Xu Hao told Tang Zongming everything without telling him!

"To tell you the truth, a mysterious space was discovered in China 15 years ago. The country named it little world one." looking at Xu Hao, Tang Zongming said with a smile: "However, we are not as lucky as you. The small world No. 1 discovered by the country is deserted and has nothing! After studying for so many years, there is basically no progress! It's your small world. It's amazing that it is full of vitality!"

"Grandpa Tang, my little world was desolate at the beginning..." Xu Hao roughly described the initial appearance of the small world, and then said: "it has also slowly developed into what it is now!"

"Well, you take people to have a look first." Tang Zongming said, saying to a young officer nearby, "Xiao Yang, you take a group of people to see what's going on and make the most detailed records as far as possible!"

"Yes!" Xiao Yang quickly stood up and said.

"Grandpa Tang, you have a rest first. I'll take them to have a look." Xu Hao said. He also stood up and took Xiao Yang and his party to his residence.

When they followed Xu Hao into the small world, Xiao Yang and his party were shocked. They all had the experience of studying in small world No. 1 before, but they were no longer calm when they saw Xu Hao's small world!

"Xu Hao, your little world is really... It's really a big treasure house!" looking at the lush everywhere, Xiao Yang said with some excitement.

"All these fruits can be eaten!" said Xu Hao. He picked a fruit similar to strawberry and threw it into his mouth!

"Come on, sample!" Xiao Yang quickly said to the person who brought him: "make detailed records. The research value of this small world is too great!"

After telling others to take samples, Xiao Yang looked around in the small world under the leadership of Xu Hao.

"I guess there are not only plants, but also animals in this small world." after turning around, Xiao Yang came to the conclusion, "your small world has more research value. I'll report it to the headquarters immediately!"

Leave others to sample in the small world. Xiao Yang and Xu Hao leave first!

"Xu Hao, from now on, the army will take over here, so I hope you can understand!" looking at Xu Hao, Xiao Yang said.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "yes! However, I have one condition. I have the priority to use any scientific research achievements that can be used for civil use in the small world!"

"Well... I need instructions." Xiao Yang glanced at Xu Hao and immediately dialed Tang Zongming.

But in a few minutes, Xiao Yang got Tang Zongming's reply, "Old Tang has said that he promised you the conditions! Not only that, the state will give you support in all aspects!"

"Really?" Xu Hao was a little excited. He didn't expect that he would take advantage of the country one day.

"Of course, Xu Hao, you don't know how important this small world is to the country! When we found small world No. 1, we guessed that there would be many similar small worlds, but we never found them. Your small world confirmed our guess." looking at Xu Hao, Xiao Yang was excited and incoherent, "In short, your little world is priceless to our country! Once we have any research breakthrough, we can further improve our country's national strength!"

Xu Hao can understand Xiao Yang's excitement. He has gained so much benefit from this small world. If he gathers the strength of the whole country to study this small world, the country will naturally gain more benefits!

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